You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2528 The sun is approaching the abyss.

"Three elders of the Demon Spirit Clan, you are usually so majestic and famous, but after such a fight, I found that you are just chickens and pottery dogs."

"Don't worry, although you are a little old, I still like the taste of blood and flesh."

The original three old men stood in the starry sky and looked at the five True Immortals of the Red Spirit Clan who were slowly approaching.

With every step they took, the aura of the five people would increase by one point.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin knew that he couldn't wait any longer. During the battle, he saw that the Red Spirit Clan was extremely bloodthirsty. If he waited until the Demon Spirit Clan was destroyed, he would definitely die.

After all, he was very afraid of the so-called military formation.

He was not sure that he could fight the military formation alone.


The Red Spirit Clan strongman slapped out a palm, and an extremely powerful palm print crushed the space all the way and crushed towards the three old men.

The starry sky was trembling, as if it could not bear the terrifying power emitted by the palm print.

"The sun is coming."

Suddenly, at this critical moment, a sun suddenly rose behind the three old men, and the sun burst out with an extremely terrifying high temperature, melting everything.

The next moment, the sun attacked the five people directly.

"What the hell?"

One of the Red Spirit Clan True Immortals was surprised, but the next moment, the five of them were directly smashed by the sun.

While flying, they kept spitting blood from their mouths.

These five people are just ordinary cultivators. For Ye Lin, they can be killed with a single move.

After doing all this, Ye Lin stepped into the military formation. In an instant, waves of suppressive power came from all around. These suppressive powers entrenched on Ye Lin's body, and actually suppressed Ye Lin's strength by 10%.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist."

The three old men behind Ye Lin bowed to Ye Lin, their eyes flashing with strange light, and more of them were shocked. They didn't expect that the person in front of them would be so powerful.

Just by raising his hand, he beat the five people who had just forced them into a desperate situation and made them retreat with serious injuries.

"Ahem, what kind of creature are you?"

"Human race? How could the human race be here?"

The five powerful demon spirits who were just seriously injured by Ye Lin covered their chests and looked at Ye Lin in horror. Just one move beat them back with serious injuries.

So strong?

This is the battlefield between them and the demon spirits. Where did this human race genius come from?

"The sun is near the abyss."

Ye Lin stood in the starry sky, his blood-stained clothes were extremely bright, and his face was extremely cold. He just stood in the starry sky and looked down at the five people opposite, as if he was looking at five ants.

The next moment, Ye Lin raised his palm, and the immortal power in his palm gathered, and waves of terrifying power waves lingered in Ye Lin's palm.

The originally dark starry sky around was illuminated, and the light of the sun shone on the starry sky for billions of miles.


Then came Ye Lin's word without any emotion. The sun suppressed the five people without any reason.

The void trembled, the space was ruthlessly torn apart, and waves of void wind kept flashing.

"Damn it, this person is the peerless genius of the human race, join forces."

Looking at the extremely powerful sun in front of him, one of them said with an ugly face.

They are all ordinary people, relying on luck, opportunity and time accumulation to reach their current realm. It's okay to bully other ordinary true immortals at ordinary times, but if they really meet the genius of the Ten Thousand Races, they will only die.

After all, if a genius is invincible at different levels, how can he be called a genius?

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