You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 303 The battle begins

"Let's go."

Looking at the chaotic scene around, Ye Lin said to Shangguan Xihe, and then he rushed forward.

When the Jade Emperor's Palace just landed, he had already observed the entire scene of the Jade Emperor's Palace.

And all around are bedrooms, and the master bedroom is in the center.

In this way, the most precious thing in the entire Jade Emperor's Palace must be in the center.

Seeing Ye Lin leave, Shangguan Xihe followed closely.

When the two came to the center, the sky around them was full of geniuses from various races.

They all held their own weapons, and drops of blood dripped on their weapons.

Below was the Jade Emperor's master bedroom, which was also the largest palace on the entire island.

And the atmosphere around was extremely solemn, and no one dared to enter first. In this situation, whoever dared to rush in first would be beaten.

For a while, the whole scene fell into a stalemate.

"Now eight people of my human race have just been seriously injured and two have died."

In the crowd, Zhao Huaian looked a little sad.

In the fight just now, two people died and eight were seriously injured.

The human race has now lost ten top fighters.

And if they want to get their hands on the Jade Emperor's main bedroom, more people will definitely die.

"What should we do? Will we give up this Jade Emperor's Palace?"

Zhao Huaian looked at the monks around him and asked.

He now needs to ask for everyone's opinions. Such a huge loss is unacceptable to them. If they participate in the fight for the Jade Emperor's main bedroom, more people may die.

"I don't want to give up. It has come to this point. There is no need to give up. After all, our human race is the third largest tribe in Dongzhou. Now the scum of the Shadow Clan has not retreated. If we retreat, I am afraid that the scum will look down on us."

A big man holding two hammers said in a muffled voice.

In the distance, Dark Night of the Shadow Clan looked at the human race with a smile.

"I also think we can't give in. At worst, we'll fight them to death. Anyway, at worst, I'll die. Since I started practicing, I've been ready to die at any time."

"And this time I'm dying for the human race, I absolutely won't give in."

"If we don't give in, our human race has so many casualties, then other races will definitely not feel good either. Just the group of scum of the Shadow Clan, 18 of them have disappeared."

For a while, everyone expressed their attitudes, that is, not giving in, not giving in an inch.

"Ye Lin, what do you think?"

Seeing that everyone was so indignant, Zhao Huaian looked at Ye Lin.

Here, whoever has the bigger fist will be obeyed, and Ye Lin's strength has been recognized by everyone.

If Ye Lin says to give in now, then give in.

"I can't swallow this breath."

Ye Lin said with his hands behind his back.

Although he is selfish, he is also a human.

Before being humiliated by the Shadow Clan, even Zhao Huaian and Zhao Huaiping, two great geniuses, almost fell. He couldn't swallow such a big hatred.

If you want revenge, now is the only time. Once you get out, you may not be able to take revenge in this life.

"Okay, if that's the case, then don't let me."

At this time, Zhao Huaian's face was firm.

Since everyone wants to fight, then fight.

Kill the group of scum of the Shadow Clan first.

In the distance, Ye Lin looked at the Shura Clan with his hands behind his back, and Ming Yi, who was standing in the first position of the Shura Clan, also looked at Ye Lin with a smile.

The two kept looking at each other. Although there was no verbal communication, they had already understood each other's meaning.

"Since no one wants to be the first to take action, then I will accept it with a smile."

At this moment, an extremely rampant voice resounded around.

Ye Lin looked at Ming Yi and suddenly blinked three times violently.

The next moment, the entire Shura Clan rioted instantly and began to rush towards the demon clan collectively.

"Target, Shadow Clan, kill."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he shook his right hand, and Zhuxie was pinched in his hand, and rushed towards Dark Night first.

All this happened in a flash. When the human cultivators reacted, Ye Lin was already fighting with Dark Night.

Seeing that the Shura and the demon tribes had already started fighting, the rest of the people did not hesitate and began to quickly support Ye Lin.

Suddenly, the scene was in chaos, the Shura tribe fought the demon tribe, and the human race fought the shadow tribe.

This move directly shocked the other tribes and made them at a loss.

The human race and the Shura tribe had an affair.

Seeing this scene, other tribes also began to look at their hostile tribes and began to attack.

Suddenly, the entire Jade Emperor Palace was in chaos.

At this moment, all the major tribes broke out their past grievances.

And this grievance started with the younger generation.

As the flames of war burned, anyone who came to the Jade Emperor Palace could not avoid being involved in the war.

And the most precious Jade Emperor Palace below was ignored.

Now that all the major tribes are fighting, if anyone dares to go down and take advantage, then sorry, you can get out alive, you are awesome.

And the wars among the major tribes caused most of the buildings in the entire Jade Emperor Palace to be unable to escape.

After all, these buildings were extremely fragile, and there was no formation to protect them. Only a few dozen buildings were still standing. These buildings were built with special materials, and the battle between Yuanying period cultivators could not damage them at all.

"Human Ye Lin, I will remember you."

Ye Lin chopped the An Ye in front of him away with a sword. An Ye covered his injured arm, looked at Ye Lin with resentment, and then flew away.

"After the Tiangong Ruins were opened, the great powers united to seal it. No one can get out before the time is up. Let you run first, and I'll wait for you at the exit."

Looking at the long-lost An Ye, Ye Lin turned around and flew towards the other Shadow Clan's geniuses without caring.

After they all came in, the exit had been re-sealed by the great powers.

The deadline is one month, and you can't get out before the time is up.

And the great powers' meaning is very clear. After you go in, no rules can restrict you. You should take revenge if you should, and you should be wronged if you should.

These are all things that the major clans have tacitly agreed to.

It doesn't matter if An Ye runs away now. He can choose to squat at the exit on the last day. He doesn't believe that An Ye won't go out.

"Damn, so strong."

With the joining of Ye Lin, the Shadow Clan's formation has been completely disrupted. As long as Ye Lin comes, these Shadow Clan's geniuses will run away immediately.

After all, staying behind will only lead to death.

The entire Shadow Clan is being defeated step by step.

"One sword splits the mountains and seas."

Ye Lin slashed with his sword, and the three Shadow Clan Tianjiao vomited blood, and then their bodies quickly chased towards the ground.

Seeing this situation, the other three human cultivators followed closely, vowing to kill these three.

The battle between the human race and the Shadow Clan lasted for half an hour. After half an hour, the human race camp won a great victory.

The battle ended with the beautiful results of killing thirteen Shadow Clan Tianjiao and seriously injuring twenty-eight Shadow Clan Tianjiao.

On the other side, the Shura Clan was still fighting with the Demon Clan. The two major tribes were equally powerful, and the scene fell into a state of anxiety for a while.

After all, the Demon Clan is not a vegetarian, otherwise it would not have been fighting with the Shura Clan until now.

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