You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 25 Defeat Lin Ziyou and become an inner disciple

The outer disciples around were talking about it, and for a moment, the whole venue was noisy.

"Look, Ye Lin is here, I recognize him, it's him."

At this time, someone shouted loudly, and the originally crowded crowd made way.

It took Ye Lin only half a year to climb from a chores disciple to an outer disciple. Both the outer disciples and the former chores disciples admired him very much.

When a person is strong to a certain extent, the people left behind can only look up to him, not envy him.

Following the path made by the outer disciples, Ye Lin came to the ring. At this time, the ring was empty, and Lin Ziyou obviously had not arrived yet.

When he came to the ring, Ye Lin looked around and saw all the mountains. Last time, he stood here to compete for the chores consul.

This time, he came to compete for the inner disciples, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"Hiss, such a strong aura. This person just stands there and has a king-like demeanor. It is really admirable."

"If you can't flatter, just flatter hard, right?"

Ye Lin stood on the stage for half an hour, which made countless outer disciples below complain.

"I have long been dissatisfied with these inner disciples. They look down on others all day long and are so arrogant. The resources of an inner disciple in a month are the resources of an ordinary outer disciple in ten years."

"Yes, but they are strong, what can we do?"

Due to this unfair system, the outer disciples of Qingyun Sect have no good feelings towards the inner disciples.

We outer disciples work hard for resources all day long, and we have to complete performance in a month. If we don't do it well, we may die on the way to the task.

And you inner disciples? You get rich resources all day long, and there is no point system. You are simply envious of others.

After a while, a young man in black clothes with a sharp eyebrow came hurriedly.

"Sorry, I was delayed by something. Come on, after I finish you off, I still need to prepare to enter the inner sect secret realm."

Lin Ziyou, who came hurriedly, looked at the outer sect disciples around him with disdain, and then said to Ye Lin.

From beginning to end, he did not take Ye Lin seriously at all.

The challengers before were all inner sect disciples at the eighth level of Qi training, which allowed these outer sect disciples to sneak into the inner sect.

And what about him? He, Lin Ziyou, is at the ninth level of Qi training. With such strength, even if he is placed in the inner sect, he is in the middle stage.

"Are you sure? Senior brother, this punch of mine may kill you."

Ye Lin clenched his fists, and his tone was a little playful.

He has a good temper, but after waiting for this person on the ring for half an hour, even a person with a good temper would not be able to help himself.

"Outer sect people are ants."

In response, Lin Ziyou was full of disdain. The person in front of him was at most the eighth level of Qi training, and what about him? A top master of the ninth level of Qi training.

Even if he was allowed three moves, he might not be able to do anything to me.

"Damn, so arrogant."

When Lin Ziyou said this, he immediately angered everyone. The outer disciples below stared at him with anger, but their hands did not move at all.

They still knew the situation. They were not as strong as others, so they could only do this.

"This person is so arrogant and conceited. Since that's the case, I will first test his approximate strength and give him the illusion that he is mediocre. Then, when he underestimates the enemy, I will kill him with one blow."

Ye Lin thought to himself that this person was at the ninth level of Qi training after all, one level higher than himself. If he fought head-on, even if he could beat him, he would have to waste some effort.

"Brother, since you are so confident, then watch this punch."

Then Ye Lin used his spiritual power and punched Lin Ziyou. This punch went straight to his face.

"You're pretty vicious?"

Lin Ziyou sneered and swung his fist directly. The two fists collided, and suddenly, a low explosion sounded throughout the venue.

Tap, tap, tap.

After this punch, Ye Lin retreated three steps, while Lin Ziyou retreated half a step. After one punch, the gap was revealed.

"It's still a bit difficult to fight across levels without using spiritual fire."

Ye Lin rubbed his numb arm. It was unrealistic to defeat Lin Ziyou in front of him without using the power of spiritual fire.

"Humph, I thought he was so powerful? That's it?"

Lin Ziyou, who took Ye Lin's punch, was even more disdainful of Ye Lin. He thought the man in front of him was so awesome.

Unexpectedly, he was just an ordinary eighth-level Qi training.

"Humph, waste of time, you wasted five minutes of my time. In this case, I will cripple your arm, which is also a lesson."

At this time, Lin Ziyou moved.

"Rising Dragon Fist."

An incomplete dragon head appeared on Lin Ziyou's right arm, and at the same time, there was a faint dragon roar in the air around him.

Ye Lin suddenly felt as if he had lost his mind, but in an instant, he came back to his senses.

"Fuck, Rising Dragon Fist? This is a low-grade Xuan-level fist technique, one of the sect's martial arts."

"With this momentum, I'm afraid that Junior Brother Ye Lin can't handle it?"

Seeing Lin Ziyou's momentum, the outer disciples below were worried.


Seeing this, Ye Lin didn't feel scared at all, but full of fighting spirit.

"Seven Killing Fist, kill."

Ye Lin roared, and the spiritual energy in his body surged wildly. At the same time, the spiritual fire in his dantian began to move and attached to his right arm.

This time, after the last punch, Lin Ziyou obviously underestimated his opponent.


A loud noise spread throughout the square, and the ring under his feet shook slightly.


With a crisp sound, Lin Ziyou flew backwards and hit the wooden pillar on the edge of the ring.

"How is it possible? What did you do?"

Lin Ziyou stared at Ye Lin with his eyes, and his right arm was bent in a strange shape, obviously, it was useless.

And he could feel a tingling sensation in his right arm, as if a fire was burning his bones, which made him feel miserable.

"Fuck, Junior Brother Ye Lin won? Unbelievable, how did he win?"

"To be honest, I didn't understand it either, but he is already an inner disciple. If you keep calling me Junior Brother, you'll be fine."

"Sorry, Senior Brother, this punch might be a bit heavy, are you okay?"

Looking at Ye Lin's harmless side, Lin Ziyou was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood on the ring, and then lay heavily on the ring and fainted.

"Senior Brother Huang, I have become an inner disciple, right?"

At this time, Ye Lin moved his arms and asked Huang Xiong under the ring.

Huang Xiong was shocked when he was asked. At this time, he felt that Ye Lin was like a devil. He was completely scared. Those thoughts before were just guesses, but now they were confirmed.

"Congratulations, Senior Brother Ye Lin. I will take you to the inner gate to register. Please follow me."


Ye Lin nodded and was about to leave. Suddenly, he turned his head to look at Lin Ziyou, and a transparent panel appeared in front of him.

Name: Lin Ziyou

Cultivation: Qi training level 9

Fate: Green

Numerology: [Good luck] [Proud of Heaven]

Destiny: After practicing for a lifetime, he entered the Jindan stage and became the Grand Elder of Qingyun Sect. In the end, he did not enter the Yuanying stage and died of exhaustion.

Recent opportunities: After being defeated by Ye Lin, his Tao heart was broken. One month later, he wanted to end it all in the depths of the Ten Thousand Miles Mountain. However, he found the Xuan-level top-grade spiritual fruit, Nirvana Fruit, in the abyss. After swallowing it, it was like a phoenix nirvana. His right arm was repaired and his combat power increased greatly.

[Good luck]: Your luck is better than that of ordinary people. You can always pick up something on the road. Good luck can often help you turn danger into safety when you encounter a crisis.

[Proud of Heaven]: Your life is smooth sailing. You believe that you are not inferior to anyone in your life, and you have the meaning of being invincible.

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