You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2537 My name is Blood Evil

At this time, Ye Lin had completely adapted to the gravity here. He moved his body and it didn't affect him much.

"Chang Feng?"

Ye Lin looked at the strong man in front of him with a trace of helplessness in his eyes. He had just arrived and encountered this? Is he thinking that he is easy to bully.

"Peak of Earthly Immortal? You are not worthy of it. Listen to my advice and go down."

Looking at the faint peak of Earthly Immortal aura emanating from the person in front of him, Ye Lin shook his head and said.

Tianjiao does not refer to a realm, but the strength and growth potential in a certain realm.

And this guy in front of him who is at the peak of Earthly Immortal, he can't get any interest at all.

The peak of Earthly Immortal, but it can be destroyed by blowing.

The purpose of his coming here is to fight with the Tianjiao of the major clans, so as to improve and temper himself, instead of playing house with this group of ants.

"Look down on me?"

Chang Feng in the distance heard this and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

There are a total of 500,000 places on the Tianjiao list, and there are more than billions of creatures in this central area. Among them, there are billions of Tianjiao, and among the billions of creatures, as long as they can enter the Tianjiao list, they are superior.

"By the way, what realm are you in?"

Chang Feng, who was about to take action, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and then looked at Ye Lin carefully and said.

The Tianjiao list only has an age limit for Tianjiao from major ethnic groups, and there are no other restrictions.

Just now, I was too eager for quick success and forgot to ask this guy about his cultivation.

"Get lost."

Ye Lin flicked his finger, and Chang Feng's body suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the distant sky.

This scene stunned many creatures below.

"Hiss, Chang Feng is a figure on the Tianjiao list, but he was defeated so easily by the person in front of him?"

"Humph, Chang Feng is okay in the earthly immortal realm, but if he faces a strong celestial immortal, he is just an ant. The human Tianjiao in front of him seems to be a celestial immortal. We can only blame Chang Feng for not having a brain and blindly challenging him without asking about the realm. Fortunately, the human Tianjiao in front of him has just arrived and does not know the rules, otherwise the guy's death would be in vain."

Some creatures explained, and their tone showed contempt for Chang Feng just now.

After slapping the fly in front of him, Ye Lin turned and walked down the platform, and the creatures watching the show below also left one after another.

"Where did I get teleported to?"

Ye Lin stood there and looked around with a blank face.

"Daoyou, I am the Eastern God, ranked 114,565th on the Tianjiao List."

"Daoyou, I am Dark Night, ranked 114,566th on the Tianjiao List."

"May I ask Daoyou's name?"

Just when Ye Lin was planning where to go next, two young men came from a distance and bowed to Ye Lin.

A young man in a white robe with a pair of green horns, and another man who was all black, his body was looming, and looked extremely mysterious.

"My name is Blood Evil."

Looking at the two people in front of him, Ye Lin nodded.

"So it's Daoyou Blood Evil, may I ask Daoyou Blood Evil's realm?"

The Eastern God smiled at Ye Lin, and Ye Lin squinted at the two people in front of him.

"Ask about my realm right away, Daoyou, isn't that rude?"

Ye Lin said with a hint of murderous intent in his tone. Asking about others' cultivation right away would be considered a challenge if it were any other creature.

The realm of cultivation is something that any creature with a little bit of brains would choose to hide, so that you will never know what realm he is in.

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