You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2542: Breaking into the Tianjiao Tower

"Fellow Blood Fiend, this is the Tianjiao Tower."

The Eastern God stood in front of a towering tower and introduced to Ye Lin.

The giant tower exudes a white luster. The top of the tower is so high that it is completely invisible, and each floor is blocked by a golden light curtain, which looks extremely mysterious.

The creatures gathered at the bottom of the tower. In front of it was a gate. The surface of the gate was covered with a golden light, and there was a light curtain above. An extremely bloody battle scene was playing on the light curtain.

A man holding two swords was standing on a high mountain, looking at countless ferocious beasts densely packed in front of him. Under his feet was a mountain of corpses, which was composed of countless corpses of ferocious beasts.

The ground underneath was stained red with blood, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"Hiss, the sword master may have to stop at the thirty-eighth floor."

"Alas, Sword Master has challenged the 38th floor more than a hundred times, but none of them have passed. It seems that this time it will stop there."

"Yes, Sword Master is one of the most talented geniuses in our Three Cities Alliance. Even he is only on the thirty-eighth floor. How tyrannical can the creatures above him be?"

A series of exclamations came out, and An Ye, who was standing next to Ye Lin, opened his mouth to explain.

"Sword Master, an early True Immortal, more than 14,000 years old, is known as one of the most evil geniuses in the Taisan City Alliance, but evildoers like him have been trapped in the thirty-eighth level for decades."

"It seems that this challenge will also fail."

As soon as the voice in the dark night fell, the man's body in the picture was slapped into a pulp by an extremely huge beast.

The next moment, the picture shattered.

After a while, the man in the picture walked out of the door step by step. His expression was as usual, he glanced around and then stayed where he was and stood quietly.

"Okay, he's out. Fellow Taoist, you can go in."

After seeing the Sword Lord, the Eastern God spoke to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin nodded when he heard this, and then walked towards the Tianjiao Tower step by step.

When passing by the Sword Master, Ye Lin could clearly sense the faint kendo charm exuding from the Sword Master.

Then Ye Lin stepped into the golden light door.

When the golden light in front of him dissipated, Ye Lin found that he was standing in a void, surrounded by fog, with visibility no more than three meters.

"It has been detected that the trialist has entered for the first time, and the test is about to begin. Are you ready?"

The next moment, a cold and emotionless voice reached Ye Lin's ears.


Ye Lin nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene in front of him changed rapidly.

The next moment, he found that he was standing on a plain, and his own cultivation had been suppressed to the peak of the Earth Immortal.

"The cultivation has been suppressed, and even the space ring cannot be used. It is really a magical place."

Moved a bit - body Ye Lin chuckled.

"First level of trial, defeat three blood evil beasts at the peak level of Earth Immortal."

The cold voice just now came again, and at the same time, three huge figures appeared on the plain in the distance.

Even if he was far away, Ye Lin could still feel the extremely rich blood evil energy on his body.

“The shorter the time, the higher the ranking.”

Ye Lin couldn't help but hear the words of the Eastern God in his mind. The next moment, Ye Lin moved, and his body suddenly disappeared from the place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the three figures.

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