You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 444 Finding the Remnant Soul of the Evil Demon

Ye Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and all the scenes in front of him came into view. There was a circular hole around him, and in front of him, there was an inconspicuous small cave.

But the next moment, the small cave suddenly disappeared, and Ye Lin was not only a little confused.

Then he came to the mountain wall and explored carefully, but after a minute, Ye Lin found nothing.

"It shouldn't be."

Ye Lin murmured to himself in some doubt. He was already a real person in the spirit transformation realm, with extremely strong perception, and it was impossible for him to be dazzled.

The next moment, Ye Lin's mouth corners rose.

Now he knew why the major forces had searched for thousands of years without success. He was not wrong just now, but now it was just blocked by the remnant soul using a special method.

Then Ye Lin took out the Sun Shooting Bow and slowly pulled the longbow in his hand to the full moon.

"Give you three seconds."

Ye Lin's face was indifferent, and his tone was extremely grim.

However, after three seconds, there was no movement, and the scene in front of him did not change at all, and it was still the same.

"You are shameless."

Ye Lin said, loosening his right hand, and suddenly, the golden arrow rushed forward with the power of destroying the world.


The golden arrow hit the wall fiercely, making a loud noise, and the surrounding walls and the ground under his feet were shaking violently.

But the next moment, a big hole suddenly appeared in front of him. In the big hole, there was a large space, and in the center, there was a very high platform with countless stairs around.

On the highest plane, there was a square black box. The black box was engraved with strange lines, and the strange lines emitted a black and purple light, which looked very strange.

Ye Lin put away the Sun-shooting Bow in his hand, and then stepped on the stairs to the top.

"Young man, stay."

As Ye Lin was walking, a deep voice resounded throughout the hole.

Ye Lin still did his own thing and continued to walk upwards.

"Young man, stop. If you go up any further, you will bear unimaginable consequences."

The black box suddenly opened, and a black mist slowly rose to the air, slowly condensing into a tall figure. The figure had a hint of human characteristics, but there was a pair of black horns on the top of the head.

Two air masses condensed on the top of the horns, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Ye Lin.

When Ye Lin saw this figure, he was not afraid at all, but smiled.

"It's just a remnant soul. What are you arrogant about? If you have the ability to kill me, I'm afraid you would have done it the moment I opened the cave?"

After Ye Lin finished speaking, the tall black figure did not say a word, and there was no flaw on his appearance.

But Ye Lin knew in his heart that he guessed right.

And Ye Lin approached the tall figure step by step.

The next moment, Ye Lin stood in front of the figure and looked up at the tall figure above.

"Young man, what do you want? Divine power? Magical ability? Or ancient secrets? I can tell you all of these."

After the black figure finished speaking, Ye Lin sneered. The next moment, Ye Lin slowly raised his right hand, and the fiery red phoenix fire was wrapped around his right arm.

"What I want is you."

Ye Lin's face was fierce, and the phoenix fire directly wrapped around the black figure, and there were bursts of crackling sounds.

"Damn it, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

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