You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2589 The Road to Invincibility - Fighting

"Just you three?"

Ye Lin looked at the three people in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean, fellow Taoist? Are you looking down on me?"

Hearing Ye Lin's question, Xu Xing, who was sitting on the recliner, couldn't help but sit up and look directly at Ye Lin.

"That's not what I meant. I just heard that coming to Longshou Mountain this time is quite dangerous."

Hearing this, Ye Lin shook his head and said.

The three people in front of me, two in the early stage of True Immortal and one in the middle stage of True Immortal, to be honest, they are really not enough to watch.

"Fellow Taoist, you are facing us. As for the others, they are just some rats spying in secret, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Xu Xing laughed and said, not forgetting to look around while speaking.

When the people hiding in the dark heard Xu Xing's words, they couldn't help but clenched their fists, but their bodies were honest and they didn't dare to act rashly.

"Fellow Taoist, if you want to step into Longshou Mountain, you need to pass our level."

"Fellow Taoist, please."

The male lion from before laughed, holding a long knife in both hands and approaching Ye Lin step by step.

"Leave these two early stage True Immortals to me."

Just when Ye Lin was about to take action, Poison Master behind him took one step forward and slapped the lion. On the way, he did not forget to pull Xu Xing, who was watching the show from a distance, into the battlefield.

Suddenly, the battle between the three true immortals emitted violent fluctuations, the surroundings were devastated, and the earth was constantly being shattered.

The space in the center is extremely solid, and the damage that the True Immortal can cause is extremely limited.


Xuanyu walked towards Ye Lin step by step with bare feet. Every time she took a step, there were peach petals under her feet.

"Big day."

Ye Lin made a move with his right hand, and a phantom of the sun was carried in his hand. Behind him, a phantom of the sun appeared, and countless rays of blazing light shone all around.

"The Great Way of the Sun, the Supreme Dharma, is the way of good luck to my fellow Taoists."

Xuanyu's eyes flickered, and he could tell at a glance that what Ye Lin was performing was the Supreme Technique.

After all, Tao leads to visions, which can only be condensed by the Supreme Dharma. It is the manifestation of the Supreme Dharma.

"Fellow Taoist, take action."

Ye Lin held the big sun in his hand and said solemnly.

"I've already taken action."

As soon as Xuan Yu finished speaking, Ye Lin's pupils shrank. He lowered his head and looked at his chest. Before he knew it, his chest had been wrapped in peach blossoms.

Slowly, Ye Lin's entire body was wrapped in peach blossoms, and the bright light emitted by the sun was also covered.

Outside, Xuanyu made secrets with his hands, and peach blossoms wrapped around Ye Lin's body like raindrops.

And every peach blossom contains terrifying murderous intent.

Even ordinary true immortal monks would not dare to ignore it.

Seeing that Ye Lin was trapped by him for a while, Xuanyu's expression not only did not relax at all, but became more solemn.

She kept making secrets with her hands, and a peach tree phantom formed behind her.

The peach tree was ten thousand feet tall, protecting her at the center, and its petals exuded bursts of fragrance.

"Peach blossoms are in full bloom."

Xuanyu hummed softly, and his hands turned into star points that continued to dot in the sky. In an instant, endless petals suddenly poured out between the sky and the earth.

The petals bloomed like the music of death, and the shadow of the peach tree behind him burst into brilliant light.

"This method, fellow Taoist, is quite interesting."

At this time, Ye Lin's voice came out. Under Xuan Yu's eyes, which he had known for a long time, Ye Lin walked out step by step, and the petals surrounding him burned one by one, as if he had never appeared before.

Ye Lin held the big sun in his hand and stepped forward, and the petals flying in the sky were shattered into pieces.

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