You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 325: The City of Beasts Opens

"Are you sure that every location on your map is accurate?"

Ye Lin looked at the scroll in Toitian's hand and asked.

When Toitian heard this, he patted his chest with determination and said firmly.

"Of course, it must be accurate. Even every detail is clearly marked. If there is any mistake, you can come to me and I will compensate you tenfold."

"I am from Longhu Mountain in Tianxu County. If you make a mistake, you can come to Longhu Mountain to find me. I guarantee that I will pay you ten times the compensation, and I will also give you a low-grade earth-level spiritual weapon."

Seeing the confident look of Toitian in front of him, Ye Lin took out a high-grade spiritual stone from the space ring.

"It is said that there is a mysterious stone tablet in the City of Ten Thousand Beasts, and the stone tablet is always surrounded by sword intent. Do you know where this thing is?"

Tou Tian, ​​who was just about to take the spirit stone from Ye Lin's hand, smiled like a flower when he heard this.

"I definitely know this, but you have to pay more, one high-grade spiritual stone, two in total."

After Toitian finished speaking, Ye Lin took out another high-grade spiritual stone and placed it in his hand.

"Tell me the location."

Tou Tian took the two high-grade spiritual stones from Ye Lin and put them in his arms. He then opened the scroll in his hand, took out a brush and drew a circle on the main hall in the center of the map.

"Look, we were right here when we entered, and the mysterious stone tablet you mentioned is in the center of this hall."

Seeing the position of Stealing Heaven's Finger, Ye Lin nodded secretly and kept everything in mind.

"Alright, fellow Taoist, our deal is complete. Let's take our leave. I wish you good luck."

"By the way, no one has studied the mysterious stone tablet until now, so it's useless for you to go there. You might as well go find the True Fire of the Sun instead of studying the mysterious stone tablet."


After Toitian finished speaking, he placed the scroll in Ye Lin's arms and ran towards the distance.

Looking at Toitian going away, Ye Lin moved his fingers and the map in front of him turned into nothingness.

The above content has been memorized in Ye Lin's mind, and it is useless to hold it.

Then Ye Lin sat on the grass and began to close his eyes and regulate his breathing, blocking out all sounds from the outside world.

If what is sealed in the stone tablet is really one of the Nine Swords, there is no doubt that it will make a lot of money. If not, it will not be a loss. After all, there are other things in it.

He now understood that the stone tablet could only be opened with its own token. Without the token, no one could obtain the contents.

I would just think it was just a strange stone.

This also greatly ensures safety. Once you get the stone, the things inside it will definitely belong to you, avoiding the possibility of outsiders getting there first.

As time went by, more and more monks gathered around, and most of them were local monks from Tianxu County.

As for the monks in other counties, there are very few. After all, it spans one county. Some disciples of the big forces look down on them, and the small forces don't have that ability.

"Oh? This fellow Taoist looks very unfamiliar. Is he from another county?"

Just as Ye Lin closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, three monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul came to the side and looked at Ye Lin and said with a smile.


Ye Lin did not open his eyes, but responded lightly.

Each class has its own chain of contempt. These three people in front of them can be killed easily. After all, who cares about an ant?

So arrogant.

When the monk saw this, he thought to himself.

Ye Lin's look was really too arrogant.

It seems that it is not a conversation between peers, but a conversation between juniors and seniors.

"May I ask where your friend is from?"

"Tianhe County."

Hearing that Ye Lin was from Tianhe County, the inquiring monk looked at each other with the other two companions, their eyes full of inexplicable charm.

Everyone knows that Tianhe County is the weakest overall strength among the five human counties.

Moreover, the last time the monsters invaded, just those garbage monsters almost broke into Tianhe County. This just showed the incompetence of the younger generation in Tianhe County.

Because of this incident, Tianhe County was completely turned into a laughing stock, causing the monks in the other four counties to look down on Tianhe County even more.

The arrogant young man in front of me actually comes from Tianhe County?

This couldn't help but make them look at each other.

"It turns out that fellow Taoist is from Tianhe County. Excuse me. Please say goodbye."

Ye Lin was silent as he watched the three people leave. He had already seen the contempt in the three people's eyes.

But it's not worthwhile to argue with ants.

In this way, the day passed quickly.

The next day, there were thousands of monks gathered around. The male and female monks all around looked at the huge city in the distance, their eyes full of longing.

Click, click, click.

Suddenly, several crisp sounds spread all around, and the blue barrier above the Ten Thousand Beasts City began to shatter bit by bit.

Among them, a few dragon roars could be faintly heard.

The old dragon is in charge of the City of Ten Thousand Beasts. This seal was also placed by the old dragon. Once the time is up, the seal will be opened by the old dragon.

After three days, the seal will be closed again by the old dragon.

As the peak demon lord in the transformation stage, no one knows what the purpose of Lao Jiaolong's stay in Ten Thousand Beasts City is.

All I know is that in the City of Ten Thousand Beasts, there is an old dragon at the peak of divine transformation sitting in charge.

"Look, the seal of Ten Thousand Beasts City is open, let's go."

"It is said that the true sun fire is born this time. The true sun fire is a low-grade spiritual fire on earth. It is a rare encounter in tens of thousands of years. Let's try our luck."

"Junior sister, it's time to go."

After the seal was completely broken, the monks all around began to rush towards the City of Beasts.

And here, the vast majority of monks come here for the True Fire of the Sun.

After all, the Beastmaster Sect was very wealthy at its peak, but over the years, all the good things have been taken away.

If it weren't for something as heaven-defying as the Sun Real Fire, who would be willing to come so far?

The location of Ten Thousand Beasts City is in the wild land of Tianxu County. As you can tell from the name, it is very poor. You can't even see a monk in the Qi training stage on weekdays.

Every time when the City of Ten Thousand Beasts opens, there will be so many high-level monks.

The spiritual energy in the wild land is thin. In ordinary times, who would come to this place where birds don't poop?

At this time, Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and walked towards the City of Beasts.

The City of Ten Thousand Beasts is very big, very big. In the wild land, it can be regarded as a very standard place.

All the bases of other forces in the Savage Land combined are not as big or as grand as the City of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The end of the old dragon is coming soon. The other forces in the wilderness are waiting for the old dragon to die. Once the old dragon dies, they can go to war on Ten Thousand Beasts City.

After all, who wouldn’t want to own such a stunning building?

After walking into the City of Ten Thousand Beasts, you were surrounded by some strange buildings, and various marks on the walls of these buildings showed that horrific battles had taken place here.

There were even corpses on the ground.

Even if a monk in the Nascent Soul stage dies, his body can remain incorruptible for thousands of years, so these corpses are most likely left behind by monks fighting for treasures a hundred or even hundreds of years ago.

Since the human race signed a contract with the old dragon, real humans in the human race's deity realm were not allowed to enter, and no living beings were allowed to enter during the seal period. Therefore, even if these people died, no one would collect their bodies.

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