You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 361 The mysterious person behind Taichu

If I die, the tribe behind me will also be destroyed.

And now, a great opportunity is right in front of me.

He, the Crazy Python, is determined to expand his own race, and now the opportunity has come.

"Young Palace Master, please."

After thinking for a long time, the Crazy Python stepped aside and bowed slightly to Xiao Hong.

This is the highest etiquette. It is extremely rare for a True Lord of the Hedao period to salute a True Lord of the Huashen Realm.

"Very good, you made a very correct choice. In the future, I will ensure that your Crazy Python clan will last forever."

Xiao Hong looked at the Crazy Python with admiration, and then flew away.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sky.

After watching Xiao Hong leave, the Crazy Python killed the other three Demon Lords of the Huashen Realm who followed him, and then began to return to the Ten Thousand Demons Hall.

He is a True Lord. Even if others know that he let Xiao Hong go, they will not embarrass him. After all, if he embarrasses a True Lord, he will not want to live.

"Boss, the riot in the Dark Forest was not really caused by you, right?"

On the way, Xiao Hong asked with a curious face.

Ye Lin nodded.

"Boss, I am sad that you did not take me with you on such a fun thing."

Xiao Hong boasted to Ye Lin while flying.

And Tou Tian sat beside Ye Lin in a proper manner. Since he knew that Ye Lin was the person in the picture, he did not dare to act rashly.

The future Ye Lin can fight against the whole world with one person. His instinctive awe made him dare not move at all.

Xiao Hong's speed was very fast. It took only five hours to reach the border of the human race.

Because the speed of the flying boat at full speed is only the usual speed of the real person in the God Transformation Realm, not to mention Xiao Hong, a veritable demon lord in the God Transformation Realm, flying at full speed.

When we arrived at the border of the human race, we saw Taichu and Taiheng standing in front of the border with their hands behind their backs, quietly looking into the distance.

Behind the two stood a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man just stood there quietly, as if he was the whole world.

He was the world.

"Here we come."

Suddenly, Taichu spoke, and the next moment, Xiaohong's figure appeared between heaven and earth.


Sensing something was wrong, Xiaohong howled, and the whole body quickly stopped, staring at the three people in front of him.

"Boss, two people in the Hedao period, and one whose cultivation level is unclear, we can't beat them, and now it seems that we can't run away either, do you want to call for help?"

Xiaohong looked at Taichu, Taiheng, and the mysterious man with a vigilant face.

"No, this is one of us."

Ye Lin smiled and patted Xiaohong's back, then jumped up and came to the three people.

"Hello, Master, hello to the two seniors."

"Hello to the three seniors."

Toutian followed behind Ye Lin and bowed to the three people in front of him.

And Xiao Hong's shadowy figure stood there quietly. Wanting him to worship? Impossible.

"Hahaha, good, it's good that you're back. By the way, my master, where is your master's grandfather? Where did you put it?"

After seeing Ye Lin, Taichu laughed loudly, and then asked anxiously.

"Master, master's grandfather and others are all in here."

Ye Lin took out the jade bottle from his arms.

"Hmm? Jade bottle?"

After seeing the bottle in Ye Lin's hand, Taichu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then Taichu looked at the man behind him silently.

"Your things are good, I want them. This thing is a gift to you. This is the first time I see you, and there is nothing good. This thing is for you."

The man behind Taichu stepped forward, took the jade bottle from Ye Lin's hand, and then threw a jade talisman to Ye Lin.

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