You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 458 Arrival at Lingyin Temple

After thinking for a moment, Ye Lin returned along the same route. Now there was one more thing to do. He would solve the current problem first, and then go to see what happened to Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang had a bright future, and he didn't want to give up Jian Wushuang as a friend.

After following the smell and arriving at a restaurant, Ye Lin looked at Tutian in front of him helplessly.

Tutian was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly without caring about his image.

Ye Lin really couldn't understand why a peak Yuanying stage liked to sleep so much?

"Get up, it's time to go."

Ye Lin lifted Tutian up, and then pulled Tutian quickly towards the Lingyin Temple.

"Who was that woman just now? What were you doing just now? Share it with me, so that I can have some fun too."

Tutian followed Ye Lin closely, with an extremely wretched smile on his face.

"When you finish the current thing, you will go to Wuming Mountain to practice. Your current cultivation is too low."

Ye Lin said without turning his head. Tutian was very useful to him, but Tutian's current cultivation was too weak, and his help to him was getting less and less.

Now, the only chance to turn the tables on Li Miaoling is to steal the sky.

As long as steal the sky is strong enough to calculate Li Miaoling's next move, he can quickly catch Li Miaoling and kill her.


Hearing Ye Lin's words, steal the sky with a sneer of disdain.

But he also knew that his cultivation was still too low.

Although the Sky-peeking Plate was very powerful, his cultivation was too low, and he could only use one percent of its functions.

The two of them ran all the way at a very fast speed. Even if they couldn't fly or tear through space, their speed was still extremely fast.

After running all the way for half an hour, Ye Lin and steal the sky finally arrived at their destination.

In front of them was a hill covered with weeds. On the top of the hill, there was a dilapidated Taoist temple. The Taoist temple was extremely dilapidated and shabby.

It was hard to imagine that such a dilapidated place was actually a force with a True Lord of the Hedao period.

Even steal the sky was a little surprised and kept rubbing his eyes. He had seen many powerful people living in small and shabby places in pursuit of a higher realm.

But it was the first time he had seen such a shabby place.

"Ye Lin, that guy is not lying to us, is he?"

Toutian looked at the extremely shabby Taoist temple in front of him and asked Ye Lin. It was really hard for him to imagine such a shabby place with the True Lord of the Hedao period.

"We will know after taking a look. Let's go."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he took the lead to walk into the Taoist temple, and Tooutian followed closely behind him.

The two walked into the Taoist temple, and the scene in front of them made them brighten.

Unlike the shabby outside, the inside of the Taoist temple was very clean, extremely clean.

All around, there were disciples in Taoist robes sweeping the fallen leaves on the road with brooms.

"Daoyou, welcome to my Lingyin Temple. I wonder if you are seeking children, marriage, or opportunities?"

At this moment, an old man in Taoist robes slowly came to Ye Lin, bowed to Ye Lin, and then asked.

"Senior, I am Ye Lin, a disciple of Wuming Mountain. I came to Lingyin Temple to ask for something. I believe you know the purpose of my visit, right?"

Ye Lin looked at the old man in front of him and got straight to the point without beating around the bush.

When the old man heard Ye Lin's self-introduction, his face was not surprised at all, and he was still smiling.

"Fellow Daoist, my Lingyin Temple has been aloof from worldly affairs since its establishment in ancient times, so my Lingyin Temple has been able to continue to this day."

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