You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 389: Stealing out of the seclusion

Toutian was depressed.

In the past twenty years, he had been restoring his essence and studying the Sky-peeking Plate all the time.

Finally, God paid off. In the past twenty years, his essence was finally restored to 20%, and he had almost studied the Sky-peeking Plate.

The spirit of the Sky-peeking Plate was also completely activated by him. With the help of the spirit, the power of the Sky-peeking Plate rose sharply.

He had just come out of retreat half an hour ago, and as soon as he came out of retreat, he couldn't wait to find Ye Lin.

But without the token, he couldn't enter Ye Lin's residence at all, and he didn't know anything about Ye Lin's residence.

So he thought Ye Lin was still in retreat. He stood outside Ye Lin's residence and shouted for half an hour, but there was no movement in Ye Lin's residence.

This made him very depressed. Even if he was in retreat, as long as there was a slight disturbance in the outside world, the person in retreat could detect it.

After all, retreating is not death.

"Has Ye Lin come out of retreat? No, doesn't he want the stone tablet? If he doesn't come to me after retreat, does he not want the stone tablet? Or does Ye Lin have no intention of paying attention to me at all? Strange."

Toutian looked at Ye Lin's residence in front of him, then shook his head and walked to the side.

Finding a deserted place, Tooutian squatted on the ground and took out the Sky-peeking Plate from his arms.

"Spirit of the weapon, help me."

After Tooutian finished speaking, the Sky-peeking Plate began to operate at full capacity, and a trace of causal power began to entangle Tooutian's body.

If ordinary cultivators saw such a terrifying causal power, they would probably be scared to reincarnate on the spot.

But Tooutian was not surprised. They were born to bear the cause and effect of the Tianji Tower. They had a secret method to use cause and effect to practice.

After all, you calculate other people's fortunes, and you are a cultivator, so you must bear the cause and effect.

"Oh? Interesting, it turns out that Ye Lin has broken through the God-transforming Realm, and he left a few days ago."

After the calculation, Tooutian suddenly realized it.

Then, when he was about to put away the Sky-peeking Plate, he suddenly felt dull in his hand.

"Ye Lin actually has another killing calamity? Let me see, let me see."

Toutian's face was suddenly excited, and the speed of his hands pinching the seals gradually increased.

The speed of his hands was so fast that they had become afterimages.

The next moment, a picture appeared in front of Toutian.

In the picture, there was an extremely magnificent hall, and in the hall, there were three figures standing.

"Ye Lin is now in the heyday, and it seems that someone is secretly building momentum for him. Now his reputation is very famous in Wuming Mountain, and he has broken through the God Transformation Realm. Don't you have a sense of urgency?"

"You are not unaware of Ye Lin's combat power. I guess he must have the support of the True Lord behind him. Everything is aimed at that position."

"After some time, when his reputation is completely consolidated, I am afraid he will immediately challenge the top ten sequences. With Ye Lin's strength, can you resist it?"

"Once he becomes one of the top ten sequences, then the position we are struggling to compete for will be a joke."

Wang Teng, one of the top ten sequences, looked at the two young men in front of him and said coldly.

During this period, Ye Lin seemed to be assisted by God. He first broke through the Transformation Realm, then destroyed the Xuanyin Sect, and seemed to have appeared in Feisheng County.

All signs pointed directly to the position he had dreamed of.

After the battle in Tiangong, he had a deeper understanding of Ye Lin's combat power. He could not beat him.

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