You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2544 Happy Dragon Boat Festival 1

"Ninth level, open."

Before Ye Lin could catch his breath, the ninth level came, and he saw gray-white wolf-shaped beasts everywhere in front of him.

Each wolf was gray-white, huge, slender, and had extremely sharp teeth.

"Ninth level, kill 10,000 snow wolves in the early stage of earthly immortals within half an hour, and the challenge will be considered successful. The shorter the time, the better the clearance record."

The cold voice just now fell again, and a melodious wolf howl came from the front. The next moment, 10,000 giant wolves rushed towards Ye Lin at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Lin looked at the 10,000 snow wolves in front of him without any fluctuation in his expression.

After breaking through nine levels in a row, if it were someone else, the consumption would be huge, but he was still at his peak.

Now he finally knows the benefits of the Tao body. His body is like a natural gathering of immortals, and his body continuously absorbs the immortal energy between heaven and earth.

No matter how much immortal power is consumed, it can be replenished continuously, and the consumption is basically zero.

"Thunder sea, fall."

Ye Lin pressed his hands.


There was a huge sound of thunder falling, and thunders were scattered in four strings. In the sky, a dark cloud gathered, and countless thunders roamed in it.

Ye Lin exerted force with both hands again, and the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, and countless thunders descended on the ground, filling the entire ground with thunder.

Thunder surged, filled with extremely powerful sword rhymes, and the murderous aura was extremely strong.


Ye Lin roared, and the thunder sea on the ground suddenly rioted, countless thunders surged, and one snow wolf after another was crushed to pieces by thunder. Under these thunders, these snow wolves had no resistance at all.

"Heavenly Heart Jue."

Looking at the thunder sea in front of him, Ye Lin still felt that the clearance speed was too slow, so he stepped forward with his right foot.

Dong, dong, dong.

Strange sounds rang out, and these sounds were full of rhythm like the beating of a heart.

The next moment, a strange phenomenon occurred. Snow wolves fell to the ground one after another. Their huge bodies suddenly fell to the ground, and after rolling a few times, they lay quietly on the ground without any breath.

There was no wound on the body, but it died so strangely.

"Heavenly Heart Sword Technique."

Ye Lin took another step forward, and a mysterious breath floated between heaven and earth. The Heavenly Heart Sword Technique was not a powerful sword technique. It was mainly used to attack the heart.

Silently, without a trace.

Ye Lin looked at the largest snow wolf in the distance. The snow wolf was wandering in the sea of ​​thunder. No matter how the giant swords transformed by thunder hit it, it could not hurt it at all.

As if it had noticed Ye Lin's eyes, the snow wolf looked at Ye Lin with a pair of bloodthirsty eyes. When it was about to let out a wolf howl, it suddenly looked terrified.

Then, the huge body fell to the ground and never got up again.

The Tianxin Jue constructs a domain, and all creatures within the domain are controlled by him, with one thought for life and one thought for death.

The Tianxin Sword Law is mainly aimed at a single target, and it will kill you silently.

This is the Tianxin Jue and Tianxin Sword Law, the combination of the two makes it hard to defend against.

At this moment, Ye Lin completely regarded this place as a trial field to test the three supreme laws he had just obtained.

When Ye Lin looked up again, he didn't know when the snow wolves that were densely packed in the sky and wild in front of him were now all lying on the ground.

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