You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 490 Taiyuan's Girlfriend

Is it that the ending is irreversible, or that the fate itself is irreversible? Seeing this, he was silently wary, and he would have to pay more attention in the future.

At the same time, eight sky-reaching light pillars appeared in Wumingshan Square. The sky-reaching light pillars only showed the figures of the eight major sequences, including Ye Lin.

At the bottom, there is a series of numbers, and that series of numbers represents the exact number of votes.

But now, the numbers under each figure began to change dramatically, rising crazily and showing no signs of stopping.

The golden beam of light is rising rapidly. The higher the number of votes, the higher the golden beam of light is.

But now, the heights of the eight golden light pillars are almost the same. You are chasing each other, and no one is giving up.

In Ye Lin's residence, Taiyuan and Ye Lin were sitting together.

Today, Taiyuan's cultivation has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but now, Taiyuan's face is full of sorrow and he sighs from time to time.

"I said, it has been ten minutes since you came to see me, and you have been sighing for ten minutes. If you continue to do this, get out of here."

Looking at Taiyuan in front of him, Ye Lin smiled and cursed, this guy has been sighing since he came in.

"Master, when you talk about cultivation, are you cultivating ruthlessness or affection?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Ye Lin not only asked with some doubts.

"I...I...I like a girl..."

Taiyuan's face turned red, and he held it in for a long time before speaking slowly.

Hearing this, Ye Lin secretly thought to himself, my disciples are already looking for partners?

"In cultivation, follow your own heart, and whatever your heart wants is where you will go."

"And my way is to pursue freedom and freedom, practice to the end, everything can be done, everything is desired, everything can be followed, everything is allowed."

"You can do whatever you want. I think this is the meaning of cultivation. The ruthless way, although it is fast and strong, is really boring when you lose yourself in the end."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, Taiyuan nodded in understanding.

"Boy, go ahead if you like. Follow your heart. If you come to me for this matter, you already have the answer in your heart, right?"

Ye Lin looked at Taiyuan with a half-smile but not a smile. If Taiyuan was ruthless, he would never come to him to relieve his boredom.

From the moment he came to find him, the outcome was already doomed.

"I understand Master, but..."

"Their family is a bit strong, and now, she seems to be getting married."

Taiyuan scratched his head in embarrassment.

"What do you need to be more afraid of than the background? Getting married? Then grab it if you get married."

Ye Lin patted Taiyuan on the shoulder with a face full of hatred, then shook his right hand, and the sword pills separated directly from his right hand, and six sword pills surrounded Taichu's wrist.

Zhu Xie was contaminated with his own aura, and a spirit was born, so even if he didn't need to control it, Zhu Xie could still emit the aura at the peak of the God Transformation Realm.

"Take this thing and go ahead. Use your own strength to grab it. If you like it, grab it. What are you afraid of?"

Ye Lin took off the World-Suppressing Tower from his chest and handed it to Taiyuan. The World-Suppressing Tower had a spirit, and he recognized himself as the master. As long as he had a thought, the World-Suppressing Tower would protect Taiyuan.

"My master is at a critical moment and I can't accompany you, so just go by yourself, be a man for once, and then bring the girl back for me to see."

"Thank you, Master."

After receiving the two treasures, Taiyuan looked overjoyed and immediately bowed to Ye Lin with clasped fists.

Together with these two treasures, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone in the state of transformation.

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