You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2522: Strange Land


After taking a deep breath, Ye Lin slowly stood up and walked step by step outside the main hall. Looking at the sea of ​​flowers in front of him and smelling the fragrance of flowers in the air, Ye Lin had a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Luo Yao? Luo Yao?"

Looking at the sea of ​​flowers all over the sky, he still couldn't see the innocent little girl from before. Ye Lin's mind began to search the whole star, but in the end, Luo Yao was not found.

"Are you leaving?"

Ye Lin said to himself, has Luo Yao left?

In the end, Ye Lin shook his head with a smile, took one step in the air, took the next step, and the whole person had left the stars behind him.

After Ye Lin left, the entire star began to collapse, eventually shattering into pieces and becoming garbage in the starry sky.

"This is……"

As soon as Ye Lin came out, he saw huge war boats all over the starry sky in front of him, and the war boats were floating quietly in the starry sky.

The densely packed war boats were dazzling to see. There were rows and rows of soldiers standing on top of these war boats.

A strong chilling air filled the entire starry sky.

"Where is this fellow Taoist?"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came. The next moment, Ye Lin felt that he was locked by an extremely powerful energy and couldn't help but look up.

I saw a pair of pupils staring at me from outside the endless starry sky.

"I am in retreat here and have no intention of disturbing you, so I will say goodbye."

After Ye Lin finished speaking Weiwei, he turned and left.

"Fellow Taoist, please wait."

Just when Ye Lin turned around to leave, the voice just now came again, and a man wearing a golden robe was seen walking across the starry sky, holding a chessboard and stroking it carefully.

"what for?"

Ye Lin stopped and turned around and asked.

"I am Bai Feng. This place has been surrounded. If my fellow Taoist leaves at this time, he will be easily targeted. How about waiting for the battle to end and then leaving?"

Bai Feng slowly came to Ye Lin, and the chat between the two also caused the creatures on the surrounding war boats to fall into communication.

"Who is the person talking to General Bai? He seems to be a strong human being. If he can talk to General Bai, he must be a true immortal."

"I don't know. That person seemed to appear suddenly. Could it be that he was sent by the human race during the break? Could it be that the human race also wants to get involved?"

"have no idea."

"Are you at war with the Kingdom of God?"

Looking at the war boats around, Ye Lin asked again, the territory occupied by the Kingdom of God is boundless, and when he was in retreat, he was also within the territory of the Kingdom of God.

But now, there are so many strange war ships here, and these people are obviously not from the Kingdom of God. Is it possible that the Kingdom of God has been attacked by the enemy?

"Fellow Taoist has misunderstood. The Kingdom of God is in the Star Territory of God, and this is the Demon Territory. There are countless star territories between it and the Territory of God."

Bai Feng was a little surprised and said that the Kingdom of God is one of the top 100 forces in the galaxy. It is far away from here. Even if a true immortal wants to come here from the realm of God, he will have to travel continuously for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Huh? There are countless star fields in between?"

Ye Lin was completely confused at this moment. He had just been in seclusion for thousands of years. After he came out of seclusion, he came to a strange star field again?

How big is a star field? Let's put it this way. Ye Lin was traveling at full speed. It would take hundreds or even thousands of years to cross a star field.

As the True Immortal hurried on at full speed, he was able to jump through space in the starry sky, a few minutes faster than the speed of light.

"Is it possible that my fellow Taoist is from the Star Realm of God?"

Seeing Ye Lin's confused look, Bai Feng couldn't help but ask.

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