You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 320 Lu Daosheng's shock

Speaking of this, Lu Daosheng's face was extremely ugly.

This soul-eating insect is simply invincible and a big bug in the cultivation world.

Everyone uses spiritual energy to cultivate, but spiritual energy attacks are useless to you. What kind of perverted ability is this?

Moreover, the soul-eating insect can absorb power and grow infinitely.

For example, a soul-eating insect in the Nascent Soul stage attacks a group of Nascent Soul cultivators. The attacks of the cultivators not only cannot hurt the soul-eating insect, but also make the soul-eating insect grow rapidly.

In the end, it is a group of Nascent Soul cultivators who die.

If the soul-eating insect grows to the realm of great power, then...

"Senior, let's go quickly, notify the outside world quickly, and let the great power come to deal with it."

After saying this, Lu Daosheng's face was full of anxiety.

Bloodworms are easy to say, just set up a seal to trap them all, and as long as you come to eliminate them regularly, it won't cause much trouble.

But the soul-eating insect is different. The seal is the best delicacy for this guy, and as long as one escapes, it won't take long for the entire cultivation world to fall into chaos.

After all, this guy reproduces very quickly, laying eggs three times a day, and a soul-eating insect can lay hundreds or thousands of eggs at a time.

Soul-eating insects are hermaphroditic, so you don't need two, just one, and in just one year, it can cause a catastrophe that affects the entire East Continent.

"Then is there no way to eliminate them?"

Seeing the soul-eating insects that couldn't shake the Zhenshi Pagoda, Ye Lin asked Lu Daosheng.

After listening to Lu Daosheng's words, Ye Lin also felt that it was difficult. This kind of insect has too abnormal abilities.

No wonder the major ethnic groups in ancient times did not hesitate to spend huge costs to eliminate soul-eating insects.

"There are two ways."

"The first is that the soul-eating insects only devour things that contain spiritual energy, so you only need to be a physical cultivator and use your powerful physique to kill the soul-eating insects."

"The second is that soul-eating insects have an upper limit. For example, soul-eating insects in the Nascent Soul stage can only absorb the attacks of Nascent Soul cultivators infinitely, but once there are a large number of Nascent Soul cultivators, the soul-eating insects will explode and die, and once the Divine Transformation cultivators attack, the soul-eating insects in the Nascent Soul stage will also explode and die."

"But senior, these soul-eating insects are all in the Nascent Soul stage, let's run quickly."

Lu Daosheng finished explaining and spoke.

After observing for such a long time, he was sure in his heart that Ye Lin was just a Nascent Soul cultivator.

If Ye Lin was a Divine Transformation cultivator, why bother? Just wave your hand, and these bloodworms including soul-eating insects will all turn into ashes.

"You stay here, there is a solution, that's much better."

Ye Lin's mouth curled up after hearing this, physical cultivator? Sorry, he is also a physical cultivator.

And he is a physical cultivator at the peak of the Nascent Soul.

Ye Lin had thought about letting the Zhenshi Pagoda absorb the Soul Devouring Bugs, but the Zhenshi Pagoda uses spiritual energy, which is restrained in all directions.

Ye Lin walked out of the Zhenshi Pagoda under Lu Daosheng's stunned expression and came to the outside world alone.

The Zhenshi Pagoda is transparent all over, so this is why the outside can be seen from inside.

When Ye Lin just stepped out of the protection range of the Zhenshi Pagoda, the bloodworms around rushed towards Ye Lin with red eyes, opening their mouths wide to bite Ye Lin's body.

But no matter how they bite, they can't hurt Ye Lin at all.

After all, Ye Lin is a physical body at the peak of the Nascent Soul. How can these rookies break Ye Lin's physical defense?

"Die for me."

Ye Lin clenched his fist and punched the nearest Soul Devouring Bug.


With a loud bang, the Soul Devouring Bug in front of him had almost no chance to resist, and was smashed into a blood mist by Ye Lin's punch.

Looking at the soul-eating insect that was easily beaten to death by him, Ye Lin's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt.

This soul-eating insect is so easy to kill, so why can it cause such a big storm in the ancient times?

After all, in the ancient times, physical cultivation was rampant, and he didn't believe that there were not a few physical cultivation masters.

But what he didn't know was that there were indeed physical cultivation masters in the ancient times, but the physical cultivation was strong in the early stage and progressed rapidly, but the later it was, the slower the progress.

Even in the resource-rich ancient times, there were only three physical cultivation masters who entered the tribulation period completely with their physical bodies, and these three masters were all alien races, not a human race.

After all, these three people still relied on their racial talents to get to this point.

But these three eventually died at the hands of the soul-eating insect.


After killing a soul-eating insect, Ye Lin rushed towards the other two without any hesitation.

All attacks were pure physical attacks, and no martial arts were used at all.

Because Ye Lin was afraid that once he used martial arts, he would be swallowed by these soul-eating insects.

Snap, snap.

With two loud noises, the other two soul-eating insects were smashed into blood mist by Ye Lin's two punches.

In this way, a total of three soul-eating insects were killed one after another.

After doing everything, Ye Lin moved his tibia. He hadn't used his physical body to fight for a long time. This was the first time he did it. For a moment, he was still a little uncomfortable.

Looking at the bloodworms still biting his body, Ye Lin killed tens of thousands of them with a few slaps.

Then he put away the Zhenshi Pagoda, and the golden light appeared again, isolating the dense bloodworms outside, and then pulled Lu Daosheng forward.

Don't say this guy, he knows a lot.

"I didn't expect that the senior is still a physical cultivator. I have offended you just now. Please forgive me."

Lu Daosheng whispered to Ye Lin.

He never expected that Ye Lin was actually a physical cultivator, and a Nascent Soul stage physical cultivator. What's more, this physical cultivator was not just in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

It is very likely to be in the late stage or peak of the Nascent Soul.

This is very outrageous. Ordinary people, let alone physical cultivators, can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, which is a blessing.

And Ye Lin is not only in the Nascent Soul stage in terms of cultivation, but also in the physical body, which shocked him.

It is said that although the physical body progresses quickly, it becomes more and more difficult towards the end.

And the resources spent and the price endured are all sky-high.

And the time spent is dozens of times that of other cultivators of the same level?

But now looking at Ye Lin again, he Lu Daosheng dares to swear that Ye Lin is definitely very young, definitely not that kind of old man.

Although he can't see Ye Lin's age clearly, he feels that Ye Lin is definitely very young.

After all, a cultivator's face can't be seen by just looking at the face.

Changing one's face is as easy as it can be for a cultivator.

Even a guy who is tens of thousands of years old looks like a teenager.

And his worldview was also refreshed by Ye Lin. Is this the world of Tianjiao?

He was praised as the first of the younger generation of Baizhan Spear Sect and the descendant of the Spear King. Now when he was compared with Ye Lin, he felt embarrassed.

He didn't dare to fight with Ye Lin.

As the two went deeper, the aura around them became heavier.

There were more and more bloodworms, so many that the surrounding space could not accommodate them.

Even so, the bloodworms from the outside world still rushed here frantically without any hesitation.

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