You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 57: Elixir of Immortality

Returning to Qingyun Sect, Ye Lin saw that all the outer disciples were busy, as if they were about to do something big.

"What... happened to you guys?"

Ye Lin casually grabbed an outer disciple and asked immediately.

The outer disciple who was pulled was a little angry at first, but after seeing Ye Lin, he immediately became respectful.

"Senior Brother Ye, evil cultivators have appeared in many places now, so we are making preparations to go down the mountain to slay the evil spirits from now on."

Hearing this, Ye Lin frowned.

"Who gave this order to eliminate demons?"

"Senior Brother Ye, this is the order from the tenth elder of the inner sect."

Hearing this, Ye Lin understood in his heart that Chu Xue must have some clues now, but it would be difficult to break up with the sect leader before he knew the truth.

After all, he was also the leader of the Qingyun Sect. Now, it was a secret game between two golden elixir stage monks, and he did not want to get involved.

"Okay, let's get down."

After speaking, Ye Lin walked towards Dufeng.


As soon as they arrived at Dufeng, they found that Chu Xue was already standing at the door of his residence.

"Now that evil spirits have appeared in the world of cholera, have you heard about the evil cultivators massacring villages?"

Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded.

The cultivation of evil spirits requires countless human essence and blood, and evil cultivators are the lackeys of evil spirits who specialize in doing things that are harmful to nature and justice.

"Before I came out of seclusion, the evil spirits had already appeared, but the sect's response disappointed me. They just organized a few small and medium-sized raids."

"Evil demons are the great enemy of our human race. If we don't get rid of them, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Currently, it is roughly estimated that the number of mortal deaths caused by evil spirits is no less than 100,000."

Hearing Chu Xue's words, Ye Lin was shocked. One hundred thousand deaths? This is not a small number.

You know, that's one hundred thousand lives.

"You go down and prepare. I have reached an agreement with the Holy King Sect and the Tianjian Sect. In three days, my direct disciples will go down to slay the demons."

At this time, Chu Xue's words reached Ye Lin's ears, and Ye Lin could only say this.

"Yes, Master."

"Well, there is something fishy about this evil invasion. When going down the mountain to eliminate the evil spirits, you must be careful, and you must also be careful of people from other sects. By the way, you can take this and inject spiritual power into it if you encounter invincible danger. , which contains my full strength."

At this time, Chu Xue waved her hand, and an emerald green jade pendant floated in front of Ye Lin's eyes.

"Thank you, Master."

Looking at the jade pendant in front of him, Ye Lin's eyes were filled with excitement. What was sealed in it was the attack of a monk at the Golden Core Stage. Once activated, even those at the peak of Foundation Establishment would not be able to withstand it.

After thanking Chu Xue, Ye Lin put away the jade pendant and walked towards his residence.

"Zhang Tu, what do you want to do? You just lured the evil spirit out for your own selfish desires. Are you really stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid?"

At this time, Chu Xue stood on the top of Dufeng Peak and looked at the place where the sect leader lived, with a complex expression on her face.

"In three days, I will go down the mountain to slay the demons, and the disciples from the other two sects will be born together. By then, there will be a mixture of fish and dragons."

Ye Lin, who was sitting on the bed, looked solemn, but he was not worried at all.

The panel showed that he would be assassinated by a killer hired by Lin Zisheng in a month, so there was no threat when he went down the mountain this time.

"According to what Master said, this time when we went down the mountain to slay demons, only the Holy King Sect and the Tianjian Sect were present, and there was no sign of the Killing Sect or the other four major families."

The Killing Sect is a killer sect that specializes in training all kinds of killers. The four major families all put their own interests first. Unless there is a catastrophe, it will be difficult to get them to take action. Yu Dengtian.

"Practice first. Improving your own cultivation is the top priority."

The next day, Ye Lin got out of bed and walked towards the depths of the Hundred Thousand Miles Mountain.

Today, he was going to seize Lin Zisheng's opportunity, three Xuan-level low-grade immortality pills.

One Xuan-level low-grade elixir is worth a lot, let alone three.

Now that Ye Lin has reached the foundation-building stage, he no longer needs to be as frightened as before when walking in the mountains.

"Is this Lianyun Mountain? What a huge mountain."

At this time, Ye Lin raised his head and looked into the distance. A huge mountain peak with a height of 100 meters came into view. Ye Lin flew up with his sword.

"Flying with a sword is convenient."

Seeing that he was getting further and further away from the ground, Ye Lin sighed in his heart. If it had been in the past, he would still have to work hard to climb up.

When they arrived at the top of Lianyun Mountain, they were surrounded by some demonic beasts in the Qi training stage. Ye Lin didn't need to do anything at all. As soon as his momentum was released, these demonic beasts would flee with their tails between their legs.

The biggest difference between monsters and beasts is that they are intelligent and can run away when they sense something is wrong.

"I wonder if this will be useful."

At this time, Ye Lin took out the jade pendant and injected spiritual power into it.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed on the jade pendant, and then flew away into the distance, with Ye Lin following closely behind.

When they came to a mountain wall, the mountain wall in front of them suddenly fell off, revealing a dark cave entrance. Ye Lin followed the jade pendant and stepped into the cave entrance.

After passing a long corridor, we finally arrived at our destination.

There was a small circular space with a coffin in the center, and there was nothing around the coffin.

At this time, the jade pendant was suspended above the coffin.

Suddenly, the originally calm sound made a rumbling sound, and the coffin lid was slowly moving.

Finally, the coffin was opened, and the light on the jade pendant disappeared and fell into the coffin.

Seeing this, Ye Lin hurried forward and looked into the coffin.

I saw a corpse lying quietly in the coffin. The skeleton was as gentle as jade and looked extremely beautiful.

This is the power of the Golden Core Stage monks. After they die, their bodies will not decay for a hundred years, and their skeletons will not change for a thousand years.

There was a jade box next to the corpse's head. Ye Lin picked up the jade box and opened it. Suddenly, a strong fragrance of elixirs came to his face. He saw three elixirs lying quietly in the jade box.

"This must be the Immortality Pill."

Although the Immortality Pill is called the Immortality Pill, it has nothing to do with longevity.

The Immortality Pill is a pill needed to break through the realm. It can increase your confidence when breaking through the realm. It contains a lot of spiritual power and can also consolidate your cultivation.

Seeing this, Ye Lin put away the jade box. After that, Ye Lin carefully put the lid back on the coffin, walked to the back and bowed respectfully to the coffin three times.

"Senior, thank you."

After saying that, Ye Lin walked out of the cave, looked at the cave entrance behind him, took a huge stone from the side and filled the cave directly.

After finishing everything, Ye Lin returned to Qingyun Sect. There are many opportunities in the mountains of 100,000 miles. Every day, casual cultivators and Qingyun Sect disciples come to hunt for treasures.

But how many people actually found the treasure in the end?

After arriving at the residence, Ye Lin, who was preparing to refine the longevity pill, suddenly thought of something.

Then he took out the beast control bag from the space ring and released Xiao Hong.


Xiaohong who had just come out was howling around Ye Lin, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that Xiaohong is extremely weak at this time.

Even the adult beasts dare not use blood essence at will, let alone the newly born Xiaohong.

"Here, little one, here are these two sugar pills for you."

Ye Lin took out two immortality pills and handed them to Xiaohong. Xiaohong swallowed them in one gulp, then jumped a few times and fell into coma.

"Refining begins now? As a divine beast, I am really happy."

Ye Lin said with envy, and then put Xiao Hong into the space ring.

At this time, Xiaohong had completely regarded him as her master and trusted him 100%, so she could unconsciously fall into a coma in front of Ye Lin without any precautions.

"Start practicing."

He swallowed the remaining Immortality Pill in his mouth in one gulp, and then started to rotate the stars.

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