You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2560: Poison Lord's Discussion

The two smiled at each other, and finally, the body of Poison Lord turned into a bubble and dissipated, while Ye Lin continued to rush to the central area.

Along the way, Ye Lin saw countless scenes of Tianjiao hunting strange beasts, and also saw those Tianjiao being hunted by strange beasts.

He saw his own shadow in these Tianjiao of earthly immortals. At this moment, he could finally stand high and look down on them.

However, it was not enough... not enough.

After a long journey, Ye Lin finally arrived at the central area.

This secret realm was a bit scary. Even with his own speed as a true immortal, it took him three hours to reach the central area. If it was a earthly immortal, it would probably take a hundred years to get there.

No wonder the central area is said to be the duel field of true immortals. Those earthly immortals and heavenly immortals might not be able to get there.

The so-called central area is just a huge platform. The platform is so vast that you can't see the end at a glance, and there are two puppets standing outside the platform.

Two puppets exuding the aura of the peak of true immortals. In front of the puppets, Dongfang Shenming and An Ye stood honestly in place, as if waiting for something.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long."

Ye Lin came to the two and apologized, and the two waved their hands.

"What are you talking about, Daoist friend? We just got here."

After Dongfang Shenming finished speaking, An Ye nodded quietly, and finally, the three of them walked in together.

The two puppets at the peak of the True Immortal realm just glanced at the three of them and fell into peace.

Walking in, looking around, the ground was as white as jade, and you could even see your own reflection in it.

And there was no one figure around.

"Daoyou, let me tell you, this is the central area. In one day, the fight will start. Many True Immortals will fight each other. In the end, the top ten will be decided."

"These top ten will be qualified to go to the Sky Realm and fight with the entire Central Domain."

"Moreover, the top ten will also receive extremely generous rewards."

"But there is a prerequisite, that is, if one of the three people in a team dies or retreats, the other two will not be qualified to go to the Sky Realm, even if you are very strong."

Listening to the explanation of the Eastern God, Ye Lin finally understood the meaning of the previous words of the Poison Lord.

The strong only team up with the strong.

If one of the Eastern God and Dark Night retreats or dies, he will lose this opportunity.

This condition is a bit harsh.

"However, why are there ten places for a team of three people?"

After a moment, Ye Lin found a loophole, that is, there are only ten places, but a team has three members, even if three teams succeed in the end, there is still one place.

"The last spot is an extra spot, which means that if one of the teams dies or retreats, but in the end, if the remaining one performs well, he will get this spot."

The Eastern God explained seriously, and Ye Lin nodded.

It seems that he still has a chance.

It seems that this only spot is more difficult than the previous one where all the teams advance. After all, it is difficult to fight against the rest of the teams with one person.

But if I fall into that situation, I must fight for this spot.

No one can stop me.

In the gap between the three people's discussion, some people have walked onto the platform one after another, and everyone has tacitly kept away from each other.

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