You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2513 Mysterious Woman.

Regardless of Luo Yao's magic, Ye Lin walked forward and looked at the coffin in front of him.

In the coffin, there lay a peerless beauty, with a delicate face, wearing a white dress, and a snow-white long sword beside her.

She just closed her eyes, like a sleeping beauty, but unfortunately, there was no life in her body.

And next to her head was a jade talisman, with bursts of light wrapped around the surface of the jade talisman.

Ye Lin reached out and took the jade talisman in his hand. Looking at the jade talisman in his hand, Ye Lin stood there hesitantly.

Logically speaking, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder Sword Art should be in this jade talisman, but Ye Lin hesitated.

Rebirth by taking over another body, these are the four words that Ye Lin thought of the first time.

These four words are not unfamiliar.

Ye Lin was afraid that there was a backhand left by this woman in this jade talisman. He did not know the identity and cultivation of this woman. What if she was a Taiyi Xuanxian or even a Jinxian in her life, then once he activated the jade talisman, everything would be over.

Taiyi Xuanxian is powerful, even if it is just a trace of consciousness, Ye Lin cannot resist it.

"Wow, this sister is so beautiful."

Luo Yao said with a surprised face while lying on the coffin, and her little feet swung beside the coffin.

"Forget it, people die and birds fly up to the sky, can I still be stumped by you?"

Finally, Ye Lin gritted his teeth and put the jade talisman on his forehead, and probed into it with his mind.

In an instant, a huge memory poured into Ye Lin's mind. Ye Lin felt that his eyes went black, and his whole body lay straight on the ground.

"Ye Lin, Ye Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Lin frightened Luo Yao, who was lying on the coffin, with this move. Luo Yao jumped off the coffin and pushed Ye Lin with both hands, but no matter how hard she tried, Ye Lin did not move at all.

Luo Yao walked around Ye Lin anxiously. Ye Lin was the only friend besides his aunt, and the only friend he could communicate with.

If something happened to Ye Lin, would she have to go back to the lonely time?

She didn't want to go back to the days when no one could see her and no one could communicate.

On the other side, Ye Lin found herself in a silent space.

There was a blue lake under her feet, and in front of the lake there was a towering tree. The emerald green towering tree was rooted on the lake, and its branches were swinging.

In the center of the tree sat a woman in white, lying on the trunk, with a snow-white long sword hanging around her waist.

She just lay there quietly, her delicate face made people unable to help but be moved.

"This is..."

When Ye Lin saw the woman clearly, he was shocked. Wasn't this woman the one lying in the coffin?

This woman pulled herself into this space through the jade talisman. Could it be that she wanted to take over someone else's body?

For a moment, Ye Lin was alert.

"After so many years, someone finally came. Although it is a shameful thing to have my tomb robbed, I also don't like people disturbing me after I die."

"But I want someone to come in. After all, this way, I will have a successor."

The woman muttered to herself. She jumped up on the ground and walked towards Ye Lin step by step. With every step, ripples appeared on the surface of the lake under her feet.

"Senior, what are you doing..."

Looking at the woman staggering towards him, Ye Lin clasped his fists and bowed.

His expression was inevitably a little alert.

"Don't be afraid, I know what you are thinking."

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