You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 322: Lu Daosheng's Death

Yan Luo and the black-clothed man beside him were surrounded by black mist, and they attacked Ye Lin from the left and right.

"This sword, one will die."

Ye Lin's spiritual energy surged, and the rules of swordsmanship surrounded him.

Seeing this scene, Yan Luo's face changed drastically, and then his whole body quickly retreated, keeping as much distance as possible from Ye Lin.

He never thought that Ye Lin was actually a genius who understood the rules. How talented is this?

The general Hedao period Zhenjun cannot understand the rules. Damn, you have mastered it in the Yuanying period?

The other black-clothed demon cultivator was not as vigilant as Yan Luo. When he just rushed to Ye Lin's eyes, Ye Lin gently slashed down with his right hand.

The pupils of the black-clothed demon cultivator suddenly enlarged, but the next moment, the pupils gradually became dim.

The whole body also lay straight on the ground.

And a blood hole appeared on his forehead.

"It's your turn."

After dealing with the person in front of him, Ye Lin turned and looked at Yan Luo.

Unexpectedly, Yan Luo was not panicked, but laughed wildly.

"Look behind you."

Hearing Yan Luo's words, Ye Lin turned around and saw that Lu Daosheng was held in the hand of another black-clothed demon cultivator like a chicken claw.

"Now, give me the blood evil flag, otherwise, your companion may not be able to get out alive."

After Yan Luo finished speaking, he looked at Ye Lin with an extremely arrogant face.

As for the black-clothed demon cultivator who just died, he didn't even look at him.

It seemed that the life and death of his companion had nothing to do with them.

"Who told you that he is my companion? What does his life or death have to do with me?"

The next moment, after Ye Lin finished speaking, Yan Luo's face froze.

"Jian Yi, sword cuts the sky."

With Ye Lin's light shout, a sharp sword light directly split Yan Luo in two.

Ordinary Yuanying period cultivators were no longer taken seriously by Ye Lin.

With so many bonuses, if he still can't kill the same level like a butcher dog, he might as well find a piece of tofu to die.

If you can't kill people of the same level like butchering dogs, why do you work so hard to cultivate and polish your combat power? It's better to directly improve your realm.

"Damn it."

Seeing that Yan Luo was killed so easily by Ye Lin, the cultivator holding Lu Daosheng's face was relieved, and then he broke Lu Daosheng's neck and rushed to the cave entrance quickly.

"Do you think you can run away?"

The next moment, Ye Lin's voice came, and the black-clothed demon cultivator's face froze, and his whole body lay straight on the ground, without any breath.

After doing everything, Ye Lin raised his foot and slowly came to Lu Daosheng's body.

There was no breath at all, and he was indeed dead.

"People with purple fate, I don't believe it can die so easily."

Looking at Lu Daosheng's panel, Ye Lin said.

After all, the higher the fate, the harder the life.

For example, people with golden fate, as long as you turn into ashes, you can't die. This is the horror of the son of destiny.

Looking at the cave, Ye Lin waved his hand, and the Phoenix Fire swept the entire cave. After all the insect eggs were eliminated, Ye Lin glanced at Lu Daosheng's body, and then left.

Not long after Ye Lin left, the originally dead Lu Daosheng suddenly moved his right thumb in an extremely smiling manner.

"Ten Thousand Beasts City, there are still billions of miles, tsk."

When he arrived on the flying boat, Ye Lin looked at the map in his hand and uttered a light tsk.

It has been flying for so long, and there are still billions of miles away from the Ten Thousand Beasts City.

Now he is a little envious of the power of the real person in the God Transformation Stage, who can reach it instantly by tearing through the space casually.

In this way, Ye Lin drove the speed of the flying boat all the time. The speed of the flying boat under full flight can directly match the normal flying speed of the real person in the God Transformation Stage, which is really abnormal.

On the way, Ye Lin also found that there were streams of light flying in one direction around him. The purpose of these streams of light seemed to be the same as his own, which was to go to the Ten Thousand Beasts City.

While the boat was running normally, Ye Lin gradually slowed down the speed of the flying boat.

In front of the flying boat, in the air, three young monks were besieging a female monk in a red dress.

This female monk exuded an extremely cold aura, and she would not lose even if she was fighting three people alone.

The reason why Ye Lin stopped was because the female monk in front of him looked familiar.

He couldn't remember who she was or where he had seen her, but she looked familiar.

"Three grown men besieged a little woman like me, and I beat them. You have lost face."

At this time, the female monk in a red dress looked at the three male monks around her with disdain.

"Damn it, form a formation, and kill this female devil today."

Hearing such insults, one of the monks was extremely angry and immediately began to pinch his hands.

Suddenly, a ray of light connected the three people, trapping the female monk in the center.

At this time, a panel appeared in front of Ye Lin.

Name: Li Miaoyin

Cultivation: Late Yuanying

Fate: Purple

Race: Human

Identity: The Saintess of Yin Yang Demon Sect, one of the three major demon sects in Tianxu County, is the last disciple of the Grand Master of Yin Yang Demon Sect. If you make friends with her, you may gain the favor of the entire Yin Yang Demon Sect, but this woman has a cold and domineering personality, so remember not to provoke her at will.

Numerology: [Yin Yang Demon Body] [Blessing of the Ancient Demon]

Fate: Stopped at the peak of He Dao, and was ambushed by the peerless demon lord of the demon clan He Dao period when fighting with the ancient demon, and fell since then.

Recent opportunities: None

[Yin Yang Demon Body]: With the Yin Yang Demon Body, when you were born, there was a three-year drought in the area of ​​10,000 miles, and all creatures within a hundred meters died suddenly. You were born to be a seedling on the path of magic.

[Ancient Demon's Blessing]: Because you have the unique physique of the ancient demon, you are also silently watched by the ancient demon. When you are in danger, there is always a mysterious power to give you a ray of hope.

After reading the panel of this woman, Ye Lin finally remembered.

How come this woman looks so similar to Li Miaoling?

Looking at the identity again, Ye Lin secretly said, "Wow, the saint of the Yin Yang Demon Sect. The Yin Yang Demon Sect is one of the three major demon sects in Tianxu County, and there is a top demon sect with a true master in the Hedao period.

And the blessing of the last ancient demon really made Ye Lin unable to hold back.

Do you know what the ancient demon is? It is the ancestor of the great demons in the world, the most ancient demon.

Going back to the ancient times, it is the ancient times. In the cultivation world of the ancient times, the cultivators were not human at all, they were freaks.

The ancient demon was the real overlord of the ancient times, and even the divine beasts had to give it some distance.

Getting the blessing of the ancient demon was extremely terrifying.

"It's just a trick, break it for me."

In front, Li Miaoyin looked at the formations around her with disdain on her face, then held a magic sword in her hand, and her whole body was filled with spiritual energy.

The next moment, the sword light appeared, and the formation that looked extremely powerful was directly broken.

The three cultivators' faces changed wildly and they vomited blood.

"Damn it, I didn't expect this demon to be so strong, let's go."

After saying that, the three of them ran in opposite directions, fearing that they would be caught up by Li Miaoyin. Once caught up, their lives would be in danger.

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