You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 447: Jian Wushuang's Past

Around the square, there were five giant swords standing, and the terrifying sword intent emitted from the giant swords impacted the young man.

The surrounding disciples were hundreds of meters away from the five giant swords. The sword intent exuded by the giant swords was so strong that the surrounding disciples were unable to resist and could not make any progress.

It is really hard to imagine how the young man sitting in the center could withstand this huge sword intent.

The young man sitting in the center is Jian Wushuang.

At this time, Jian Wushuang was completely different from the young man who was fearless before. At this time, Jian Wushuang's face was full of vicissitudes of life.

The space between his eyebrows is full of traces of the passage of time.

It's hard to imagine what happened in the past few decades that could cause Jian Wushuang to undergo such a big change.

In the sky, several old men looked at Jian Wushuang below, their faces full of worry.

"I don't know if this child can bear it. Alas, in the end, it was my incompetence that let this child down."

"Alas, the burden on this child is too heavy. In the final analysis, we are still incompetent."

The two old men sighed. After hearing this, the old men around them shook their heads.

"Heaven and earth are black and yellow, infinite black and yellow, melting."

Jian Wushuang, who was underneath, suddenly made a quick gesture with his hands, and his lips began to overlap quickly, as if he was mumbling something.

Around Jian Wushuang, the sword intent seemed to have condensed into substance. The disciples around him had shocked faces and retreated quickly.

This substantial sword intent was so powerful that they couldn't even hold their breath.


The next moment, Jian Wushuang's expression changed, and he suddenly opened his eyes and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Jian Wushuang looked at the blood in front of his eyes, holding his chest and feeling weak.

The surrounding sword intent also dissipated in the next moment.

"Why? Why? Why, why?"

Jian Wushuang looked up at the sky, with three thousand black silk draped over his shoulders, looking at the sky and roaring.

"Wushuang, take a rest. The rules of swordsmanship cannot be understood overnight."

"Yes, Wushuang. Although we know that that incident was a big blow to you, please don't abuse yourself like this now. If this continues, your body will not be able to bear it."

Seeing Jian Wushuang's appearance, the elders standing in the clouds couldn't wait any longer and came to Jian Wushuang one after another, looking concerned.

"Elders, I'm fine."

Jian Wushuang looked at the elder in front of him, shook his head and said, then slowly stood up and walked out of his residence, leaving only a lonely figure behind everyone.

"Hey, please give this kid more advice. I heard that this kid seems to have a good relationship with Ye Lin from Wuming Mountain?"

"That's just a good relationship. I think it's time for us to go to Wumingshan for a walk. I also have some connections in Wumingshan."

"Forget it, so what if I tell Wumingshan about this matter? Wumingshan only cares about the justice of the human race. Maybe this matter doesn't matter to Wumingshan, let alone asking Wumingshan to take action."

"Then just watch and let this child continue to abuse you? How about I go to the master and ask him to come forward and fall out with those people directly."

"Nonsense, you are the elder of Excalibur City, how can you have such confused thoughts? Remember, you are the elder of Excalibur City, not a young man with a strong temper. Do you know what you will face if you take action?"

Several old men looked at Jian Wushuang's back and started talking.

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