You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 272: Obtaining the Enlightenment Tea Tree Seeds


Seeing Ye Lin easily kill fifteen Yuanying peak cultivators, the whole square was filled with gasps of air.

And those disciples, one after another, stared at Ye Lin with admiration.

What kind of power is this?

What kind of strength is this?

Killing Yuanying cultivators is just like killing cats and dogs.

When will they have such strength?

For them, the power is enough to destroy the sect, but in front of Ye Lin, it is nothing.

This is really too terrible.

Since then, they have a new idol, and this idol is Ye Lin.

And Chu Xue was also stunned by the scene in front of her.

After not seeing each other for many years, she knew that with Ye Lin's talent, he was enough to beat most people, but she didn't expect that Ye Lin was so powerful?

Not only did he practice fast, but his combat power was also so amazing that he couldn't be called a human being.

At this moment, many figures appeared around, all of whom were wearing monk robes, with a big bald head, with their hands clasped together, and their faces were all compassionate.

"Buddha's son."

These figures bowed to Wuxin one after another, their faces full of respect.

And the cultivation of these figures is without exception, all of them are at the peak of the Nascent Soul.

These peak Nascent Souls are not comparable to those straw bags that Ye Lin killed casually.

Since the status of the Buddha's son has been consolidated, he can mobilize part of Foshan's power.

"Eighteen Arhats listen to my order."

Wuxin snorted coldly.

"I will give you half an hour to destroy all the sects that participated in this operation within a radius of one million miles, leaving no one alive."

"I respect the order of the Buddha's son."

The eighteen Arhats bowed to Wuxin, and the figures disappeared quickly.

These eighteen people are the famous eighteen Arhats of Foshan. Although they are only eighteen peak Nascent Souls, they form a formation that is enough to trap the real person of the Incarnation Stage, but it only takes a short time.

But even so, it is terrifying enough.

Seeing the eighteen Arhats disappear, Wuxin smiled.

This feeling is really great. Since the position of Buddha's son has been completely consolidated, the Eighteen Arhats have been under his command.

It is his private army and can be mobilized at any time.

Moreover, there are five real people in the Transformation Realm supporting him in Foshan. As long as he wants, he can also mobilize real people in the Transformation Realm.

"Thank you."

Ye Lin patted Wuxin's shoulder and walked straight towards Chu Xue.

If it weren't for Wuxin's help this time, although he was enough to destroy the sects involved in this action, he would have to waste some time.

"Master, what are you going to do now?"

Ye Lin came to Chu Xue and slowly helped Chu Xue up without even looking at Bai Mei at Chu Xue's feet.

In his heart, Chu Xue is his master. As for his master's master, sorry, he doesn't know him.

"I want to stay in Tianyan Sect."

Chu Xue looked at Ye Lin and said seriously.

Tianyan Sect has paid so much for her. If she turns around and leaves now, I'm afraid this matter will become her inner demon.

At this time, she has to think too much about doing anything and look directly into her heart.

If you do something against your will, you may breed inner demons in the future.

Inner demons are what all practitioners fear the most.

As for what range of against your will refers to, it all depends on your heart.

Some people slaughter billions of lives and live freely and easily.

Some people are trapped by inner demons for their whole lives just because they accidentally killed one person.

Hearing Chu Xue's answer, Ye Lin nodded, and he respected Chu Xue's choice.

But if Chu Xue is willing, he can send Chu Xue to any force in Tianhe County and soar to the sky from then on.

"I am Bai Mei, the leader of Tianyan Sect, and I meet the disciples of Wuming Mountain."

After recuperating for a while, Bai Mei, who felt a little better, stood up and bowed to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin's inner disciples of Wuming Mountain, if they are real, are enough to be on par with the leaders of the top forces in Tianhe County, and he should bow.

The main purpose is that he wants to be familiar to Ye Lin.

Those who can become inner disciples of Wuming Mountain will all be real people in the realm of transformation in the future.

This point has been without any mistakes for millions of years.

This is why if you want to become an inner disciple of Wuming Mountain, you need to have the hard condition of spiritual roots.

The level of spiritual roots has determined the upper limit of your life. No matter how evil you are, in the end, you will only be surpassed by people who are a hundred times weaker than you.

Ye Lin arched his fist towards Bai Mei as a return gift.

"Okay, I respect your choice. If you have any problems in the future, just let me know."

"Now that the Eighteen Arhats have taken action, no one dares to attack Tianyan Sect within a hundred years. You can rest assured."

"I see that you are currently at the peak of the Golden Core cultivation, and you are only a little away from the Nascent Soul Stage. I will help you break through the Nascent Soul Stage. As for her."

At this time, Ye Lin turned his attention to Xiao Li.

The forbidden demon body, only a small number of people know about this, so only the God Transformation Realm came.

But if the top forces know about it, it will not only be the Nascent Soul Stage cultivators who come.

After all, every appearance of the forbidden demon body represents a disaster.

Even the True Lord of the Hedao Stage will fall.

The demonic body is so terrifying that it is tabooed by the world.

It cannot be touched, understood, or spoken.

"Just let her stay by your side. Anyone who knows about it will be killed."

At this point, Ye Lin's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Since her master was willing to protect this little girl even at the cost of his life, he would also protect her.

He is not as ignorant as the world. The demon body itself is not bad, but the human heart is bad.

And once the demon body grows up, just because he has saved her, he can get a lot of benefits in the future.

"Thank you."

Chu Xue looked at Ye Lin in front of her and said with a slight movement of her lips.

"Master, I, Ye Lin, have a saying that a drop of water must be repaid with a spring. You always considered me at the beginning, and now, I will repay you a hundredfold."

"There is no need to thank you between you and me."

"Take these things, they are enough for you to break through the Nascent Soul stage."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he took out a storage bag and handed it to Chu Xue.

The resources in the storage bag are enough for Chu Xue to enter the Nascent Soul stage.

"Master Bai, I have a small request."

After doing everything, Ye Lin looked at Bai Mei with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Bai Mei did not dare to relax at all and immediately clasped his fists.

"Don't even mention a small request. Even if you demolish my Tianyan Sect, I won't have any objection."

"It's not that serious. I just want to enter the back mountain of your sect to see it."

Ye Lin smiled and patted Bai Mei's shoulder.

Hearing this, Bai Mei was relieved. He thought it was something else. It turned out to be such a small matter.

"These are all small matters. Please do as you please."

Bai Mei said with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Lin only felt a vibration under his feet.

Looking back, it turned out that the Eighteen Arhats had returned.

"Buddha, the mission is completed. All those who are involved in this incident will be killed."

After the leading Arhat finished speaking, Wu Xin nodded with satisfaction.

Wu Xin just asked them to destroy the sect, but they killed all those who were involved.

In this way, the number of deaths will be multiplied several times.

This world is also full of human relationships.

What do you do when your leader asks you to do something?

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