Ye Lin stepped on Zhuxie, Chu Xue held Yuan Li's hand and stood behind him, while Wu Xin followed Ye Lin, and the four of them walked towards Tianyan Sect together.

Ye Lin did not look down on this little girl at all.

This little girl's future achievements must be high.

"We're here."

Chu Xue said two words lightly, and Ye Lin stopped and looked at the huge mountain gate in front of him.

At this time, the mountain gate was in ruins, and there was a half-broken plaque on the ground. The two words "Tianyan" could be vaguely seen on the plaque.

Seeing this, Chu Xue looked anxious and pulled Yuan Li to the inside of Tianyan Sect.

Ye Lin and Wu Xin looked at each other and followed Chu Xue.

In this situation, Tianyan Sect might...


At the same time, in Tianyan Sect, a white-bearded old man exuded the aura of the peak of the Nascent Soul, and looked solemnly at the five peak-level Nascent Soul masters in front of him.

Behind him stood a group of terrified disciples.

"Bai Mei, your disciple took in a demon body. Your grandmother is an old generation, and you also know what a demon body means."

"Your Tianyan Sect knew about it but did not report it. This is a serious crime. Now, it has caused the ten major sects around to unite and attack. Today is the day when your Tianyan Sect will be destroyed."

"For the sake of our past friendship, I can give you three places. You can choose three disciples behind you at will. I can give them a way out."

"Remember, you can only choose disciples, not people who are related to you by blood."

In the sky, one of the five Nascent Soul Peak cultivators looked at Bai Mei below with a wild look and laughed.

"Hahaha, you are really going backwards. The demon body is just a child, a child. Just because of a demon body, you have mobilized so many troops."

"What's the danger of a child? If it is guided, in time, this child may be one of the pillars of our human race."

"And your concept is really too old. In the history of demon body cholera, have any of you ever cared about the life of the demon body?"

"They were born because everyone wanted to beat them, so they hated the human race. In this case, who can not hate?"

"In the final analysis, you are afraid, afraid."

Hearing this, Baimei laughed.

These people in front of them, under the guise of being for the human race, in fact, they are already afraid.

The demon body has remembered them. At the growth rate of the demon body, these people will die within three years.

"Baimei, don't be rampant, I'll give you one last chance."

Seeing this, another Yuanying period master shouted.

"Children, are you afraid?"

Baimei touched his white beard and looked at the surviving Tianyan Sect disciples behind him.

Now that the leader of Tianyan Sect and all the elders have died in battle, there is only me and these innocent disciples left.

And it seems that my own disciple Chu Xue is in danger now. Tianyan Sect is almost destroyed, and there is no value in my life.

Anyway, I have lived enough. As long as these innocent children in front of me don't want to die, I have to escort them out even if it costs my life.

"Ancestor, I am not afraid. Since I entered Tianyan Sect, my senior brothers have treated me like a brother. Now that my senior brothers have died in battle, I don't want to live in vain. I want to avenge my senior brothers."

"Ancestor, I am not afraid either. The worst thing is death."

"Ancestor, if you can't be happy with your enemies in life, there is no meaning in living."

"Ancestor, I am not afraid either. If I leave now, I am afraid that I can't go any further in this life. It is better to die and die openly."

With someone taking the lead, the other disciples responded one after another, raised their weapons in their hands, and their eyes were full of determination.

They were all ready to die.

And the five Yuanying in the sky saw this scene and sighed.

The cohesion of the Tianyan Sect is really strong.

However, this kind of sect cannot be left.

"Okay, okay, okay, you are all good children. Believe me, someone will avenge us."

Looking at the disciples in front of him, Baimei's eyes were filled with tears. He touched his beard and shouted three good words.

"Old... Ancestor, I still have an unmarried wife at the foot of the mountain. I can't die. Please escort me out."

"Ancestor, the three of us are together. The three of us will get married together in a month. Please help us."

"Ancestor, me too."

At this time, three disciples in the early stage of foundation building squeezed out from the crowd and looked at Baimei with evasive eyes.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, go."

Baimei didn't care much, just waved his sleeves.

"Thank you, Ancestor. In the future, when I have achieved success in cultivation, I promise to avenge you."

"Me too."

After that, the three left the Tianyan Sect under the gaze of everyone.

Looking at the backs of the three people, Baimei touched his beard, his eyes flickered.

All the people of Tianyan Sect must die.

The principle of letting the tiger go back to the mountain is known to even a three-year-old child. The reason why the man in the sky said so was simply to play a trick on him.

After all, a mortal enemy who had fought with him for a thousand years was about to die at his hands. How could he not collect some interest?

"Bai Mei, it seems that you have made your choice."

Watching the three disciples leave, one of the Yuanying stage masters said with a smile.

"Five Yuanying peaks? Are you really so confident?"

Bai Mei snorted coldly, holding a big knife in his hand.

He was able to reach this point by killing his way through one sword after another.

In such a situation, he was not without the strength to fight.

"Since you want to die, then kill."

"Set up a formation."

Baimei snorted coldly, and the remaining seven Jindan disciples behind him rushed out. A formation appeared instantly, trapping a Yuanying cultivator in it.

Baimei raised his sword and rushed towards the other four Yuanying cultivators.

The remaining foundation-building Qi training cultivators followed the footsteps of the seven Jindan disciples and besieged the Yuanying cultivator together.

Boom, boom, boom.

From time to time, loud noises came from the sky, and Baimei fought against the four Yuanying cultivators alone.


A few minutes later, with a loud noise, a figure fell from the sky, and Baimei's body hit the ground hard.

Suddenly, the ground around him collapsed, and he covered his chest with a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Stupid, do you really think you are still young? It's really ridiculous."

A cold voice came from the sky.

On the other side, the trapped Yuanying-stage cultivator roared, and the entire formation was broken instantly.

The surrounding disciples and those who were setting up the formation flew into the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"It's a good formation. If it was set up by a Yuanying-stage cultivator, I would need to spend some effort, but you are too naive."

The trapped Yuanying-stage cultivator said coldly.

"Kill them all."

One of the Yuanying-stage cultivators waved his hand, and countless cultivators rushed out from the dark and rushed towards these Tianyan Sect disciples.

They were all disciples from other sects.

Looking at the disciples from other sects rushing towards them, the Tianyan Sect disciples covered their chests and wanted to struggle, but in their current condition, even moving was a luxury.

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