Ye Lin is the person in that picture. Compared with what the figure in that picture is facing, the Nine God Transformation Realm is really not as good as shit.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved and sat beside Ye Lin honestly. He wanted to see how Ye Lin faced it.

On the other side, Wang Teng looked at several people with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, with your help, Ye Lin will die this time."

Wang Teng laughed and said.

The two of them looked at the three gods behind Wang Teng, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, they had also thought of the plan of killing someone with a borrowed knife.

But after seeing the three gods behind Wang Teng, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not what they imagined. It seems that Wang Teng really wants Ye Lin to die.

"Okay, I've sent someone to investigate. Judging from Ye Lin's current speed, he will pass here in half an hour, so we have to set up an ambush and seal off the space first."

"Just wait for him to come. When the time comes, he won't even have a chance to escape."

After Wang Teng finished speaking, the others nodded.

For this plan, the six gods in the realm of gods even used their own trump cards.

After all, they had also heard about Ye Lin's identity, but they all wanted the sequence in front of them, so they had to come.

If you want to do it, you must kill it.

Once Ye Lin escapes, Ye Lin's revenge may not make them feel so comfortable.

But after Ye Lin is killed, it will be truly worry-free. Anyway, the pressure behind it has nothing to do with them. They are not the masterminds, they are just thugs.

So the premise of everything is not to let Ye Lin escape.

"Okay, seal the space immediately."

After Wang Teng finished speaking, the nine great gods in the realm of transformation began to set up the trap. One can imagine the power of the trap formation that the nine great gods in the transformation realm set up together.

Watching this scene, Wang Teng stood with the two of them, quietly holding a bead in his hand.

This bead is a hidden bead. Once Ye Lin comes and they take action, he will crush the hidden bead. This bead is a disposable item, but it can temporarily transform the perception of a real person in the divine realm.

And the three real people in the realm of gods he brought also had such treasures.

Once Ye Lin came to take action, they all crushed it to pieces, so that Ye Lin didn't even know that Wang Teng was included in this plan.

They just need to leave quickly.

For this plan, he, Wang Teng, was bleeding heavily.

A treasure that blocks the perception of real people in the realm of gods. Even if it is a one-time use, it is still valuable.

On the other side, Ye Lin looked at Taiyuan in front of him, then at Toitian beside him, and then he spoke.

"Protect him later."

"Of course, leave it to me."

Tou Tian nodded.

"Xiaohong, we haven't fought side by side for a long time, right?"

Ye Lin stood up slowly, holding Zhuxie in his hand, putting his left hand behind his back, standing on Xiaohong's back, and said softly.

"Hahaha, boss, I haven't fought alongside you for a long time. I will have a good fight later."

Xiaohong laughed, feeling excited all over.

It had been a long, long time since he had fought side by side with Ye Lin. If we were serious about it, he had never really fought side by side.

"Okay, let's have a good fight later. There are always people who think that I, Ye Lin, am a soft persimmon and want to pinch me."

"Now, let them squeeze it."

Ye Lin sneered.

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