You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 306: Heavenly Rank Lower Grade Phoenix Fire

The independent space in front of him was not as big as he had imagined, only about three square meters in size.

In this three-square-meter space, there were various bottles and jars, and in the center, there was a straw mat.

"This should be the place where the Jade Emperor is in seclusion."

Looking at the space in front of him, Ye Lin pondered for a moment before speaking.

The next moment, the golden wall behind Ye Lin slowly closed automatically. Ye Lin came to the door and saw that there was still a vase exactly the same as the one outside at the door.

Ye Lin grabbed the vase and twisted it gently. Sure enough, the golden wall opened again.

Seeing the wall open, Ye Lin was relieved.

He was really scared just now. If he couldn't get out after entering, he would be dead.

After all, this is a small space opened up by a half-immortal in the Mahayana period. The space is so solid.

"The restlessness of the Phoenix Fire is getting stronger and stronger."

Feeling the desire of the Phoenix Fire in his body, Ye Lin came to these bottles and jars, picked them up one by one, and put them down.

After doing this back and forth, Ye Lin finally stopped his action when he looked at a wooden box in his hand.

The thing in this wooden box was exactly what Phoenix Fire wanted.

Ye Lin then stopped hesitating and slowly opened the wooden box.

He wanted to see what kind of treasure it was that made Phoenix Fire so restless.

There was a demon pill in the wooden box, and a round demon pill was quietly placed in the wooden box.

But the breath coming from the demon pill made Ye Lin unable to breathe, and his face was extremely red.

"What kind of demon pill is this?"

Ye Lin immediately closed the wooden box, and the terrifying feeling just now immediately subsided.

And he said with lingering fear.

At that moment just now, he really felt that he was going to die.

It was really horrifying that just a demon pill gave him such a feeling.

The Phoenix Fire in his body was in an extremely manic state, and the desire from the Phoenix Fire stimulated Ye Lin bit by bit.

The next moment, Ye Lin thought of something unbelievable.

"You won't let me swallow this thing, will you?"

After Ye Lin finished speaking, the Phoenix Fire seemed to have intelligence, and the little phoenix transformed by the Phoenix Fire actually nodded humanely.

"This thing, just emitting a little breath, I almost feel like I'm going to die. If I swallow it, I'm afraid I won't survive. Little guy, don't hurt me."

Ye Lin murmured to himself, as if he was talking to the Phoenix Fire.

The Phoenix Fire flew around the Yuanying in Ye Lin's body, as if expressing something to Ye Lin.

"I am your master, I believe you won't hurt me, if so, then I will fight."

After a while, Ye Lin gritted his teeth and said.

In the world of cultivation, you must have the courage to fight. If you don't dare to fight, then you are a fairy, go home and farm.

Most cultivators have been prepared for death since they embarked on the path of cultivation.

After all, the mortality rate of cultivators is very high, ridiculously high. From the beginning of cultivation to becoming a great power, a cultivator has experienced countless life and death hardships.

It can be said that he fought hard all the way.

"Okay, swallow it."

Ye Lin's face turned fierce, and he sat cross-legged on the futon, then opened the wooden box, and took the pressure from the demon pill, and then swallowed the demon pill directly into his stomach.

The next moment, Ye Lin mobilized all his spiritual power and began to suppress the demon pill.

Unexpectedly, the demon pill he swallowed suddenly burst out with endless spiritual energy and began to flow through Ye Lin's body.

Almost instantly, Ye Lin's meridians were all shattered by this violent spiritual power.

This spiritual power is too powerful and too terrifying. With Ye Lin's current strength, it is absolutely impossible to suppress it.

And Ye Lin's skin surface is extremely red, and blood begins to seep out of his skin.

Ye Lin's body is swelling rapidly, as if it will explode in the next moment.

"Little guy, you really killed me."

Ye Lin cursed in his heart, then opened the space ring and took out all the life-saving herbs and pills he had left behind.

These things are all the trump cards that he has kept in his bottom of the box, just to be able to use them when he is seriously injured one day.

The trump cards can be used, but they must be used.

However, before Ye Lin swallowed the herbs, the Phoenix Fire that was originally flying around the Nascent Soul suddenly showed its power, and a series of fiery red flames flowed through Ye Lin's meridians.

These flames did not cause any harm to Ye Lin, but violently suppressed the extremely violent spiritual power.

In just a few minutes, Ye Lin, who was on the verge of exploding, recovered again.

The terrifying spiritual power just now has been completely suppressed by the Phoenix Fire.

The upper-grade Phoenix Fire of the Earth Rank is extremely powerful, but Ye Lin's cultivation is not enough, and he can't use the full power of the Phoenix Fire at all.

And now, the full power of the Phoenix Fire has been fully revealed.

The demon pill that almost killed Ye Lin is already suppressed by the Phoenix Fire.

And Ye Lin's Nascent Soul is dim. The reason why the Phoenix Fire can be so powerful is because it has drained Ye Lin's spiritual energy.

In this regard, Ye Lin could only put away the herbs, take out all the remaining spirit stones, and start to absorb them all, providing the Phoenix Fire with a constant supply of spiritual energy.

With the support of spiritual energy, the Phoenix Fire started to work on the demon pill again.

From the demon pill, a trace of red light continued to flow into the Phoenix Fire.

Cracks began to appear on the demon pill. Every time a red breath was absorbed by the Phoenix Fire, a crack would appear on the demon pill.

The Phoenix Fire exuded an extremely terrifying aura, and this aura was constantly getting stronger.

The whole process lasted for half an hour, and Ye Lin's spirit stones had been used up.

Ye Lin was extremely regretful now. Why didn't he take so many spirit stones outside? He had to pretend to be a master.

Now you are poor, so you can pretend.

"Boss, I still need spiritual energy. I haven't absorbed all the essence from this guy yet."

Suddenly, a childish voice came out. Ye Lin closed his eyes, looked inward, and locked his eyes on the Phoenix Fire.

The perception of the Nascent Soul Stage is so terrifying that he noticed it as soon as the Phoenix Fire opened its mouth.

He would not foolishly look for the source of the sound like others.

"Have you opened your spiritual intelligence?"

Ye Lin looked at the Phoenix Fire and said in surprise.

When the spiritual fire reached the Earth Level, it already had some spiritual intelligence, but this spiritual intelligence was not perfect.

If the spirit fire can speak like a living being, it must be of heavenly rank with its intelligence.

Since the Phoenix Fire can speak now, it means...

"Yes, Boss, think of a way to continue to supply me with spiritual energy. Don't worry, after the essence of this demon pill is absorbed, I will give you a great fortune."

Listening to the childish tone of the Phoenix Fire, Ye Lin looked at the last spirit stone that he had absorbed and smiled bitterly.

Spirit stone, it's all absorbed.

But the next moment, Ye Lin came back to his senses and looked at his left wrist.

"Xiao Ling, how could I forget you? It's time to use you."

Ye Lin shook his wrist, and suddenly, a ray of light appeared on his left hand.

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