You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 391: Plotting against each other

"What if it fails?"

Suddenly, someone asked with a worried look on his face.

After all, they are not idiots. Nothing in the world is perfect. If something goes wrong, it will be great fun.

After all, the assassination of Ye Lin was as big as the sky.

If one operation is not good and the situation does not develop as Wang Teng said, it will be over.

"Don't worry, if anything happens, I will bear all the consequences."

Looking at the two people in front of him, Wang Teng cursed the old fox in his heart and said in a deep voice.

After hearing Wang Teng's words, the two looked at each other, and the charm in their eyes was self-evident.

"Okay, we agree, but how to do this?"

One person looked at Wang Teng and asked, after all, who doesn't know Ye Lin's combat power? In addition, Ye Lin has now broken through to the realm of gods. It will be very difficult to assassinate Ye Lin.

"I have three gods here, and you have three of them. I don't believe that Ye Lin can still be safe and sound when nine real people in the gods are besieging him."

Wang Teng's face turned grim and he spoke.

There are followers behind each of their sequences, and it is not impossible that there are followers with the fighting power of the real person in the realm of gods.

After all, that position is too high, so high that even a real person in the realm of gods wants to curry favor with him.

After all, if you don't reach the highest point, you have to climb up at all costs.

He didn't believe that the Nine Divine Transformation Realms couldn't kill Ye Lin.

So what if the combat power is strong? With such a large number, no matter how evil you are, you can't escape, right?

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll play with you later."

The two of them immediately agreed. After all, Ye Lin's death would be of great benefit to them.

"Okay, I have investigated that Ye Lin is in Feisheng County. Calculating the time, he is rushing back now. We must intercept him halfway."

"In this case, we have to take action now. After all, if we miss this opportunity, Ye Lin will be in full swing in the future. It will be difficult to take action again."

Wang Teng said calmly.

After all, the assassination must be carried out without the knowledge of the top management of Wuming Mountain, so assassinations cannot be carried out in Wuming Mountain or around Wuming Mountain.

After all, there are so many True Monarchs of the Hedao stage entrenched in the Wuming Mountain, including the Heavenly Monarch of Transcending Tribulation, so once he takes action, he will probably be noticed immediately.

At that time, not only will the plan fail, but it will also be reduced to a laughing stock.

After all, if you succeed, you are the hero; if you fail, you are the bear.

"Okay, I'll get ready right now. I'll make sure it's completed within half an hour."

"Me too."

Watching the two people slowly leaving, Wang Teng looked at their backs and showed a mysterious smile.

"Ren Feiyang, if this plan is successful, I will reward you heavily."

Wang Teng looked at Ren Feiyang who was slowly walking out behind him and said with a smile.

"Don't dare, this plan will definitely succeed. After all, among the top ten, they are the two people with the least brains."

Ren Feiyang sneered.

This plan was proposed by him, but there were some mistakes in it, that is, the two people who did it were the two people just now, and they had nothing to do with Wang Teng.

Once successful, Wang Teng will not appear in Ye Lin's sight. The only ones who offend Ye Lin are those two people.

This move is called borrowing a knife to kill someone.

But the premise is that the plan goes well.

"Hahaha, this is a great plan."

"But we still can't underestimate the enemy. In order not to attract their attention, we still have to prepare three real gods in the realm of gods to deal with them."

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