In the blink of an eye, a night passed.

The next day, Ye Lin, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing, opened his eyes.

For him now, even if he didn't sleep for a year, it wouldn't be a problem at all, and practicing instead of sleeping would have a better effect.

Moreover, in one night, he had already practiced the Tiger Roaring Forest to the entry level.

"I didn't expect the distribution of forces around Qingyun Sect to be so complicated."

"Within a radius of ten thousand miles, Qingyun Sect is only the overlord in public. In secret, there are three major sects and four major families."

"Moreover, there are more than 200 cities in a radius of ten thousand miles, and there are ten large cities. Only two of them are under the control of Qingyun Sect. The remaining eight are divided by the three major sects and four major families."

"The three major sects are Tianjian Sect, Shengwang Sect, and Sha Sect. The four major families are Zhao Family, Wang Family, Li Family, and Long Family. These forces have impressive strengths."

"The strength of each force depends on the number of Jindan-stage cultivators. The three major sects and the four major families have a Jindan-stage cultivator in charge, and Qingyun Sect has two, so it is the overlord in public."

"And the book says that the leader of Tianjian Sect is about to break through to the Jindan stage, which also verifies the panel of a disciple at the time. Three years later, Qingyun Sect and Tianjian Sect fought."

After reading the whole book, Ye Lin thought slightly in his heart.

And now there are evil demons ready to move, it can be said that the current situation is very dangerous.

"As long as I am strong, no matter how dangerous it is, I can stand out."

At this time, Ye Lin was full of confidence. The danger comes from not being strong enough. When the strength is strong enough, it doesn't matter whether it is dangerous or not.

"By the way, Lin Zisheng has been seriously injured by me now, and almost crippled. Now my fate should change."

Name: Ye Lin

Cultivation: Early stage of foundation building

Fate: Black (many disasters)

Numerology: [bad luck] [insight]

Fate: The seriously injured Lin Zisheng was treated by Elder Song with a large amount of elixirs. Lin Zisheng knew in his heart that he was no match for you now, but his brother's fall and his loss of face were all related to you. He couldn't swallow this breath in his heart, so he went to the Killing Sect to hire a killer to assassinate you. A month later, you were assassinated by the killer in the wild. You burst out all your strength and killed the killer in the middle stage of foundation building despite being seriously injured.

Recent opportunities: None

[Bad luck]: Bad luck, such as falling down when walking, and being cheated on when getting married.

[Comprehension]: Superb comprehension, extremely fast in understanding various skills. For the same skill, others need three months, but you only need a few days.

"Assassination in a month? If you are not still useful now, I would have killed you here long ago."

After reading his panel, Ye Lin said coldly.

"By the way, I have to go to the Ten Thousand Miles Mountain with Senior Sister Li to do a mission today."

The Ten Thousand Miles Mountain, so to speak, he learned from the book that it is just a mountain where monsters are entrenched.

When he came to the inner gate square, Ye Lin looked up and saw a woman with a great figure and a white robe waiting quietly.

"Sorry, Senior Sister, I forgot the time while practicing last night."

Looking at Li Miaoling in front of him, Ye Lin's face was full of apologies.

"It's okay, practice is the top priority. In this case, let's set off."

Li Miaoling smiled sweetly at Ye Lin, and then the two walked side by side towards the front.

Shortly after the two left, Lin Zisheng walked out from a shadow.

"Ye Lin, Ye Lin, Ye Lin, why, why? Why have I been having all kinds of bad luck since I met you?"

Lin Zisheng was full of resentment. Since he met this person, everything has gone wrong for him. Now, even his beloved Junior Sister Li has been abducted by Ye Lin.

"Believe me, you must die, and I must kill you."

Lin Zisheng looked at the two people's disappearing backs in the distance, clenched his fists, and his nails were about to pinch into the flesh.

"Junior Brother Ye, this time the task is to kill a mid-stage foundation-building monster on the surface of Xuanbing Lake. When the time comes, I will attack from the front, and you can contain it from the side."

After Li Miaoling finished speaking, Ye Lin nodded. For a mid-stage foundation-building monster, Li Miaoling's task may have reached the level of a sixth-grade task.

The two followed the mountain to the depths, and the temperature around them gradually dropped.

"Junior Brother Ye, this is the place."

Looking at the endless ice surface in front of him, Ye Lin admired in his heart, what a beautiful scenery.

"The monster is in the cave at the end. I will lead it out first. You surround it from the side. Don't let the monster escape."


Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded, and then Li Miaoling lightly tapped her toes, and her whole body floated forward, and Ye Lin followed behind.

"Such a large ice surface, looking for a glass bead is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Looking at the huge lake around, Ye Lin had a toothache.


At this time, a huge beast roar came from the front, accompanied by the vibration of the ice surface.

In front, a monster as huge as a mammoth howled at Li Miaoling in the sky.

"Junior Brother Ye, block its retreat."

At this time, Li Miaoling in the sky said anxiously, she was a little careless, the strength of the monster in front of her was not an ordinary mid-stage foundation building.

"Seven Killing Fists, kill."

Ye Lin quickly came behind the monster, shouted angrily, and his spiritual power surged wildly, and punched the monster behind.


A loud bang was heard, the monster felt pain, let out a huge howl, and kicked Ye Lin away.

"Good guy, so powerful."

Ye Lin's body stopped steadily in the distance and rubbed his numb arms.

I used four points of force just now, but it didn't even break the monster's skin.

"Junior brother Ye, help me delay the five breaths."

At this time, Li Miaoling, who was suppressing the monster head-on, said anxiously.

"Sister, don't worry, five breaths is five breaths."

Ye Lin nodded, then used the magic shadow to quickly come under the monster beast, and punched the monster beast in the abdomen.


Ye Lin's punch completely angered the monster, and four hooves immediately trampled towards Ye Lin. With the blessing of the demon shadow, Ye Lin could always avoid the monster's key blow.

"The world is frozen."

At this time, Li Miaoling spoke softly in the distance. After speaking, her whole body was wrapped in white light.

Seeing this, Ye Lin immediately used the magic shadow to leave the belly of the monster without a trace. The next moment, a terrifying power covered the entire monster.

A white mist directly enveloped the demonic beast. When the white mist dissipated, the majestic demonic beast just now was directly frozen.

At this time, Li Miaoling fell from the sky and stood on the ground panting.

The move just now had drained all her spiritual energy.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Looking at the panting Li Miaoling in front of him, Ye Lin stepped forward and expressed concern.

"It's okay, it's just that I consumed a little too much."

Li Miaoling waved her hands indifferently.


At this time, the frozen demon beast let out an earth-shattering roar. Instantly, the ice layer on the demon beast's body exploded, and countless ice cubes scattered in all directions.


At this time, the monster stepped towards Li Miaoling.

Seeing this, a flash of lightning flashed in Ye Lin's mind. On the panel, Li Miaoling was driven to the bottom of the lake by a monster before she found the glass bead. It must be now.

"Sister, be careful."

The next moment, Ye Lin pushed Li Miaoling away and punched the monster.


The ice suddenly shattered, and Ye Lin's entire body was directly trampled into the bottom of the lake by the monster.

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