You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2591 The Road to Invincibility - Drinking on Stage

"I...I'm still alive?"

Seeing the shadow of the sun disappearing under his nose, and himself safe and sound, Xuanyu touched his face and it seemed a little unreal.

She was already ready to die just now.


At this time, there was a loud noise next to Ye Lin, and the two people from before were seen lying on the ground in a miserable state, and both of them looked at the Poison Master in the air with fear on their faces.

"As expected of the Poison Master, we admire him."

Xu Xing stood up, covered his chest and said with a wry smile.

However, the next moment, under his incredible eyes, a green light entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

And the lions beside him were not spared, and were all poisoned by the Poison Lord.

"What is this? What did you do?"

Xu Xing noticed an extra group of green light within his sea of ​​consciousness and yelled at the Poison Lord in mid-air.

"It's just a small trick. This is what the loser should bear."

Du Zun just glanced at Xu Xing and said slowly, then walked towards Ye Lin.

In his eyes, losers are not worthy of being looked at by him.


Xuanyu thanked Ye Lin and turned to leave.

"Aren't you planning to come out yet?"

Ye Lin did not continue to worry about this episode, but asked towards the empty canyon.

After waiting for a long time and there was no movement, Ye Lin curled his lips and walked towards Longshou City with his hands behind his back.

"We just let them enter Longshou City like this? Didn't we stop them? If they enter Longshou City this time, we will never have a chance again."

In the darkness, a man in black spoke solemnly to the leader in front.

"What can we do to stop them? There is no doubt that they are the second one, and the third Jian Wushuang will be unmatched in the future."

"I'm just a rat in a stinking ditch. It's better not to be a stepping stone for others. Let's go and retreat."

As an extremely serious voice fell, the figures hiding in the darkness left one after another.

"It's not surprising that a friend comes from afar."

Ye Linhe Poison Lord stood in front of Longshou City, and there was a man sitting on the city gate in front of him. The man was wearing white clothes, and there was a small table in front of him, and there were several cups of warm wine on the small table. Hot drinks.

"This person is Jian Wushuang."

Looking at the man, Du Zun said in a deep voice to Ye Lin.

At this time, the Poison Master's face was solemn, his eyes were extremely alert, and he seemed to be extremely afraid of the person in front of him.

Looking at Jian Wushuang in the distance, Ye Lin felt a flash of disappointment in his heart.

One of my best friends is also named Jian Wushuang, and he is also a peerless swordsman. Unfortunately, the person in front of me is not him.

"Fellow Taoist, take the drink."

Jian Wushuang flicked his fingers, and the two wine glasses in front of him came towards Ye Lin and Du Zun. The wine glasses contained the extremely terrifying kendo charm.

If an ordinary True Immortal cultivator were to stop drinking, the kendo charm on this wine glass alone would be enough to kill him.

In response, Ye Lin just stretched out his hand lightly, and an unparalleled force of suppression came from his hand. The next moment, the wine glass was firmly caught by Ye Lin.

Ye Lin picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

"Good wine."

Ye Lin praised, even if he doesn't drink much, he still has to say that this is indeed a good wine.

Next to Ye Lin, Du Zun held Yuan Shouyi in his arms, and he took the wine glass steadily.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for the wine."

A strong and extremely strong rhyme of the sword of destruction appeared in the center of Ye Lin's palm, and then he threw the wine glass out.

Daoyun is so terrifying that even a trace of it can destroy a big star.

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