You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2572: Attack together

This is also the total number of True Immortals in the arena except for Ye Lin and the other two who followed Poison Lord.

They stood densely in front of Poison Lord, each of them exuding a terrifying True Immortal aura.

These people together can instantly destroy the other galaxy.

But in front of Poison Lord, they are just like chickens and pottery dogs.

If I were to deal with it alone, it might be a bit difficult, but don't forget that I have fellow travelers.

"Fellow Daoists, come and play with me."

At this time, Ye Lin stepped to the side of Poison Lord, the rhyme of the sword wrapped around his body, and a faint smile on his face made people feel like spring breeze.

But thinking so is a big mistake.

"What's going on? Is there someone beside Poison Lord?"

"Who is this guy? I haven't seen him, but judging from his aura, he's another difficult person."

"What are you afraid of? With so many of us, are we afraid of just two people on the opposite side? If you're afraid, get out of here."

"Forty-eight to two, the advantage is on my side. If you still don't dare to make a move, then your cultivation as a True Immortal will be in vain. It's really a waste of your natural talent."

Seeing that the other side had fallen into internal strife before they made a move, Ye Lin looked at Poison Lord with a strange expression on his face.

As if to say, that's it?

Poison Lord didn't expect the quality of the Three Cities Alliance's geniuses to be so poor.

But it's normal. The Three Cities Alliance is just the lowest level of power, and any cow or horse in it can call itself a genius.

If the geniuses here are ridiculously strong, then they are really ruined, because there are still hundreds of cities, thousands of cities, and central areas above, and countless geniuses are waiting for them.

If they can't even beat the Three Cities Alliance, then they are really ruined.

"You are so annoying. I'll take the opportunity to attack you, but you cherish it. Then I'll attack first."

Poison Lord was really annoyed by these guys. If they want to unite, they can unite. Why did they fall into internal strife before they even fight?

Then he attacked without thinking, and his whole body was wrapped in green light. These green lights contained extremely poisonous substances. Any contact with them could make the True Immortal lose their combat effectiveness temporarily.

This is why Poison Lord is so feared.

This guy is a pathogen, full of poison.

Who wouldn't be afraid of him?

As for friends, there is no one.

No one likes to make friends with a guy full of poison, and this guy's personality is not very stable. Maybe he will poison you to death one day.

"Swords come."

Ye Lin raised his hand and waved, and the space around him trembled. Countless long swords condensed by immortal energy appeared behind him, and the long swords were densely packed like a river of swords.


Ye Lin waved his right hand, and the river of swords behind him directly suppressed the major Tianjiao in front.

Ye Lin's simple move alone was enough to make these so-called geniuses exhausted.

And the Poison Lord was like a no-man's land, slapping one away with one palm.

Anyone slapped away by the Poison Lord would be poisoned, and even if they went out, they would be troubled by the poison. Every person who had been in seclusion for ten thousand years could not come out.

"Space pause."

Ye Lin pointed his finger, and the space in front of him was covered with ripples that were invisible to the naked eye, and those geniuses who were struggling to resist the sword river were fixed in place, motionless, and they looked at the long sword in the sky with horror, piercing their bodies like this.

Each body was pierced like a hedgehog.

But after a breath, they all broke free from Ye Lin's time pause and retreated quickly to the back.

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