Ye Lin's move has made it clear that he does not welcome them, and he does not welcome them at all.

If they do not know what to do, what awaits them is probably the terrifying sword light.

Seeing the geniuses of the major ethnic groups who watched the battle leave one after another, Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction and turned to look behind him.

He saw dozens of human geniuses behind him staring at him with wide eyes and mouths.

Their expressions were all unbelievable.

Even the top ten sequences of Wuming Mountain looked at Ye Lin, with a somewhat unnatural look.

"What's wrong with you?"

Ye Lin looked at the fellow cultivators in front of him and asked.

"It's okay, it's okay. We are just feeling that another peerless genius has appeared in our human race."

"Yes, yes, I am greatly shocked by your strength. I really admire you, I admire you."

The cultivators were stunned at first, and then they complimented Ye Lin with a smile on their faces.

After Ye Lin's appearance just now, they immediately wanted to make friends.

Too abnormal, too abnormal, simply abnormal to the extreme.

"Are you two feeling better now?"

Ye Lin looked at the two brothers Zhao Huaian and Zhao Huaiping and asked.

"Much better, thank you for the holy water from this elf Taoist friend, I feel that my toxins have been almost cleared now."

Zhao Huaian nodded to Ye Lin, then looked at Shangguan Xihe beside him, and said sincerely.

The toxins used by the Shadow Clan on him just now were too cruel, and his meridians were broken.

The meridians are the bridge for the circulation of spiritual power. If the meridians are broken, even self-healing is impossible.

If it weren't for Shangguan Xihe's holy water, he might really have died.

As the first prodigy of the human race in Dongzhou, he was so embarrassed when he made his first appearance, which made him look a little unnatural.

Today, it was really embarrassing.

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank someone, thank that guy."

"The holy water used to save him just now will be deducted from the agreement between you and me."

Shangguan Xihe looked at Zhao Huaian and said, then turned to look at Ye Lin.

"Impossible, I didn't ask you to save him, you wanted to save him, let's follow the original agreement."

Hearing Shangguan Xihe's words, Ye Lin shook his head calmly and said in a cold tone.

He didn't buy that.

" are so stingy."

Shangguan Xihe's face turned red when he saw Ye Lin being so stingy. After thinking for a few seconds, he finally said this.

"Ye Lin? Have I heard of you somewhere?"

At this time, the woman standing next to Ye Lin spoke.

The woman's face was extremely cold, and her whole body exuded an aura of keeping strangers away, like a big ice cube.

Although she was very beautiful and had an extremely stunning figure, not many people were interested in her.

In fact, she was a big ice cube, and no man could melt her.

"I don't know you."

Looking at the woman next to him, Ye Lin shook his head and said.

I don't know this woman, and she doesn't look easy to mess with.

But let's take a look at the panel first.

Name: Leng Ning

Realm: Peak of Nascent Soul

Race: Human

Identity: The daughter of Tai Heng, a True Lord of the Hedao Period, who hates men by nature. If you win her favor, you are very likely to win the favor of Tai Heng, a True Lord of the Hedao Period, but the possibility is 0.001.

Fate: Purple

Numerology: [Queen's Aura] [Full of Understanding] [Frost Body] [Born Beautiful]

Destiny: Stopped at the early stage of the tribulation, and was attacked by the ancient demon when fighting with the ancient demon. In the end, he was defeated and fell into the hands of the ancient demon.

Recent opportunities: In the Jade Emperor's Palace, you obtained the earth-level top-grade treasure, the Zhenshi Pagoda. With the Zhenshi Pagoda, your strength has been greatly enhanced, surpassing Zhao Huaian in one fell swoop and becoming the top of the ten sequences.

Destination: The third house on the left after entering the Jade Emperor's Palace. Walk into the house and find a treasure box in the lower left corner. From the treasure box, you will find the Zhenshi Pagoda. (The treasure box comes with a seal. Once the treasure box is unlocked, it will automatically be recognized by the Zhenshi Pagoda spirit. The way to unlock the seal of the treasure box is to silently recite a spell to the treasure box. The spell is as follows:...)

[Queen's Aura]: Your body is born with a special aura. In this aura, all men will be in awe of you (not effective for steel straight men)

[Full of comprehension]: Your comprehension is very good, but it is in the middle, not too bad, nor very good.

[Frost Body]: You are born with a frost body. With this physique, if you practice ice attribute skills, you will make rapid progress. The frost body gradually affects your personality. If you fail to find a Taoist partner, you may become a ruthless person in the future, like the way of heaven, without any emotions.

[Born Beautiful]: You are born with a good-looking face, and the strong aura of a queen around you is extremely lethal to male cultivators. Any motivated male cultivator will be confused by you and want to subdue you as much as possible.

After reading Leng Ning's panel in front of him, Ye Lin touched his chin and thought.

This woman is not simple. First, her name really matches her personality. Leng Ning is really a good name.

Second, her identity is also very important. She is the daughter of a True Lord in the Hedao period. What a guy.

Leng Ning in front of him looks like he is in his twenties or thirties, and the age of a True Lord in the Hedao period who can live to this day must be at least hundreds of thousands of years old.

This can be said to be a true old man with a child. In addition, the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to give birth to an heir.

Based on this judgment, Leng Ning in front of him is probably Tai Heng's treasure. If anyone dares to move, it may cause Tai Heng, the True Lord of the Hedao period, to go crazy. Don't mess with him.

As for the opportunity, Ye Lin was also shocked.

Good guy, he has never seen a top-grade earth-level spiritual weapon.

However, he was very satisfied to see the panel display the spell intimately.

At this point, he accepted this top-grade earth-level Zhenshi Pagoda with a smile. In the future, he will also be a person with a top-grade earth-level spiritual treasure.

Looking at the numerology of the woman in front of him, Ye Lin couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

What kind of bullshit numerology is this? What is the queen's aura?

This made Ye Lin complain in his heart.

"Why are you staring at me?"

At this time, Leng Ning's words broke Ye Lin's meditation.

Leng Ning looked at Ye Lin with his eyes and asked with a frown.

The man in front of her had been staring at her for a full minute. If she hadn't seen anything aggressive in his eyes, she would have stabbed him with a sword.

"You're right. You look familiar to me, as if I've seen you before."

Hearing this, Ye Lin's brain turned rapidly, and then he spoke.

After saying this, Ye Lin was still thinking about a question, that is, what exactly is the Jade Emperor's Palace?

Where is it? It's not shown on the panel.

Where should he go to find it?

"I think you look familiar to me, too."

After Leng Ning finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Huaian in front of him.

"Ahem, today, the Shadow Clan did give us a warning, but it's not a gentleman to not take revenge."

"We must take revenge for this."

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