You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 284: Heavenly Palace Relics

"Thank you for your help, senior."

After thinking for a long time, Ye Lin clasped his fists and thanked him.

"No, it's just a small matter. How about it? Do you agree to my request? If you agree, once it is completed, I can accept you as my personal disciple. Moreover, I also know your purpose."

"I'm telling you now, it's impossible to become one of the top ten sequences just by being strong. It's simply wishful thinking."

"Behind each sequence, there is a true master of the Hedao period."

"If you agree to my request, I will be your strongest backing. As long as you work hard, I can also push you up to the position of the leader of Wuming Mountain."

After Taichu finished speaking, Ye Lin immediately clasped his fists and bowed.

"I am willing to fulfill your request. Once I enter the Heavenly Palace, I will do my best to get the Night Pearl for you."

"Hahaha, okay, except for the top ten sequences, only you can catch my eye, just agree."

"This is the power distribution map of the Heavenly Palace. Take it back and look at it yourself. After entering, go straight to the Queen Mother Temple."

After speaking, Taichu handed over a map, and Ye Lin reached out to take it.

"Ye Lin, remember, if you want to understand the rules, you must face the rules. I know you are arrogant, but sometimes you still need to imitate the path of your predecessors."

"Tomorrow, someone will come to notify you."

After Taichu finished speaking, his whole body gradually became ethereal and finally disappeared.

Feeling that Taichu's breath had completely dissipated, Ye Lin put the map into the space ring.

When he came to his senses, he found that his back was already covered with sweat.

The pressure on the True Lord of the Hedao period, even if he just stood there, was not ordinary.

"So that's how it is. I miscalculated."

Ye Lin was a little scared. Fortunately, Taichu helped him to block it, otherwise Xiaohong might have...

His idea was still a little naive. It seemed unrealistic to want to hide the eyes of the Hedao period Zhenjun with just a pill.

And there was a Hedao period Zhenjun sitting behind the top ten sequences. He never expected this.

He originally thought that it was just relying on his own strength.

Now it seems that his idea was too naive.

In this world, after all, it is still the background that matters.

Without a background, what can you do to survive? What can you do to compete with others?

But the next moment, Ye Lin was happy in his heart.

As long as he completed the requirements this time, he would have a background, a Hedao period Zhenjun as his background.

Even if his current state of mind is extremely firm, he can't help but waver.

It's so cool to have a Hedao period Zhenjun as a backer, okay?

Although he has the backing of Wuming Mountain and is an inner disciple of Wuming Mountain, no one dares to provoke him, but that is false.

If a powerful person provokes you, you can only watch, because Wuming Mountain will not stand up for you for such a thing.

But it will be different when you have a backer. Once a powerful person provokes you, he will directly pull out a backer of the Hedao period. Are you afraid?

"It seems that I can't accept the task. Go back and study the map first, and understand the general layout of the Heavenly Palace first."

"It can suppress the top ten sequences for decades without breaking through. There must be opportunities that I can't imagine."

After saying that, Ye Lin walked out of the mission pavilion and walked towards the residence.

Arriving at the residence, Ye Lin took out the map and began to look at it carefully.

The things in this map were all drawn bit by bit by the memory of various Tianjiao in the history of Wuming Mountain after they entered and came out.

And the content is also extremely detailed, drawing various buildings of the Heavenly Palace ruins, and marking where there are mechanisms and traps.

Seeing this, Ye Lin couldn't help but feel a little weird.

I'm afraid they have experienced all these traps one by one?

It's really hard work, it's worthy of the predecessors planting trees for the descendants to enjoy the shade.

Then I will accept it with a smile.

The map is very large, ten meters long and five meters wide, which shows how big the ruins of the Heavenly Palace should be.

However, the area drawn on this map does not even reach one-tenth of the area of ​​the entire Heavenly Palace.

But it is normal to think about it. As the first force of the human race in Dongzhou, Wuming Mountain has an extremely vast area, as large as half a county.

As a giant that suppressed the entire Dongzhou for hundreds of millions of years in ancient times, it is not justifiable to be small.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother Temple is marked on this map.

After remembering the location of the Queen Mother Temple, Ye Lin put away the map, sat cross-legged on the bed and began to regulate his breath.

It must be said that Taichu's face is really big.

There are five counties in the territory of the human race in Dongzhou, and each county has countless forces. The forces of the five counties add up to hundreds of them.

Moreover, if one of these hundreds of forces is taken out alone, I am afraid that there will be a True Lord in the Hedao period sitting in charge.

And Wuming Mountain occupies ten places, which is outrageous enough.

Taichu can actually ask for a place.

Really awesome.

Ye Lin now needs to improve his physical condition to the peak moment.

After all, tomorrow, all the geniuses from all the tribes in Dongzhou will come. The quota is so precious, and those who can come must not be fools.

I am afraid they will be stronger than any genius I have ever seen.

"I am afraid I won't see Wuxin tomorrow, but Jian Wushuang is still possible."

Ye Lin thought to himself.

Although Wuxin is strong, it is limited.

Jian Wushuang is different. Although he may be in the early stage of Yuanying or the middle stage of Yuanying, his combat power should not be underestimated.

With the might of the Divine Sword City, it was not difficult to ask for a quota.

One night passed just like that.

The next day, the whole Wuming Mountain was in an uproar.

As long as they were disciples of the inner sect of Wuming Mountain, as long as they had more than three years of experience, they knew what day it was today.

They all hurried to the square. After all, even if they couldn't go to such a grand occasion, they could still take a look.

This time, they came mainly to see the Ten Major Sequences.

The Ten Major Sequences, five men and five women, were extremely mysterious. They usually stayed in seclusion and never showed up.

As a result, some inner sect disciples had stayed in the inner sect for ten years and had never seen the Ten Major Sequences.

They only heard that these ten people were the ten strongest people who were twice as young as Wuming Mountain, and then there was nothing else.

When Ye Lin arrived at the square, it was already crowded with people, and there were ten figures standing in the sky.

Five men and five women, these ten figures had extremely cold faces and restrained their auras. Even if they restrained their auras, just standing there would cause an extremely strong sense of oppression to people.

Ye Lin just glanced over, and the panel kept flashing in front of him. The fate of these ten people was not lower than purple, and there were even three yellow ones, which was a bit outrageous.

And their opportunities all came from the ruins of the Heavenly Palace. After Ye Lin remembered a few opportunities in his heart, he stood in the square.

After all, his primary task was the Night Pearl in the Queen Mother Temple. As for these opportunities, remember them first.

After waiting for a long time, the air in the sky began to ripple, and a figure slowly appeared.

"I am Tai Heng, your protector. The ruins of the Heavenly Palace are open today. Remember, after entering, resources are secondary, and the main thing is to save your life."

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