You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 463: Getting Started

"Lingyin Guan will be one of the transcendent forces in the future."

Ye Lin raised the corners of his mouth and said softly.

"Okay, then I will take a gamble with you. From now on, I will start to integrate all the forces of Lingyin Temple and start to clear out the evil spirits in the central city. As for the top ten sequences, I can't do anything."

"No need, senior can do this, junior is already very happy. As for the top ten sequences, leave it to me."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he laughed and led Toitian out of Lingyin Temple.

"Where are we going now?"

Tou Tian followed Ye Lin and asked.


After Ye Lin finished speaking, he led Toitian to a huge restaurant. The two opened a room and sat cross-legged quietly in the room.

In the blink of an eye, one day passed.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

As time goes by, the entire central city becomes increasingly unstable, and all kinds of monsters and monsters begin to emerge.

In a short period of time, the air-forbidden formation in the central city was lifted, and streaks of light flashed across the air from time to time.

On the street, mortals immediately closed their doors and hid in their rooms all day long, daring not to come out.

There are various monks on the street, and scary-looking demons are running around on the street, and the targets of those monks are these demons.

It seems that the ten major sequences have completed their tasks, and the five major forces in the central city have begun to eliminate the evil spirits.

The entire Heisha County, under the leadership of the transcendent forces stationed by the major Hedao period true kings, began to clear out evil spirits, evil cultivators, demon cultivators, and demon cultivators.

All the scum of the human race have become the targets of being swept away.

Heisha County, which was originally full of undercurrents, has become completely chaotic due to Wumingshan's secret manipulation.

Under the leadership of the transcendent forces led by the True Monarch of the Hedao period, all disobedient forces will not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed.

These dissatisfied forces are of course the minions of the four transcendent forces.

"It has already started, and we have to start taking action."

A month later, Ye Lin suddenly opened his eyes.

"I have locked the location of Wang Teng and the other two. They are in a canyon in Heisha County, but they..."

Halfway through, Tou Tian looked extremely strange.

"What happened to them?"

Ye Lin turned around and asked.

"They are discussing how to kill you."

After Toitian finished speaking, Ye Lin smiled.

These three guys, since they failed last time, have not given up and want to kill him again.

And this time, Wang Teng didn't know what method he used to actually make the two of them suppress their hatred for Wang Teng who betrayed them last time.

You know, Wang Teng sold them outright last time. If it weren't for Suitian's reminder, Ye Lin would have almost fallen into Wang Teng's scheme and ignored Wang Teng.

But now, Wang Teng didn't know what method he used to make the two of them forget their previous feud and cooperate with Wang Teng again.

"Since they want to die, then I will help them."

Ye Lin's face turned grim. The three of them would die this time.

"But secretly killing the top ten sequences will have a bad impact on me in the future."

Ye Lin rubbed his chin and thought.

He wants to become the top ten sequencers, and even more wants to become the sect leader of Wuming Mountain, but if it is found out that he became the sect leader because he once killed people from the top ten sequences.

If someone with intentions takes advantage of this matter, then his position as sect leader will not last long.

There are several forces in Wuming Mountain, and the undercurrent is surging. Once this point is taken advantage of by others, it will be very serious.

Even in this world where strength is valued, public opinion is very powerful.

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