You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2551 Shen Qingxue

"This is..."

Looking at the figure, Ye Lin stood in place, watching the figure walk to the center, and slowly sat down.

Name: Shen Qingxue

Cultivation: Peak of Heavenly Immortal

Fate: Sublimation

Race: Blood-Moving Monkey Clan

Identity: Daughter of the chief of the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan, with incredible talent.

Fate: [Accepting the Mandate of Heaven] [My Path is Not Alone] [The Way of Heaven and Earth]

Fate: Stop at the peak of the True Immortal. Ten thousand years later, the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan provokes the strongest who cannot be provoked, and the entire race is destroyed by the strongest, including himself.

Recent opportunities: Enter the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden three days later, and find the treasure house left by the ancestors of the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan at the northernmost end of the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden. After using his own blood essence to open it, he found a jar of Blood-Moving Brew in it.

[Accepting the Mandate of Heaven]: Carrying the destiny of the Blood-Moving World, every move is accompanied by the luck of the world.

[My Path is Not Alone]: On the road of seeking the Tao, you can always find Taoist friends who share the same aspirations and the same way as yourself.

[Dao Fa of Heaven and Earth]: His understanding of heaven and earth is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he can always summarize his own law from the rules of heaven and earth.

Treasure illustration: Blood Moving Brew: It is the top fairy wine of the Blood Moving Monkey Clan. Only the clan leader can brew it. After drinking it, it can greatly enhance the comprehension. If you drink a jar at a time, you can permanently improve your comprehension by 30%.

After reading the panel introduction, Ye Lin's eyes flashed with a trace of heat. The treasure that improves comprehension is rare in the galaxy universe, and this Blood Moving Brew can permanently improve comprehension.

He didn't know about the Blood Moving Monkey Clan, but it didn't matter.

I didn't expect that I was really lucky. I encountered such a heaven-defying opportunity when I came out.

After thinking about it, Ye Lin turned around and sat down in his previous seat again.

"Fellow Daoist Xuesha, this is..."

Looking at Ye Lin who suddenly appeared in front of him, the Eastern God was confused. He really couldn't understand this back and forth.

But after thinking for a moment, his blank eyes suddenly became full of meaning, as if he had thought of something, and he showed a meaningful smile to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin didn't have time to care about the meaningful smile of the Eastern God. He was thinking about how to get Shen Qingxue's blood.

The panel said that only Shen Qingxue's blood could open the treasure house.

"Daoyou, why do I see you always holding on to that girl? If Daoyou is interested in that girl, then Daoyou will be busy."

Dongfang God saw Ye Lin staring at Shen Qingxue, so he quietly approached Ye Lin and whispered.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Ye Lin waved his hand to push away Qianfan who was blocking his eyes, and sat in front of Dongfang God and asked.

"That's the daughter of the chief of the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan. Don't tell me, this place is owned by someone else."

"The Blood-Moving Monkey Clan has several True Immortal Peak ancestors in charge, and their overall strength is also extremely strong. Moreover, because the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan is an expert in brewing wine, many races and many strong people are on good terms with the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan and the human race don't have a very good relationship. If you like them, you'll be in trouble."

"But fellow Taoist, a gentleman loves beauty and gets it in a proper way. Fellow Taoist, don't rely on your own cultivation to force it, otherwise, you will only completely offend the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan."

"The price of offending the Blood-Moving Monkey Clan is very terrifying."

Listening to the Eastern God's narration, Ye Lin supported his chin and fell into deep thought.

It was obvious that the Eastern God had gone too far, and he had no interest in the woman at all.

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