You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 48: Breaking through the foundation-building stage and building a fifth-grade Dao platform

Looking at the blood of the beast quietly floating in the air, Ye Lin carefully put it into the space ring.

Then he took out ten scorpion stingers and walked towards the mission pavilion. He was going to submit the task and then began to retreat.

Now everything is ready, only the east wind is missing. Within 20 days, he must break through to the foundation-building stage.

Arriving in the mission pavilion, Ye Lin put the ten stingers on the table in front of him, and Sun Xiao, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened.

"Brother, I'll submit the task."

Sun Xiao looked at Ye Lin, then at the stingers in front of him. It has only been three hours since Ye Lin accepted the task.

Three hours have already completed a fifth-grade task? This made him feel unrealistic.

"Okay... okay, I'll get you a reward right away."

Sun Xiao repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the stingers in front of him, then took a deep look at Ye Lin and walked towards the corridor on the side.

A few minutes later, Sun Xiao put a large cloth bag in front of Ye Lin.

"Eighty low-grade spirit stones, count them."

"No need, I believe in my brother."

Ye Lin smiled, put away the cloth bag and walked towards his residence.

"Hiss, the outside world rumored that he was at the eighth level of Qi training. Now it seems that this person is a bit scheming."

Looking at Ye Lin's disappearing back, Sun Xiao took a breath of cold air.

At the eighth level of Qi training, he could go deep into the Scorpion Valley, which even the foundation-building cultivators feared, and kill nine nine-level Qi training scorpions? He would never believe it.

"Don't offend this person in the future."

Sun Xiao said in his heart.

"Huh, start to break through."

Ye Lin sat cross-legged on the bed, surrounded by low-grade spirit stones. Then, he took out the essence of the beast from the space ring and swallowed it. The low-grade spirit stones around him exuded a thick spiritual energy and poured into Ye Lin's body.

"Melt it for me."

Ye Lin shouted softly, and a Taoist platform slowly condensed under the Dantian, and the essence of the beast also slowly melted into the Taoist platform at this time.

Suddenly, the originally dim Daotai suddenly shone brightly, and the fiery red light illuminated the entire Dantian.

Under the effect of the divine beast's blood essence, the Daotai broke, reorganized, broke, and reorganized, and each reorganization was twice as powerful as the last time.

Moreover, waves of extremely powerful auras emanated from the Daotai.

From the Qi training stage to the foundation building stage, it is a qualitative change and a leap in the level of life.

Breaking through the foundation building stage, both the purity and quantity of the spiritual energy in the Dantian are dozens of times that of the ninth level of Qi training.

What's more, the quality of the spiritual energy in the Daotai of the foundation building cultivator is higher than that of the Qi training stage, and the power contained in it is one world apart.

With the same trick, the power of the foundation building cultivator is more than ten times that of the ninth level of Qi training cultivator.

If the spiritual energy of a foundation building cultivator is not exhausted, killing a Qi training cultivator is like killing a dog.

No matter how evil you are in the Qi training stage, you are still like an ant in front of a foundation building cultivator.

In this way, five days passed quietly.

In Ye Lin's Dantian, a fiery red Tao platform has been cast. On the Tao platform, light appears, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

From a distance, this Tao platform is like a product of heaven, flawless, as if it is not a thing of the world.

Moreover, on the barriers around the Tao platform, five rays of light are suspended. These five rays of light represent the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Seeing this, Ye Lin was delighted. This is the characteristic of the fifth-grade Tao platform. The five elements imprint, these five basic elements that make up the world, can only be produced by the fifth-grade Tao platform.

This means that below the fifth-grade Tao platform, there will be no five elements imprint at all, and you cannot become an immortal in this life.

At this time, the group of spiritual energy on the Tao platform began to be squeezed by the power of the Tao platform and condensed bit by bit.

Tick, tick, tick.

At this time, drops of liquid in the spiritual energy group began to drip onto the Tao platform.

Like the prelude to a storm, the spiritual energy group is like a dark cloud.

The next moment, the storm came completely. In the whole aura group, drops of liquid poured down towards the Dao platform. Soon, the liquid filled the entire Dao platform.

The Dao platform steadily received the liquid and was extremely stable.

This is an obvious feature of the breakthrough of the foundation-building stage during the Qi training period, the aura turning into liquid.

Until the aura group disappeared, only the liquid in the Dao platform was left. This was the spiritual liquid. The aura contained in it was the sum of the aura of dozens of Qi training ninth-level cultivators.

At this time, the light on the Dao platform was shining brightly, and the spiritual liquid in it was rapidly reduced. Countless terrifying spiritual powers began to sweep Ye Lin's body.

This spiritual power began to strengthen every part of Ye Lin's body, tibia, meridians, skin, and blood vessels.

"It's so comfortable."

Although Ye Lin closed his eyes, he could feel that his body was slowly getting stronger.

This feeling was extremely comfortable.

"Foundation building period, done."

Three hours later, Ye Lin suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, a wave of air spread out in all directions, and countless items in the room were overturned to the ground.

Ye Lin looked at his body, and he felt full all over now.

It seemed as if he had endless power.

"No wonder the foundation-building cultivators can kill the Qi-refining cultivators at will."

Ye Lin stood up, feeling the terrifying power in his body, and muttered to himself.

In the foundation-building stage, the amount of spiritual power contained is dozens of times that of the ninth level of Qi training, and the strength of the body is also several times or even ten times that of the ninth level of Qi training, and the soul is also greatly enhanced.

The lifespan of the Qi-refining cultivator is no more than 150 years, while the lifespan of the foundation-building cultivator is as long as 300 years, which is exactly doubled.

The long life span can see the change of dynasties in the mortal world, so the foundation-building period is also called the immortal on land by mortals.

"Three swords of life and death, one sword of life."

At this time, Ye Lin's eyes condensed, and his right hand made a sword finger, slashing forward, and suddenly, a sword energy rushed into the yard.


There was a loud noise, and a gully five meters long and half a meter wide appeared in the center of the whole yard.

"Now, even if I don't use a long sword, I can exert sword energy."

"And this power can easily kill the previous me, and I only exerted 30% of my strength."

"Too strong, really too strong."

Ye Lin was a little fascinated by this kind of power.

If you don't break through the foundation-building period, you will never know how terrible the foundation-building period is.

"Huh, I don't know how I will deal with Lin Zisheng now?"

At this time, Ye Lin's mouth corners slightly raised.

"By the way, I'll be in seclusion for eight days. There are still twelve days before the inner sect competition. I'll stabilize my realm during these days."

At this time, Ye Lin looked at the gully in the yard, stretched out his hand and waved it casually, and the ground suddenly returned to its original state.

This is the power of the foundation-building period. The foundation-building period can clearly comprehend the five elements that make up the world and make use of them.

And those who have a fifth-grade Taoist platform are more sensitive to the five elements.

After packing up everything, Ye Lin turned and stepped into the residence, took out a medium-grade spirit stone and began to absorb and stabilize his own realm.

When breaking through the foundation-building period, all those low-grade spirit stones were absorbed. Now, he is so poor that he only has three medium-grade spirit stones left.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, twelve days passed.

On this day, the entire Qingyun Sect's inner sect seemed to have a major earthquake. All the reasons were that the mysterious tenth elder of the Qingyun Sect's inner sect came out of seclusion.

And there are rumors that this tenth elder is a Jindan stage cultivator, and it is very likely that he will accept disciples before the inner sect competition.

Suddenly, the whole inner sect was boiling. Who wouldn't want to be a disciple of a Jindan-stage cultivator? Jindan-stage cultivators are the most powerful in the area of ​​10,000 miles.

Becoming a disciple of a Jindan-stage cultivator not only means that you have no shortage of resources, but you can walk sideways in the area of ​​10,000 miles.

On this day, Ye Lin had just finished his retreat and came to the outside world to listen to some information. He was thinking in his heart.

"Jindan-stage, the most mysterious tenth elder?"

After a while of hesitation, Ye Lin walked towards the hall. Today was the time for the inner sect competition. As an inner sect disciple, he had to be present.

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