"Are you really as arrogant as the rumors say?"

"Remember, the one who kills you is Kuangfeng."

An eagle flapping its wings, covered with scales, and emitting cold light under the sun, looked at Ye Lin.

It looked extremely terrifying.

"There are many restrictions here, how about we change places?"

Looking at the battlefield below, Ye Lin couldn't help but suggest.

The five monsters in front of him seemed to be the five strongest monsters in the group of monsters. If they were led away, their value would be maximized.

Everything else will be left to them.

"Hmm? That's good."

Hearing Ye Lin's suggestion, Kuangfeng nodded without thinking much.

After speaking, six streams of light flew away.

In an instant, Ye Lin and the five monsters stood in a canyon, which was far away from the battlefield, surrounded by birdsong and flowers, and a peaceful and harmonious place.

"Not bad, not bad, you really know how to find a place. This place is just right for your grave."

Kuangfeng looked around and nodded with satisfaction.


Ye Lin raised his mouth, and quickly made hand gestures. Then, a cultivator who looked exactly like Ye Lin appeared beside Ye Lin, exuding the aura of the peak of the Nascent Soul.

"What kind of secret method is this? Illusion? No."

Seeing this scene, Kuangfeng was shocked, and his bird face was full of shock.

"Number Two, go ahead, I have three, you have two."


Number Two looked extremely indifferent, nodded calmly, and then rushed towards two of the monsters without hesitation.

"Tiger Roaring in the Forest."

Number Two did not hesitate at all, and raised his hand to make a big killing move.


In a blink of an eye, Number Two fought with two of the monsters. Both of them had endless means, and Number Two could fight two monsters alone without losing.

"Come on, if you want to kill me, it depends on whether you are qualified."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he held Zhuxie in his hand and rushed towards Kuangfeng.

Kuangfeng closed his wings and blocked in front of himself.


There was a sound of steel hitting each other, and the sword in Ye Lin's hand chopped on Kuangfeng's wings, creating a lot of sparks.

"Boy, you may have forgotten us."

A monster that looked like a chimpanzee had a ferocious face and raised a fist as big as a house to punch Ye Lin.

"Liuyun Sword Technique, cut."

Ye Lin was surrounded by sword energy, and the power on the gorilla's fist was constantly reduced by the sword energy. When the fist came to Ye Lin, the power was only one tenth of it.

"Three swords of life and death, one sword to death, cut."

Ye Lin's face was indifferent, and he struck with a sword without hesitation.

The sword energy was so strong that the gorilla's fist was directly split into two, and the whole arm turned into blood mist.

"Lieyan, how about it?"

Kuangfeng looked at the gorilla.

"Damn, this guy is quite strong. The weapon in his hand is a top-grade Xuan-level weapon. When the two are combined, my defense is just a decoration in front of this guy."

"And he has a sword technique that can reduce attacks, which is a bit difficult to deal with."

Lie Yan's face was ugly. His attack was extremely fierce, and he emphasized breaking all methods with one force.

Ye Lin's Liuyun sword technique was extremely soft and soft, which was very difficult for him.

In a short moment, the arm that was originally chopped into blood mist by a sword began to grow again.

"I am Aotian, let me experience your high skills."

Aotian's body is like a lion, with four claws like the sky, three heads, a tail like steel, and a pair of wings on his back.

A shadow appeared behind Aotian, and this shadow was 90% similar to Aotian.

For a while, the whole canyon was shaking.

The battle of the Yuanying period master can be called the destruction of heaven and earth. Within a hundred miles, no grass grows.


Aotian roared at Ye Lin, and the shadow behind him also roared at Ye Lin, and then grabbed Ye Lin with a claw.

The shadow behind him, which was comparable to the sky and the earth, also grabbed Ye Lin's head.

"Jian Yi, break the sky with one sword."

After a brief fight, Ye Lin suddenly didn't want to play anymore. These five guys looked terrifying on the outside, but in fact, they were all straw bags.

The sword intent around Ye Lin spun, and he slowly raised the Zhuxie in his hand and slashed with a sword.

"Not good."

After seeing Ye Lin's sword, Aotian's huge pupils shrank.

Why, why is this attack stronger than the previous one? And it's not just a little bit stronger.


The sword move fell, and Aotian couldn't even resist for a moment. The shadow behind him shattered, and his entire beast was split into two.

A Yuanying stage monster fell just like that.

On the other side, Ye Lin No. 2 punched the monster in front of him and killed it, then turned to look at the second one.

Although the ancient immortal method of "One Qi into Three Pure Ones" is perverted, it is not that perverted. These days, No. 2 Ye Lin has been placed in the Dantian to nourish all the time.

The clone has another huge disadvantage, which is that it is like a power bank. When the power is out, it needs to be recharged.

The same is true for No. 2 Ye Lin. After a battle, he has to return to the Dantian to nourish, and this time is extremely long.

"I thought you could make me shine, but I didn't expect that this is all you can do."

"This ability can't kill me, I won't play with you anymore."

"So, go to hell."

Ye Lin said, and raised the long sword in his hand.

"Sword Two, one sword opens the mountains and seas."

The destructive sword intent around Ye Lin rotated, and he chopped down with a sword.

"Damn it, run."

Seeing this sword, Kuangfeng roared.

They underestimated Ye Lin's fighting power. This Ye Lin was not what they could take.


The next moment, the long sword fell, and Kuangfeng and Lieyan were chopped into blood mist by the sword.

On the other side, the battle was over.

After doing everything, Ye Lin took back his clone and let it nourish in his dantian.

This sword one and sword two were added by Ye Lin himself. There are a total of nine swords in this set of martial arts. When fighting, add sword one, sword two, sword three and so on in front, which is full of style.

Although he has cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage, Ye Lin is no exception.

After all, who can refuse such a cool thing to pretend to be cool.

"I thought he was some powerful stuff, but I didn't expect it to be just like this?"

After doing everything, Ye Lin was full of disdain, and then put away Zhuxie.

In this battle, he only took out 70% of his fighting power. Despite this, these five idiots couldn't even take his sword.

Then Ye Lin turned around and began to return to the battlefield.

At this time, the human race was defeated on the battlefield.

There were too many monsters, and even if they fought desperately, it would be useless.

In just half an hour, the monks in charge of logistics and alchemy seemed to be drained and pale.

God knows what they have experienced in this half hour.

Alchemy, alchemy, and alchemy.

Forget alchemy, or alchemy, or alchemy, and keep repeating the same action over and over again.

After each alchemy furnace, the alchemist needs a lot of rest, because alchemy is an extremely mentally exhausting job.

Even the Nascent Soul stage cultivator can't stand it.

And what about them? Half an hour, there is almost no time to rest for a second.

At this time, their energy and spiritual energy are all drained.

Damn, the donkey in the production team doesn't dare to do this.

"Hurry up, the front line is in urgent need of emergency, have you finished refining 30,000 spirit gathering pills and 30,000 blood recovery pills?"

At this time, a monk came to the alchemy camp and asked loudly.

Upon hearing this, all the alchemists' faces changed and they fell to the ground, their lives or deaths unknown.

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