You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 312: Become a disciple of Taichu

The speed of the flying boat was very fast, and in almost no time, everyone had arrived at Wuming Mountain.

"I still have something to do, please go your separate ways."

After Taiheng finished speaking, his entire figure disappeared.

The surrounding air is also a bit depressing. If that idea is true, then a great disaster will befall the entire East Continent.

The Jade Emperor is the powerful one of the demon race. When the time comes, the human race will be in danger.

Seeing the top ten sequences leaving one by one, Ye Lin also stepped off the flying boat and walked towards his residence.

He wanted to sort out his harvest this time, but he had no choice. The harvest this time was too rich, and he hadn't had time to read it carefully.

When he arrived at his residence, Ye Lin took out the token to open the barrier and stepped straight into it.

When he came to the courtyard, Ye Lin found a person sitting next to the table in the center of the courtyard. Looking carefully, this person was Taichu.

"How is it? Have you got the things?"

Taichu held a teacup in his hand, drank the tea in the cup, and looked at Ye Lin with a smile.

Ye Lin took out the luminous pearl from the space ring and handed it to Taichu.

"I got it, senior, please take a look."

Taichu took the luminous pearl from Ye Lin's hand and looked at it carefully. After a while, Taichu looked happy.

"Yes, it's exactly this. I saw you right."

"In this case, from now on, you will be my only direct disciple from Taichu. Now, are you willing to worship me as your teacher?"

Taichu looked at Ye Lin with a smile and said.

"Disciple pays homage to Master."

But Ye Lin didn't hesitate at all, cupped his fists and bowed to Taichu.

After all, if a True Lord of the Hedao Stage actively accepts him as his disciple, then if he refuses, he will really look like a fool.

"Shouldn't a disciple kneel down and worship?"

Seeing Ye Lin like this, Taichu was a little surprised and asked softly.

There was no blame in his tone.

He was the true king of the Hedao period and took the initiative to recruit disciples. Ye Lin actually did not accept the apprenticeship ceremony, which made him a little curious.

"To be honest, Master, my disciple also has a master."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he slowly began to talk about how he met Chu Xue when he first came into practice.

In his heart, Chu Xue is his eternal master and will never change.

"I see. I didn't expect you to be a person who values ​​love and justice. Not bad."

After listening to Ye Lin's words, Taichu was not only not angry, but also full of relief.

When accepting a disciple, you are not afraid that the disciple will have no future, you are not afraid that the disciple will be lazy and lazy, but you are afraid that the disciple will be a white-eyed wolf.

It is a taboo to teach a disciple, but in the end, you will deceive your master and destroy your ancestors.

While looking at Ye Lin, Taichu felt extremely satisfied.

He has high cultivation level, unparalleled combat power, neither arrogant nor impetuous personality, and he is also a person who values ​​love and justice.

Now he appreciates Ye Lin more and more.

"Okay, from now on, you will be my only direct descendant of Taichu. This is the summary of my cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage. Please read it."

"This should solve 80% of your confusion. My residence is on the mountain behind the inner gate of Wuming Mountain. Take this jade talisman. If you encounter any problems that you don't understand, you can come to me."

"Also, if someone bullies you because of your high cultivation level, you can also use the jade talisman to tell me that I make the decision for you. No matter who it is, they cannot bully my Taichu disciples."

After Taichu finished speaking, he waved his right hand, and a jade talisman appeared in front of Ye Lin's eyes.

Ye Lin took it solemnly.

"Also, this is a low-grade earth-level space ring. As my Taichu disciple, how can I wear a low-grade Xuan-level space ring?"

"Okay, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first. Remember, if you need anything, you can come to me as a teacher."

"However, you still need to remember one thing, that is, you need to be cautious and cautious during the journey of cultivation, and remember not to be arrogant."

"By the way, the southern Ten Thousand Beasts City in Xu County will be opened in two days. Go check it out when you have time."

"I heard that there is True Sun Fire in the City of Ten Thousand Beasts. If you get the True Sun Fire, it will be of great benefit to you."

"And you are now the body of the God of Fire. If you get the true fire of the sun, plus the bonus of the special spiritual fire in your body, your combat power will reach a terrifying level."

"Also, there is a mysterious stone tablet in the center of Ten Thousand Beasts City. The stone tablet exudes majestic sword energy all year round, but no one can understand its mystery."

"It seems to be waiting for a destined person. You can go and have a look. Maybe this destined person is you."

"Don't slack off recently and improve your cultivation. Dongzhou is going to be in chaos."

"The little guy on your left wrist is very interesting. Be nice to him and it will help you a lot in the future. You don't need to hide the things around your neck. Take them out when you need them."

"If anyone dares to be greedy, I will dig out his eyes."

"Okay, let's go."

After Taichu finished speaking, he walked out of Ye Lin's residence.

Ye Lin bowed deeply towards Taichu's back.

"Thank you, Master."

After Taichu left, Ye Lin looked at the low-grade space ring in his hand and was filled with joy.

Unexpectedly, I had been thinking about changing my space ring, and now it happened.

Now that he has a real backer, he has a Hedao Stage True Lord as his backer, and he will not be so fearful in the future.

"Hedao Qi Zhenjun is really terrifying."

Ye Lin said with lingering fear.

Every word Taichu just said seemed to be seen through him.

All the secrets in his body were seen through by Taichu.

The small tower, the small spirit, the small fire, and his own body of the God of Fire were all seen through by Taichu at a glance, which made him more envious of the power of the True Lord of the Hedao period.

It was really too powerful.

And the Wanshou City mentioned by Taichu also attracted Ye Lin's attention.

Of course, it was not the so-called Sun True Fire, but the mysterious stone tablet.

"Could it be that the stone tablet is sealed with one of the nine swords?"

Sitting cross-legged in his residence, Ye Lin's face was solemn.

If it was really one of the nine swords, he had to go there. After all, when the nine swords at their peak appeared, the grade was infinitely close to the immortal grade.

"No, I have to go to Wanshou City, even if it is fake, I have to go and can't miss it."

After thinking for a while, Ye Lin finally made up his mind to go to Wanshou City.

He couldn't be careless about any of the nine swords, even if it was a wasted trip, it was worth it.

"Oh, right, it's time to sort out the harvest this time."

The next moment, Ye Lin excitedly put all the harvest of this trip on the bed. Now, it's his favorite part.

Ye Lin took out an ancient book from under the bed. On this book, all kinds of extremely rare and precious treasures in ancient times were recorded.

"Moonlight Grass, it matches."

"Heavenly Spirit Flower, it matches."

"Intermittent Paste, it matches."

"Shenhua Pill, it also matches."

Seeing more and more treasures exactly the same as those in the book, Ye Lin's face became more and more excited.

This Jade Emperor is really rich.

And the treasures that match were all picked up by Ye Lin in the place where the Jade Emperor was in seclusion.

And many treasures are extremely precious, and Ye Lin's current realm cannot use them at all.

After all, those are things used by the half-immortals of the Mahayana period. If he, a small Yuanying period, dares to use them, he will explode and die in minutes.

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