You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 358 Meeting Xiaohong

"Thank you so much, my benefactor. Thank you so much."

Looking at Ye Lin's back, the village chief, with the help of other villagers, knelt tremblingly on the ground and kowtowed to Ye Lin three times.

He had only heard about the way of cultivation, but had never really seen it.

But now Ye Lin is actually willing to pass it on to them. They really have nothing to repay for such a great kindness.

With this thing, it is possible for their village to give birth to a real strong man, a strong man who can truly lead their village out of the mountains.

"Master, why don't you bring the village chief and Dahua Erniu with you? They can also worship you as their teacher like the little one."

The little one lay on Ye Lin's shoulder and said.

"Little one, your master is not strong enough now. With so many people, if we encounter a monster, we will probably all die."

"Besides, it's safest for them to stay in the village. When the little ones succeed in cultivation and become powerful, it won't be too late to pick them up."

Hearing Ye Lin's words, Xiao Bu nodded and said firmly.

"Okay, little one must bring Dahua Erniu and the others to where we live."

While walking, the little one fell asleep on Ye Lin's shoulder. This made Ye Lin dumbfounded. Children are still children after all.

"Fellow Taoist, if you accept this child as your disciple, will this child do anything great in the future? Or is he very talented?"

Seeing the little one sleeping, Toitian asked quietly.

"This child has unlimited potential in the future and will achieve more than you and I. Also, Fatty, don't ask if you shouldn't ask. You owe me a favor now. I advise you to immediately calculate for me whether there are any remaining stone tablets in the Monster Clan territory. of?"

Ye Lin glared at Toitian and said.

Tou Tian smiled and touched his head, saying naively.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I just calculated it. The entire Demon Clan is gone, and the rest are all within the Human Clan."

"That's good, I'll get them all when I get back."

Seeing Ye Lin's look like this, Toitian became even more curious, and with a low voice, he came to Ye Lin's side and said furtively.

"Fellow Taoist, tell me, what is the secret inside the stone tablet? And what is the jade talisman in your hand? It can actually be integrated into the stone tablet? What is in the light spot that comes out of the stone tablet? "

After hearing so many questions from Tou Tian, ​​Ye Lin patted Tou Tian on the shoulder and said sincerely.

"Fat man, as I said before, don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask. Knowing too much will not be good for you."

Then Ye Lin hugged the little boy and flew forward quickly.

Tou Tian rubbed his head and said with a depressed expression.

"If you don't ask, why don't you ask? Why are you so fierce? Humph."

Then he stood up and followed Ye Lin closely.

Flying, Ye Lin stopped and took out a fiery red feather from the space ring.

I saw fiery red flames emanating from the feathers.


Ye Lin's face was full of doubts. Once Feather reacted like this, someone would contact him again.

"Is it Master or Xiao Hong?"

Just when Ye Lin wanted to inject spiritual energy, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun.

It was a giant fiery red bird. There were nine fiery red feathers behind the giant bird, and its wings were spread out, reaching a length of a hundred meters.

The whole giant bird looks extremely beautiful.

"Boss, the boss didn't expect you to be here. He was about to go find you, but he didn't expect to meet you halfway."

The next moment, the giant bird spoke, his tone full of excitement.

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