You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 371 Taichu’s ingenious plan to build momentum

However, what he didn't know was that Ye Lin had long forgotten what happened a few days ago.

After all, he was now at the same level as the top ten sequences, and he looked down on a small character like Ren Feiyang.

In his eyes, a small character like Ren Feiyang could be destroyed with one hand. If he didn't provoke him, it would be fine. Once he provoked him, then at most he would be killed with a sword.

It was such a simple thing.

"Alas, it's time and fate, alas..."

After watching for a long time, Ren Feiyang sighed, then shook his head and left quietly.

On the other side, Ye Lin looked at the disciples below with his hands behind his back and waved gently.

"Get up."

"My fellow disciples, I have received news that the Xuanyin Sect in Tianhe County is suffering from cholera, and it is killing ordinary mortals. Even various small sects cannot escape their clutches."

"The killings they have caused cannot be forgiven by the Heavenly Dao."

"The situation in Dongzhou is unclear now. What they are doing is to reduce the power of our human race internally. This is very infuriating."

"My Wuming Mountain is the leader of the human race in Dongzhou. Such a scum has appeared in the territory under my jurisdiction. We must take action, so I will lead you to destroy the Xuanyin Sect now."

"Are you willing to go with me to destroy this demon sect?"

After Ye Lin finished speaking, the disciples below were full of momentum and shouted loudly.

"We are willing to accompany Brother Ye Lin to destroy the demon sect."

"Okay, in this case, please step on the flying boat, and we will set off."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he took out the Qinglong flying boat from the space ring. Suddenly, the Qinglong flying boat grew against the wind and turned into a huge flying boat that was a hundred meters long.

The disciples below flew to the deck one after another.

"Let's go."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, the flying boat turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

The disciples watching the battle below had not yet recovered from the shock.

The scene just now was too shocking. They hadn't made such a big move in Wuming Mountain for a long time.

Although they were the first force of the human race in Dongzhou, they had always been very low-key. Since they fought their way to the first force of the human race in Dongzhou, they basically had no big moves.

As time passed, many forces did not know Wuming Mountain, and the prestige of Wuming Mountain was reduced again and again.

And now, such a huge movement, of course, greatly inspired people and made the disciples excited.

"Hiss, so they are going to destroy the Xuanyin Sect, good."

"Hahaha, my Wuming Mountain has been silent for a long time, so many forces don't know the reputation of my Wuming Mountain. Now even a small Demon Sect is making such a big move under the nose of my Wuming Mountain."

"I hope that this time Senior Brother Ye Lin will completely destroy this hateful Xuanyin Sect and let other forces see that my Wuming Mountain is still there, and Wuming Mountain has always been there."

And everyone's reaction was exactly what Taichu calculated.

This move directly pushed Ye Lin's prestige to the peak, but there are also disadvantages to doing so.

If the destruction of the Xuanyin Sect fails, Ye Lin's reputation will be like a rat in a stinky ditch, and everyone will shout and beat him.

But Taichu has already planned everything, as for failure? That is impossible.

Once successful, Ye Lin's reputation will spread to the other five counties, making Ye Lin a big celebrity in the human territory in one fell swoop.

Finally, beautify it more, so that once Ye Lin becomes the leader of Wuming Mountain, he can be justified.

It can be said that Taichu’s plan was truly brilliant, extremely brilliant.

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