You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2555: The Fear of the Eastern Gods

"He has almost perfectly inherited the poisonous ways of the Poison Master, and his methods are hard to guard against."

"In the end, he reached the peak of the Heavenly Immortal. However, due to the limitations of his understanding and talent, he was trapped in the Heavenly Immortal Peak and was unable to break through."

"Then he did something extremely shocking, that is, he sacrificed blood to the entire galaxy."

"He has been secretly planning for thousands of years. In the end, countless poisons spread throughout the galaxy, countless living beings died, and the entire galaxy turned into a dead galaxy."

"Since then, he has entered the early stage of true immortality by blood-sacrificing the entire galaxy."

"If this method is not enough to make him famous, the most shocking thing is that he used his own methods to forcibly massacre all the powerful clans with three peak true immortals."

"All the billions of creatures in the clan perished. Since then, he has become famous in one battle, and no one in the Demon Realm knows his name."

"There are many people who want to kill him, but without exception, the strong men with this idea are dead."

"Among them there are many who are at the peak of the True Immortal Realm."

"Now that I have met this Poison Lord again, things are a bit difficult to handle."

The Eastern God couldn't help but feel a bit toothache. He would rather face a powerful person at the peak of True Immortal than face Poison Lord who was only in the early stage of True Immortal.

No one has ever seen the methods of Poison Master, because everyone who has seen them has died.

Anyway, according to rumors, Poison Master's methods are weird and unpredictable. Generally, you don't see Poison Master taking action, and then you die.

"It does have some ability."

Ye Lin didn't have much fear of the Poison Lord.

When the time comes, I will see the real chapter under my hands.

However, being able to wipe out a large clan with one person's power is indeed far beyond his means.

Killing people is easy, but destroying ten tribes of people is difficult.

"Fellow Taoist, if you encounter the Poison Lord, hide if you can. That guy uses poison to enter the Tao and has no emotions at all. In his eyes, he only has enemies and no friends."

"He took action, but showed no mercy."

The Eastern God whispered to Ye Lin, he really didn't want to be an enemy of this Poison Lord.

The rumors were not groundless. If he had no real ability, the Poison Master would have been killed by these rumors long ago.

This is the reason why people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.


Listening to the Eastern God's advice, Ye Lin nodded slightly.

we'll talk about it then.

The three of them closed their eyes and started teasing. In the eyes of the three of them, three days just flew by in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the densely packed creatures of all races that could not be seen to the end, the Eastern God was a little stunned.

However, after taking a rough look around, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were not many powerful true immortals.

As for other geniuses, they are not within his scope of consideration.

Only true immortals have strong competitiveness. The rest of the people are here to join in the fun and bathe in the blood of alien beasts to strengthen their bodies.

As for the central area, only true immortals are eligible to enter.

"Everyone who comes to participate in the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden hosted by our Three Cities Alliance will indeed make the Three Cities Alliance shine."

At this time, a rainbow appeared in the sky from Tianer to the end of the sky.

Standing above the rainbow was a bloated man wearing a long gown. He put his hands behind his hands and looked at the people below and said with a smile.

Although some people are unsightly, there are always some noble ones among so many people.

"Okay, you guys probably don't want to listen to my nonsense. In that case, let's open the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden."

Looking at the bored people below, the middle-aged man coughed twice in embarrassment.

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