You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2526: The two armies fight

"Kill, kill, kill."

As Bai Feng's voice fell, the Demonic Spirit Tribe behind Ye Lin let out a shocking shout of killing, and a strong murderous aura filled the air.

This time, Ye Lin clearly saw the auras emanating from these soldiers. These auras dispersed and finally condensed together.

These auras condensed together, eventually forming a white tiger that was about the same size as the five-clawed dragon.

The white tiger has its feet on the starry sky, and its eyes are as big as a star.

It stood in the starry sky, constantly surrounding the five-clawed dragon in front of it, and roared.

"Hahaha Bai Feng, the spirit of your military formation is much weaker than it was a hundred years ago. I wonder if you can still match my unparalleled demonic dragon this time?"

The Bone King laughed, and he jumped up, standing on the five-clawed magic power, looking at Bai Feng with a long knife in his hand.

Not to be outdone, Bai Feng held a silver-white spear in his hand and stood firmly on Bai Hu's back, looking at the Bone King quietly.

The next moment, countless rays of power entered the bodies of the two people. At this moment, the auras of the two people soared, and finally reached above the True Immortal, below the Taiyi Xuanxian, and reached a wonderful realm.


Bai Feng took the lead to take action, but the Bone King on the opposite side was not to be outdone. The two immediately fought, and the two peerless villains below also started fighting each other at this moment.

Ye Lin, who had been observing for a long time, finally figured out slightly that these two unparalleled evils were the military souls condensed by the two soldiers, and their strength was even more powerful.

Bai Feng and Bone King carried the power of the two soldiers, allowing their own power to briefly reach a state above that of a true immortal.

Looking at the two peerless villains fighting in the starry sky, Ye Lin himself was no match for them.

The sergeants behind Ye Lin were all in the Earth Immortal Realm. Even he had to retreat from the military soul condensed from the military formation composed of billions of Earth Immortal Realm sergeants.

"Kill me."

As the Bone King fell, a black tide appeared in the distance and spread towards this side. Among these black tides were black creatures, exuding black aura and approaching towards this side.

Billions of creatures form such a black tide, coming in like a tidal wave.

"Devil Clan soldiers, kill."

During the battle, Bai Feng also raised his spear and waved it. At this time, the soldiers standing on the war boat also had firm eyes, jumped off the war boat and rushed forward.

In a short period of time, the two armies met. In an instant, the sound of fighting resounded throughout the world, and the entire starry sky shook.

High in the starry sky, powerful immortals restrained each other and fought against each other.

The two peerless beasts condensed by the military formation continued to fight, but in Ye Lin's eyes, as time passed, the white tiger became weaker and weaker.

The reason for all this is that the Demon Spirit Clan army below seemed a bit invincible to the Red Spirit Clan army, and they were retreating steadily along the way.

This also caused the weakness of the military soul.

Once the military spirit disperses, the outcome of the battle is already determined.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, demon clan, die."

Suddenly, one after another evil and direct voices came, and five black shadows were seen walking towards this side on the battlefield in the distance. The five black shadows were all middle-level True Immortals.

They did not hesitate to take action against the demon spirit clan army below.

The army is composed of earthly immortals and heavenly immortal monks. When a true immortal enters it, it is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep and cannot be resisted at all.

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