next day

After getting up from the bed, he looked at the five low-grade spiritual stones on the bed and pondered for a while.

"If I exchange these five low-grade spiritual stones for exercises, I will only have four low-grade spiritual stones left. If equipped with exercises, the fifth level of Qi training will be enough."

Ye Lin murmured, then put away the five low-grade spiritual stones in front of him and walked towards the door.

As soon as Ye Lin walked out of the door, he saw Zhang Liang standing in the distance, with several handyman disciples standing around him.

The old-school handyman disciples are all human beings. Even if the handyman captain wants to pluck wool from them, he will have to spend some effort.

The new handyman disciples are the best free labor force for these handyman captains, so they will come to order these handyman disciples to do this and that every time.

With a glance, Ye Lin ignored it. It seemed that Zhang Liang had come to ask people to work as free labor again.

"I don't know who will win against Zhang Liang now."

Ye Lin murmured, Zhang Liang is at the third level of Qi training, and he is also at the third level of Qi training. Although he will be killed by a sneak attack by Zhang Liang, it is a sneak attack after all. However, he is more likely to lose. After all, Zhang Liang has already He is a veteran third-level Qi practitioner.

But the next moment, a transparent panel suddenly appeared in front of Ye Lin's eyes.

Name: Zhang Liang

Cultivation level: third level of Qi training

Fate: White (disabled)

Numerology: [Mediocre luck] [Amazing sword skills]

Destiny: Half a year later, he followed the outer disciples down the mountain to eliminate demons, but was unexpectedly killed by a fifth-level qi-training demon that sucked the essence and blood from his body.

Recent opportunity: After collecting the last points tonight, I went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to select exercises. Unintentionally, I found the Xuanjie low-grade exercise Star Technique under the third cabinet. Since then, my strength has greatly increased, and I have overcome the troubles in one fell swoop. He has been training at the fourth level for ten years.

[Shocking sword skills]: He has a unique understanding of swordsmanship and makes rapid progress in the art of swordsmanship.

[Mediocre Luck]: Average luck, slightly higher than ordinary people.

Looking at Zhang Liang's opportunities, Ye Lin sighed in his heart, these opportunities come one after another, but what about himself? No hair at all.

Fate is indeed a good thing.

But when he saw the numerology, Ye Lin's expression changed.

What was originally a small amount of luck has turned into mediocre luck. Perhaps this is the only chance Zhang Liang has left.

"It seems that robbing others of their opportunities is equivalent to robbing others of their luck."

Ye Lin murmured.

Luck, sounds illusory, but it is real. A person's life and death, the rise and fall of dynasties and sects, are all closely related to it.

"Very good, your opportunity is now mine."

Ye Lin secretly thought, and then walked all the way towards the Scripture Collection Pavilion.

A low-grade Xuan-level technique.

You must know that Qingyun Sect, as the overlord sect with a radius of thousands of miles, only has one Xuan-level mid-level technique.

Arriving at the Sutra Pavilion, Ye Lin looked up at the retro-style attic that was more than ten meters high in front of him and admired it in his heart.

Then he lifted his feet and walked forward.

"For what?"

At this time, a person walked out of the door of the Sutra Pavilion. This person was wearing gorgeous clothes and was extremely aloof.

"Senior brother, let me choose a skill."

Hearing this, Zhao Hu was stunned. Wearing the clothes of a handyman disciple, he came to choose the exercises? Is there any mistake?

"Take out the token and let me see your points."

Zhao Hu stretched out his hand toward Ye Lin and said, "Generally, the points given to handyman disciples for their work are all included in their tokens."

"Senior brother, I heard that spirit stones can also be redeemed for points, right?"

At this time, Ye Lin took out five low-grade spiritual stones and handed them to Zhao Hu. Seeing the spiritual stones in Ye Lin's hand, Zhao Hu frowned. How could a small handyman disciple have spiritual stones?

But he didn't think too much. Even though the new handyman disciples were all mortals, there was no guarantee that some of them had backgrounds behind them.

"Okay, what's your name?"

Zhao Hu put away the spirit stone, took out a notebook and looked at Ye Lin and asked.

"Ye Lin."

"Okay, go in, remember, you only have one stick of incense, come out quickly after taking it."

After registering, Zhao Hu urged.

"Thank you, senior brother."

Ye Lin nodded, and then stepped into the Scripture Collection Pavilion.

After entering the door, the first thing you see is rows of wooden cabinets, with books of exercises on them. These exercises are all Huang-level low-grade exercises.

As for the more advanced techniques, they were in the Sutra Collection Pavilion of the inner sect, and he was not yet qualified to access them.

Ye Lin went straight to the third cabinet, then squatted down and put his hand in for a while, and the next moment, Ye Lin's eyes lit up.

Looking at the slightly yellowed book in his hand, Ye Lin's eyes narrowed and he slowly opened the book.

"What's the Tiger Kung Fu? Something's wrong."

Ye Lin murmured. The next moment, Ye Lin put the skill in his hand upright on the ground, and then patted it gently. Sure enough, there was only a crisp sound, and a mezzanine fell out of the book.

"It's done."

Seeing this, Ye Lin felt happy, then put the mezzanine back in place, took the book and walked out the door.

"Senior brother, the selection is over."

Looking at Zhao Hu who was meditating at the door, Ye Lin said.

"Well, according to the sect's rules, you only have one month to master the exercises. After one month, you must return them as they are, and they are not allowed to be passed on to anyone else. Otherwise, not only will you die, but also the people in the place where you originally lived will die, understand. Already?"

After Zhao Hu finished speaking, Ye Lin nodded, his eyes slightly focused, and then walked out of the Scripture Deposit Pavilion.

Name: Zhao Hu

Cultivation level: fifth level of Qi training

Fate: White (plain)

Numerology: None (mediocre, no highlights)

Destiny: He discovered the secret of the inner sect elder by chance, and was eventually killed by the inner sect elder.

Recent opportunities: Four days later, he stayed at the fifth level of Qi training for a year, and was extremely depressed, so he went to the Bi Bo Lake to relax. When he was about to go swimming in the lake, he found a yellow-grade top-grade long sword at the bottom of the lake. From then on, his combat power increased greatly, and he could fight against the sixth level of Qi training.

Ye Lin walked towards his residence while looking at the panel in front of him. Yes, this panel was Zhao Hu's panel.

"Yellow-grade top-grade long sword? However, if I get a yellow-grade top-grade long sword, my combat power will increase greatly."

"In the outer sect competition in half a month, I will definitely crush Zhang Liang."

Ye Lin murmured, and then came to his residence. After closing the doors and windows, he took out the Star Skill and began to comprehend it bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, half a day passed, and Ye Lin closed the skills in his hand. After half a day of comprehension, he finally understood it, thanks to his extraordinary understanding.

Then he took out the remaining four spirit stones and began to practice.

The practice time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, two days passed by.

"Huh, not bad."

Looking at the spirit stone that was absorbed, Ye Lin exhaled a breath of turbid air. With the help of the practice method, it was indeed twice the result with half the effort. The ten spiritual energy was absorbed reasonably without wasting a single cent.

During the practice, Zhang Liang did not disturb them again. There were at least eight thousand menial disciples who entered Qingyun Sect. These menial captains would definitely take turns.

If a group of people were caught and beaten to death, it might cause unrest. At that time, they would not get any benefits and would cause a lot of trouble.

What's more, they are now preparing for the big competition in half a month, and they have no time to care about others.

There is plenty of time in the future as long as they can consolidate their positions.

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