You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 354 Ye Lin's intention

"Tell me, where are you from? Are you transformed into a monster?"

Unexpectedly, the man who was called Shenshang did not answer at all. Instead, he drew his sword and pointed at Ye Lin and Toitian, with a cold face.

"Shenshang, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, Wuya's expression changed, he grabbed Shenshang's shoulder and said.

"Wuya, two ordinary people can cross the mountains and come to our village? Don't you find it strange?"

"And some monsters can transform into human forms. Have you forgotten the tragedy a hundred years ago? You just brought in two people of unknown origin?"

"If the tragedy of a hundred years ago happens again, can you afford the consequences?"

Shen Shang looked slightly angry, looked at Wu Ya and angrily yelled.

Wu Ya slowly put down his hand on Shenshang's shoulder and remained silent.

"Tell me, where are you two from? If you don't tell us your origins clearly, we won't welcome you in our village."

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Shen Shang continued to ask.

What happened here attracted the attention of the people around them, who surrounded the two people and looked at them.

"You don't even understand our origins."

Ye Lin reached out and pinched the tip of the sword. The next moment, the sword in Shenshang's hand whined and fell to the ground.

This long sword is just a mortal object. He only needs to use a trace of the power of the sword rules to make this long sword lose its combat effectiveness.

Seeing the long sword that had been with him for decades falling from his hand and falling to the ground, Shenshang was shocked.

Not sure? Impossible. He is a sword god, and he will never make the kind of mistakes that even mortals would not make.

The only possibility is...

Shenshang looked at Ye Lin with a solemn expression.

"Okay, I won't ask you about your origins. What is your purpose in coming to our village?"

Shenshang slowly backed away and spoke.

Ye Lin was able to use means to make his long sword fall to the ground silently. Just such a simple action showed that he was no match for Ye Lin.

"Our origin is simple. We need the stone tablet in your village."

Ye Lin stretched out his hand and pointed at the central stone tablet.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Ling finished speaking, the expressions of the surrounding villagers changed drastically.

"Impossible. The sacred stone has protected our village for hundreds of years. There is no way you can take it away."

"That's right, it's impossible to give the sacred stone to you. If you want to take it, just step over us."

The surrounding villagers looked excited and spoke loudly.

Tou Tian looked at Ye Lin.

"We don't have much time. It's time to leave. The longer we stay here, the more dangerous we are. Take the stone tablet and leave."

Tou Tian sent a message to Ye Lin.

Their time was extremely valuable, and they didn't want these mortals to waste too much time.

After all, his power to steal the sky is also limited. Once he cannot support himself and the sky-peeping disk stops operating, then the two of them will most likely die in this demon clan territory.

Ye Lin nodded when he heard Toitian's voice transmission. He really couldn't waste any more time, so Ye Lin raised his feet and walked to the front, looking at the little one in front of him.

"What are you going to do? Stop."

Seeing this, Shenshang and Wuya couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards Ye Lin.

After all, the little one is the hope of their entire village. If something goes wrong, it will be a disaster.

"Kneel down."

Ye Lin didn't care about the two people behind him at all. He just said softly. The next moment, the two people who were so fast just suddenly fell to their knees and remained motionless.

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