You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 280 Improving spiritual roots, the shock of the powerful

Ye Lin, on the other hand, did not have so many concerns. As long as there was benefit, he would kill.

Just as the monks in the sky were killing to their heart's content, there were slight tremors on the ground.

In the distance, rows of well-trained troops were slowly coming towards this side. Without exception, the monks in the army were all at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage.

Looking at these troops, the monks who were killing stopped killing.

The combination of these armies created a strong sense of oppression, even they could not help but tremble.

"Kill these hateful invaders for me."

Seeing his army coming, the Golden God waved his hand.

The entire army surrounded all the monks in an orderly manner.

"You two, I'll give you a chance. You can retreat now. I won't kill you."

The Golden God looked at Ye Lin with his eyes and said coldly.

He had no good feelings for these invaders, but since the two people in front of him had accepted the inheritance of his father, why not let them live?

Ye Lin pondered for a moment, and then followed Wu Xin away.

He had gained enough benefits this time, and it was not worthwhile to struggle for these insignificant innate spiritual energy.

He just wanted to integrate the information in his mind immediately.

Seeing Ye Lin and Wu Xin so tactful, Jin Shen nodded with satisfaction, and he was quite considerate.

Then he looked at the invaders who were constantly gathering in front of him with a cruel look.

With the wave of Jin Shen's hand, the battle officially began.

The fighting was so fierce that even a hundred miles away, the huge explosion could be heard.

In front of these all-Nascent Soul Peak armies, just one encounter, several disciples of major forces fell.

In a group battle, they were no match for these armies.

Ye Lin and Wu Xin walked all the way to the exit. On the way, various armies kept coming from all directions, all converging towards the Golden God Empire.

Ye Lin looked up at the direction of the Golden God Empire, wondering how many people could get out alive this time.

When Ye Lin and Wu Xin walked out of the cave, outside the cave, the eyes of the real people in the realm of transformation were on the two of them.

They all came from major forces.

The two left quietly, and no one dared to stop them during the whole process.

"Donor, let's say goodbye."

In the sky, Wu Xin bowed to Ye Lin and said softly.

He couldn't wait to go back and refine the relic. Once refined, his cultivation and combat power would probably increase by more than a little bit.


Ye Lin nodded, and the two separated, one went to Foshan, and the other went to Wuming Mountain.

"Every time I come out, this guy can find me accurately. Is it fate, or..."

Looking at Wu Xin who was going away, Ye Lin muttered to himself.

This guy is a bit evil.

A moment later, Ye Lin rushed to Wuming Mountain and walked straight to his residence.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Ye Lin placed a blank book in front of him, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment, characters began to appear on the blank book.

He would definitely do what he promised.

He would write down everything in his mind now, and then send it to Wuming Mountain, so that Wuming Mountain could help spread it to the entire human race area in Dongzhou.

Time passed bit by bit, and in just a short moment, five days passed in the blink of an eye.

The book that was originally blank in front of him had already been filled.

"I didn't expect that this great man would take the way of talismans to such a level, it is really amazing."

Ye Lin opened his eyes and was amazed.

"This book is now a priceless treasure."

Looking at the book in front of him, Ye Lin couldn't help but admire the great man's mind.

Such a precious thing, not leaving it to his descendants, but benefiting the entire human race.

The value of this book can no longer be measured in words.

"After the spiritual roots are upgraded, send this thing to Wuming Mountain."

After speaking, Ye Lin took out five peerless treasures.

The five divine stones spun around Ye Lin rapidly, while Ye Lin's spiritual power surged wildly, suppressing the five divine stones.

In this way, the five divine stones were refined by Ye Lin bit by bit.

His own divinity became more and more sufficient.

Outside the Nameless Mountain, the originally clear sky suddenly flashed with thunder and lightning, and a terrifying thunder that was billions of miles long hit the Wuming Mountain's protective formation fiercely.

The entire Wuming Mountain trembled fiercely.

"What's going on? Has someone angered the Heavenly Dao?"

Such a big commotion caused the powerful people inside the Nameless Mountain to frown and look up at the sky.

Their eyes were so deep that they seemed to be able to see through the clouds and look at the void.

"What's going on? The Heavenly Dao is going to revive? Impossible, the time has not come yet."

A powerful person counted with his fingers and murmured.

In the ancient war, the origin of the Heavenly Dao was damaged. Since then, the resources of heaven and earth have been greatly reduced, and it has become more difficult for cultivators to break through.

In the past millions of years, the number of peerless masters who have broken through the calamity and Mahayana stages can be counted on one hand.

Therefore, the Heavenly Dao has rarely appeared in the past millions of years.

In ancient times, if an evil cultivator slaughtered hundreds of millions of lives, the Heavenly Dao would punish him.

But now, nothing happened.

Now, the Heavenly Dao is angry again. Who made the Heavenly Dao angry?

In the center of the Nameless Mountain, a vast, ancient breath began to slowly revive.

This breath seemed to be able to destroy everything in the world.

Even the whole world, under this breath, seems dim.

"Someone is changing his fate against the will of heaven? Interesting, wait a little longer, the era is coming soon."

The next moment, the breath suddenly disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

And the initiator of everything was refining five magic stones with all his strength.

Spiritual roots accompany a person's life, and they have been destined since birth.

And forcibly improving spiritual roots is tantamount to changing fate against the will of heaven, just like Ye Lin's, from the middle grade to the upper grade, this method naturally aroused the wrath of the Heavenly Dao.

Under his nose, someone actually wants to change his fate?

He simply doesn't take himself, the Heavenly Dao, seriously.

Boom, boom, boom.

One after another, the world-destroying thunderbolts hit the Wuming Mountain's protective formation, but even so, it couldn't shake the formation at all.

Each thunderbolt can easily crush a real person, even the real person sitting inside the Wuming Mountain can't help but feel scared when seeing this situation.

This attack is really terrible.

It was a thousand times more terrifying than when he broke through the thunder tribulation.

"Fuck, the Heavenly Dao is furious. Under this breath, I am like an ant. It is too terrifying."

"Hiss, such a terrifying attack is indeed worthy of the Heavenly Dao."

"What kind of cultivation can cause such a big commotion? True Man? True Lord? Or..."

"Damn it, fellow Taoists, I am only worried about one thing now. Once this protective formation can't hold up, will we perish here?"

"Fellow Taoists, you think too much. The Wuming Mountain Protective Formation can withstand the attack of the True Lord. Besides, there is a True Lord in my Wuming Mountain. It shouldn't be..."

Inside the Wuming Mountain, whether it is the disciples who are practicing or in seclusion, they all look terrified after noticing such a terrifying movement.

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