In just a moment, Ye Lin received what the Devouring Demon Pot sent back.

After understanding the meaning, Ye Lin quickly made hand gestures with both hands, and a blood-red light flashed on his body.

"Blood training formation, rise."

Ye Lin pressed his hands down, and suddenly, the blood evil energy under Ye Lin's feet was entangled. In a short time, a huge blood-red formation diagram appeared under Ye Lin's feet.

The next moment, Ye Lin clapped his right hand again, and the blood-red formation diagram began to spread around at a speed that Ye Lin could not understand.

In just a few breaths, the blood-red formation diagram had already surrounded the entire starry sky.

"Blood sacrifice."

Ye Lin whispered again, and suddenly, all the creatures in the formation diagram turned into a pile of bones in an instant.

In just a few breaths, more than half of the billions of creatures were killed by himself. Looking at the scattered creatures in the distant starry sky, Ye Lin did not chase them again, but took back the Devouring Demon Pot.

Just now, he used the Heaven Devouring Demonic Art to perform the Blood Training Formation. Now, endless evil spirits are attacking his sea of ​​consciousness. He can still hold on now. If he continues to kill, he really can't stop these boundless evil spirits.

However, the effect is also very significant. The power fed back by the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot swallowing so many lives is equivalent to thousands of years of hard practice.

But despite this, he still restrained himself.

This method can certainly make him progress rapidly when used for cultivation, but the disadvantages are also terrible. He has committed boundless sins and accumulated boundless causes and effects. There is no big price to pay in a short time.

But in the end, once these things explode, it will be very terrifying.

According to the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot, the Heaven Devouring Demon King died under boundless killing sins. Because he committed too many killing sins in his life, when he finally passed the tribulation, the power of the tribulation increased several times, and he was killed by the nine-nine heavenly tribulation.

Ye Lin didn't want this to happen.

This method should be used with caution.

"No... Impossible, Bai Feng, you are so despicable that you colluded with the human race and set up a blood sacrifice formation. Could it be that your demon race wants to be the enemy of all races in the galaxy?"

The ancient king felt his own power fading away, and then looked at the defeat on the battlefield in the distance and Ye Lin's killing spree. He looked at Bai Feng opposite with anger.

He never expected that Bai Feng would dare to set up such a blood sacrifice formation despite the world's disapproval.

Although he had used this method many times, it was the first time he saw it used so openly.

"Hmph, we are now forced into a desperate situation. We are going to die anyway. The means are not important anymore, right?"

"You said it nicely. Although the blood sacrifice formation is banned, but... the entire galaxy universe is so big? How many creatures are there? There are quite a few who use the blood sacrifice formation."

"It is said that when the Shura clan and the God clan fought a million years ago, both sides used the blood sacrifice formation to sacrifice the creatures of three galaxy clusters. Why don't you blame them?"

Bai Feng was also frightened by Ye Lin's means. He openly sacrificed billions of lives on the battlefield. Such means and decisiveness all showed Ye Lin's cruelty.

But at this moment, Ye Lin helped his demon clan after all, and let them get out of trouble. No matter what, he had to speak for Ye Lin.


After being criticized by Bai Feng, the Bone King wanted to say something, but he finally held it back.

The God clan and the Shura clan are all the races standing at the top of the galaxy universe. Blaming them? Unless he has lived enough.

The top races in the Galaxy Universe were the ones who made the rules and were not people he could afford to provoke.

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