You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 328: The plan to steal the sky

"But you have to believe that I promised you and I will never break my promise."

"And the stone tablet at Longhu Mountain can be regarded as my meeting gift to you."

Seeing Toitian say this, Ye Lin was shaken in his heart.

It is true that the Nine Swords are too attractive to me. After all, I am just searching at a loss now.

The entire Dongzhou is so big, searching for the whereabouts of the remaining stone tablets is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Everything depends on luck.

By the time he finds the location of the Nine Swords, it will be a long time ago.

"Okay, I promise you, but why do you insist on letting me accompany you when you go to the dark forest?"

Only then did Ye Lin ask his inner doubts.

He had heard of the Dark Forest, which was located in the Demon Clan area.

Moreover, there are all lonely ghosts in this forest.

Generally, after a monk dies, if the soul is not obliterated by the opponent, the powerful soul will take the opportunity to seize the body and be reborn, while the soul of the monk with low cultivation level will dissipate between heaven and earth.

Give back to heaven and earth, be born in heaven and earth, die in heaven and earth.

After some monks died, due to special reasons, not only did their souls not dissipate, they could continue to practice and become ghost cultivators.

Those in the dark forest are the souls of the dead creatures of various major ethnic groups. They live in the dark forest. In theory, as long as the dark forest is not destroyed, they can be allowed to survive.

Because the dark forest is an extremely special place, there is a mysterious power that can nourish the soul.

But the most deadly thing is that the souls of the dark creatures will only become lonely ghosts. They have no intelligence and can only float around blindly.

Because there are so many souls inhabiting it, it is filled with ghostly aura, and even the most powerful people do not want to live in it all year round.

Moreover, there are several souls from the True Lords of the Hedao Stage in the Dark Forest. Once the powerful ones step in, they will cause these True Lords of the Hedao Stage to fight back wildly.

But these spirits cannot escape from the dark forest.

Therefore, the demon clan just allows the dark forest to exist. If it wants to destroy the dark forest, it must touch the souls of the few true kings who reside in it.

Although they are dead, their cultivation is real, and with millions of years of accumulation, their combat power will not be lower than that of the Hedao stage.

Even if there is no spiritual intelligence, the combat experience in life is still there. It is something engraved in the mind and will not be lost.

Once you fight against these people, even if you win, the demon clan will not have an easy time.

One against one, it is too difficult for a Hedao Stage True Lord to kill a Hedao Stage True Lord.

Even if the dark forest is allowed to exist, the things inside can't get out, so the demon clan just lets them exist.

"I am a fortune teller, and my combat power is not very strong. Moreover, the Hedao Stage True Monarch cannot step into the dark forest. Once he steps in, it will trigger a terrifying counterattack."

"And if a real person in the realm of gods steps into the territory of the demon clan, the demon clan will not let you enter so directly. If my identity is exposed by then, I will die."

"But it's different in the Nascent Soul stage. When the two of us walk into the territory of the demon clan, the demon clan will definitely turn a blind eye. If it's worse, they will send out real people from the Transformation God Realm to strangle us. But the Real People from the Transformation God Realm want to It’s not that easy to kill me.”

"But their demon clan will never send out the True Lord of the Hedao Stage to take action, so that we can sneak into the dark forest. By then, the only opponents you will face are the remaining souls of the Nascent Soul Stage."

"In addition, I have something in my hand that can awaken the treasure of my Tianji Tower. I can block those remaining souls in the transformation stage."

"But I can't guarantee the remnant soul of the Nascent Soul stage, so I need your company. I know your combat power. There are very few people at the same level who can fight with you."

"That's why I found you, how about it? Do you want to do it? If you are lucky, you can just accompany me for a while."

After Toitian finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Ye Lin, waiting for Ye Lin's answer, while Ye Lin was lost in thought.

When the two of them stepped into the territory of the demon tribe, they would at most be attacked by real people from the realm of gods, but Tou Tian had the ability to avoid being chased by real people from the realm of gods.

As for the True Monarch of the Hedao stage, it is absolutely impossible for him to take action. It is absolutely impossible for two small Nascent Soul stage monks to lead the True Monarch of the Hedao stage to take action.

So Toitian is right.

According to Toitian, there is no danger during this period, and by changing the positions of the remaining stone tablets, it is a sure profit.

But what I'm afraid of are the changes.

He, Ye Lin, is not afraid of death, but what he is afraid of is dying of oppression.

If someone of the same level killed him, he would die without regrets, but if he was killed by a monk in the transformation stage, it would be extremely frustrating.

"Are you sure nothing happened during this period?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Lin couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, since you know my identity, you shouldn't doubt my professionalism. If something happens, can I still figure it out?"

"The only change is that the world exploded and the demon clan's real trump card was revealed."

Listening to Toitian's words, Ye Lin nodded in agreement.

If Toitian can be related to the Hedao Qi Zhenjun, then there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Ye Lin also knew the trump card that Tou Tian mentioned.

The Human Race, the Shura Clan, and the Monster Race all have trump cards, and that trump card is the Tribulation Period. It is better to say it is the trump card than the king bomb.

As for this trump card, only these three major ethnic groups in Dongzhou have it, which is why these three major ethnic groups can occupy the entire Dongzhou.

"Okay, I'll go with you, but first I have to get the stone tablet from Longhu Mountain."

"Of course, no problem. When the time comes, I will take you to sneak in. The sect-protecting formation in Longhu Mountain is the same as nothing to me. I can avoid the powerful calculations."

Hearing Ye Lin's agreement, Tou Tian was extremely happy.

The reason why he wanted to bring Ye Lin with him was because Ye Lin was powerful, and the most important point was whether Ye Lin was the person in the picture.

He once used the Tianji Tower's treasure to predict the future, but he couldn't see anything clearly, only a figure.

The figure held a long sword in his hand, and on his shoulder stood a long-extinct mythical beast, the phoenix. The figure stood on the corpses of hundreds of millions of extraterrestrial demons, facing the entire demon world alone.

He fights against the entire world with the power of one person, and there is no one behind him who is qualified to accompany him.

Just by calculating such a small amount of information, he lost 90% of his origin. Even though he was now a Nascent Soul Stage monk, he couldn't beat even a Golden Core Stage monk.

A loss of nine resources would have killed an ordinary person long ago.

And he was almost discovered by Tiandao.

Ever since he saw Ye Lin, he had linked him to the vague figure in his memory. If Ye Lin was really the figure in his memory, and he made friends with him now, he might be able to recreate the glory of Tianji Tower in the ancient times in the future. .

Because the figure in that picture has this qualification.

For a person who can fight against the entire world with one person, even Tiandao may not dare to say anything if he wants to rebuild the Tianji Tower.

If Ye Lin wasn't, he wouldn't be at a loss. After all, in his current state, stepping into the demon clan's territory and entering the dark forest alone would be tantamount to courting death.

And now, there is no better candidate.

He couldn't invite the big-power disciples, so he might as well go alone if he just found any Nascent Soul stage monk.

And Ye Lin is the best choice now.

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