You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 455 Dancing Alone Under the Moon

"Let's go."

After looking at Tou Tian, ​​Ye Lin walked forward, with Tou Tian following closely behind him.

The young man happily took Xiao Hong and ran out of the city. Xiao Hong was so beautiful. He hadn't seen such a beautiful pet for a long time.

During the transaction just now, many eyes were on him in the dark. He had to leave the Central City quickly, otherwise he might be robbed, and that would be the end of him.

Just after the young man left the Central City, the excited young man suddenly froze, and then turned his head stiffly to look at Xiao Hong.

The next moment, the young man fell to the ground, with no breath. Xiao Hong jumped up and flapped her wings to fly towards the Central City.

The golden ring on the neck shattered instantly.

Can this broken thing catch me?

Ye Lin and Tou Tian followed the young man's words and walked towards Lingyin Temple.

As for Xiao Hong's safety, no one was worried. After all, Xiao Hong's current strength was enough to tie with Ye Lin. If he didn't play some trump cards, even Ye Lin would not be Xiao Hong's opponent.

The Divine Beast Clan was able to dominate in ancient times, relying on its hard power.

The two of them kept on traveling. This central city not only had a large formation to ban the air, but the space was also specially reinforced by the True Lord of the Hedao period. It was not realistic to break the space to travel.

The space of the central city was too solid, even he couldn't shake it.

The two of them kept on traveling, and finally, night fell. In the sky, a full moon hung high in the sky, surrounded by stars.

Looking closely, it was like the ancient emperor with three thousand harems.

And just as the two were on their way, a smell suddenly appeared in the air, a strange smell.

It was not fragrant, nor was it smelly, it was really strange.

At this moment, Ye Lin and Tou Tian stopped and looked up.

Ahead, a woman in black suddenly appeared on the top of a huge building.

The woman stood alone on the top of the building with a long sword in her hand, and her every move was extremely charming.

And in the air, many petals suddenly appeared, and black petals fell from the air. Slowly, many monks suddenly appeared around.

These monks looked up at the beautiful figure.

Under the shining of the full moon, it was really beautiful.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin couldn't help but think of a word, dancing alone under the moon?

"Strange, why do I look more and more familiar with this woman?"

Looking at the woman in the air, Ye Lin couldn't help but look very puzzled. He placed his left hand horizontally on his chest, his right hand on his left hand, and touched his chin in thought.

This figure looks like a person.

"Hiss, so beautiful, dancing alone under the moon, fairy, fairy."

"So beautiful, so beautiful, who is so charming? Fairy, can you come down and see me?"

"Hahaha, let me see, who are you?"

Suddenly, a figure quickly stepped on the roofs around and quickly approached the figure on the building.

However, the next moment, an extremely beautiful sword light appeared, and the sword light was like a full moon. The figure just now suddenly stopped in mid-air, and the next moment, the figure split into two and fell to the ground.

This moment, countless people were stunned, and everyone looked at the figure with their mouths wide open.

The cultivator who just died was in the Nascent Soul stage. Killing the Nascent Soul with one sword?

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