You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 414 Blood City Miscellanea

"Wantless, who is so brave? Dare to surround my Blood City? You don't want to live anymore, do you?"

There was a roar in the Blood City, and three figures in black robes appeared in the sky above the Blood City.

Their faces were old, skinny, and their eyes were empty and lifeless, but they exuded a terrifying aura. The three of them stared at Ye Lin with eyes like dead fish.

"Ye Lin, an inner disciple of Wumingshan, has been ordered to come and kill you bunch of bastards."

Ye Lin looked at the three people in front of him and said coldly.

"It turns out you are a high disciple of Wuming Mountain. Fellow Taoist, seeing that you are a high disciple of Wuming Mountain, I will spare your life and take your people back quickly. This is not something you can interfere with."

Unexpectedly, after these three people heard Ye Lin's identity, not only did they not show any fear, but they mocked him.

"It seems that my Wuming Mountain has been silent for too long, causing you people to forget the majesty of the Wuming Mountain."

Ye Lin said with an angry expression.

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist, you have been cultivating for so long to reach such a state, so don't let yourself go wrong."

"You are still young and there are still many opportunities in the future. Retreat quickly. This is not something you can interfere with."

"Our Blood City has been rooted in Heisha County for thousands of years. Why does no one dare to destroy our Blood City? There are many reasons for this."

"So, do you understand?"

The person standing in the center raised his head and looked at Ye Lin, his voice hoarse.

Their Blood City allowed these human enemies to gather openly and openly, and it had been so for thousands of years. Within thousands of years, there were many forces who wanted to destroy their Blood City.

But in the end, these forces were gone.

"Oh? Interesting, Xiaohong, these three people are left to you."

After hearing the three people's warnings, Ye Lin not only showed no fear at all, but also said with great interest.

"Hahaha, don't worry, boss. These three people are old and depleted of energy and blood. They only need three moves to defeat them within three moves."

Xiaohong laughed and jumped up. Her body quickly grew in size in mid-air, and a terrifying power belonging to the late stage of divine transformation spread out in all directions.

After noticing Xiaohong's aura, the expressions of the three of them changed.

"Since you want to think about it, it's no wonder we take action."

After the three of them finished speaking, they started to attack Xiaohong together.

But how could the three gods who were depleted of energy and blood in the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm be the opponent of Xiao Hong, the mythical beast in the late stage of the God Transformation Realm? After just one encounter, she was completely suppressed by Xiao Hong.

Feeling the movement in the sky, the various cholera human hybrids in the Blood City began to rush towards the outside of the city.

But the entire city has been blocked, where can they escape?

In addition, there is Ye Lin sitting in the sky.

"Kill me and leave no one alive except my own kinsmen."

Ye Lin said with an indifferent expression, and when he spoke, he emphasized the word "same race" very strongly.

Kill everyone except mortals.

And since those human monks are in this city, they are obviously not good people and they can just be killed.

As for the mortals, keep them. After all, mortals are innocent. In the eyes of immortal cultivators, mortals are just ants. As for mortals plotting to rebel? If this word is spread, who will believe it?

After hearing Ye Lin's words, a large number of monks began to pour into the Blood City, killing all living beings they saw.

Except for the mortals who have no cultivation, kill all the other miscellaneous people.

How can these evil and heretical bastards be the opponents of the monks carefully trained by Taichu? Therefore, even if the number of bastards in Blood City is more than ten times that of the monks brought by Ye Lin.

However, the battle situation still showed a one-sided massacre.

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