You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2508 Happy Children's Day 1

The so-called fragment of the fairy world is just a continent. The surface of the continent is covered with white mist, and the fairy aura is floating in the air, giving it a unique flavor.

Ye Lin wore a scarlet mask and a blood-red robe, looking like a god of death walking from hell.

Just standing there, there is a boundless evil spirit rushing towards his face.

Golden streams of light all around escaped into the continent, while Ye Lin was waiting for someone.

While Ye Lin was waiting hard, Luo Yao, who was wrapped in the river water, came to Ye Lin and looked at Ye Lin like this.

"Why didn't you wait for me when you left? Why didn't you take me with you? Aren't we friends?"

Luo Yao said a little aggrievedly that she regarded Ye Lin as a friend, but Ye Lin didn't seem to regard her as a true friend.

Looking at Luoyao Yelin in front of him, he was shocked. He had hidden all his breath, and with the mask, he was completely a different person.

And this identity was easily discovered by Luo Yao, which shocked him inside.

But Ye Lin was not too surprised. After all, Luo Yao was full of secrets and he was used to it.

"This is not where you should be, it's very dangerous."

Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"You are caring about me, you are caring about me, right? This is how it feels to be cared about."

Ye Lin's words obviously changed their meaning when they reached Luo Yao's ears. Luo Yao said with excitement on her face. She touched her chin and jumped around Ye Lin, seemingly very happy.

With every step she took, there would be a wave of waves beneath her feet.

Although she was in mid-air, the waves followed her all the time.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed in front of Ye Lin. The corners of Ye Lin's mouth under the mask raised slightly, and then he looked at Luo Yao beside him.

"If you want to go, follow me. I won't wait for you or take you with me."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, his body suddenly disappeared.

Luo Yao stood there blankly, looking at the empty surroundings. There was nowhere to see Ye Lin.

"Dahe, I want to follow him."

Luo Yao said angrily. The next moment, something incredible happened. Endless river water suddenly surged out of the empty surroundings. The river water wrapped Luo Yao in it and followed Ye Lin closely.

Ye Lin followed the golden stream of light in front of him and rushed all the way. As he walked, Ye Lin discovered that a broken building appeared on the land that was originally full of mountains, rivers and rivers.

The white buildings were now in ruins, and it was impossible to find an intact building among them.

The next moment, the golden stream of light in front of him escaped downwards. Ye Lin followed closely behind the golden stream of light. Finally, the golden stream of light fell on a flat surface. When the golden light dissipated, the true appearance was revealed.

This person is Qin An, Qin Ziyan's sister.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder Sword Technique will definitely be found in this person.

Ye Lin hid behind him, trying his best to hide his aura.

Name: Qin An

Cultivation: Peak of True Immortal

Destiny: Taoist

Identity: A direct descendant of the Qin family, an imperial clan among the top 100 forces in the galaxy.

Race: Demigod

Luck value: five billion

Numerology: [Demigod Bloodline] [Powerful Background] [Intelligence and Spirituality] [Holy Elephant Divine Body] [Affinity to All Things] [Celestial Vision]

Destiny: Stopping at the peak of Taiyi Xuanxian, while fighting with foreign races, he fought alone against three powerful Taiyi Xuanxian peaks, and finally died in hatred.

Recent opportunity: Three months later, a large tomb was discovered in the center of the Burial Sword Mountain Range. After entering the tomb, a bronze coffin was found. After struggling to open the coffin, the Supreme Sword Art, the Nine Heavens Xuan Lei Sword Art, was found inside.

[Demigod Bloodline]: It is rumored that a long time ago, the world was in chaos, and the chaos lasted for a long time. In the chaos, there were various races. Their bodies were powerful, and their cultivation was extremely tyrannical. They could use The power of the physical body can resist the chaotic air mass, and among them, there is a race called God. This race has a powerful body, and its body can return huge power, and its bloodline contains a trace of the law of power.

[Powerful background]: The background is transcendent, and a strong background is also part of the strength.

[Comprehension to the Gods]: Your understanding is extremely strong, and your extremely strong understanding can quickly make you ahead of your peers.

[Holy Elephant Divine Body]: A natural divine body that contains the power of the Holy Elephant. Once activated, you can gain the bonus of the power of the ancient Holy Elephant.

[Affinity to all things]: The perception is very sensitive, and you can often detect something from everything around you.

[Celestial Eyes]: Born with magical powers, a pair of eyes that are different from ordinary people, can always see things that cannot be seen in life, and can also penetrate into the soul and penetrate illusions.

Map of the Buried Sword Mountain Range: Go forward a thousand miles, turn left and walk another thousand miles until you reach a mountain range wrapped in powerful sword energy. This is the Buried Sword Mountain Range.

After reading Qin An's panel, Ye Lin smiled. The panel was so considerate that he even gave it to him.

Now that it's better, we don't have to follow Qin An to search hard for three months.

It saves a lot of trouble.

"Ye Lin, were you chasing him just now? You left too fast and didn't wait for me."

At this moment, a pure laughter reached Ye Lin's ears. Looking forward, Ye Lin was suddenly startled.

Luo Yao was seen standing next to Qin An. She was walking around Qin An with her hands behind her hands, and at the same time she didn't forget to complain about Ye Lin.

But something magical happened. No matter how Luo Yao circled Qin An, Qin An seemed to be unable to see Luo Yao and walked straight forward.

However, the next moment, Qin An's body passed through Luo Yao's body.

Luo Yao was not surprised at all by this, as if she was used to it.

At this moment, Ye Lin remembered what Luo Yao had said to him before. In this world, you are the only one who can discover me besides my aunt.

At this moment, he finally understood why Luo Yao in front of him was so naive, why he was so naive, and why he needed friends so much.

Why would he not leave after just seeing her once?

It turns out that living in a world with only oneself will drive everyone crazy.

Others can't see you, let alone find yourself. It seems like you are the only one in the world. Thinking about it makes people despair.

"Ye Lin, why are you following him? It's nothing special."

At this time, Luo Yao jumped up to Ye Lin and said with doubts on her face.

Ye Lin just shook his head and said nothing, then turned into a blood shadow and rushed forward, not forgetting to hold Luo Yao in his hand.

Feeling the scene around her retreat rapidly, Luo Yao, who was being held by Ye Lin, waved her hands.

"Faster, faster, rush, rush, rush."

Luo Yao's small bell-like voice kept ringing, and the sound was very clear throughout the valley, but unfortunately, only Ye Lin could hear the sound.

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