You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2399 Talents Gathering

"However, due to the reputation of the soul-suppressing lock and the few old guys in the deepest part of Tianyong City, no one has dared to take action."

"I believe that many people will come this time. After all, many people no longer intend to live. Instead of living in vain, they may want to fight to the death."

"However, the prerequisite for overthrowing Tianyong City is that you can stop those old guys in Tianyong City."

"Those old guys are suspected to be Taiyi Xuanxian."

Jade Rose on the side explained to Ye Lin thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Ye Lin understood that these prodigies who entered Shuiyue Cave on May 1st were not arrogant people, but now they had to live like dogs. Naturally, many people had other thoughts.

For such people, a spectacular death is like living a mediocre life.

"Although they were once Taiyi Xuanxian, it is still unclear whether they can exert the power of Taiyi Xuanxian now."

Seeing Ye Lin deep in thought, Jade Rose thought Ye Lin was scared, so she explained thoughtfully.

For example, as she is now, she cannot exert the so-called true immortal power at all, even if she was once a true immortal.

This is true even with the ultimate sublimation. The ultimate sublimation can elevate her state to the peak state in a short period of time, but compared with the real immortal, it is still far behind.

They can no longer be called true immortal monks.

While several people were chatting, figures kept approaching from all directions. Young people, old people, men and women, and a lot of people quickly moved towards this direction.

Shen Yunxue, who noticed the movement, slowly opened her eyes and stood up.

"Old Niu, why did you call us here? Are you going to take action?"

"That's right, Lao Niu, if you take action and take me with you, I will have lived long enough."

"Xiaoyu, you are still young, have you thought about it?"

Voices came one after another, and these people gathered around Niu Hanshan and Yu Ruyi. It seemed that they were called by Yu Ruyi and Niu Hanshan.

Ye Lin was surprised when he saw this scene. He knew how far Tianyong City was from here. How long had it passed before so many people came?

"I called you here because of him."

Niu Hanshan pointed to Ye Lin in the distance and said in a deep voice.

"who is he?"

One of the young men looked in the direction pointed by Niu Hanshan's finger with confusion on his face. After seeing Ye Lin, he had confusion on his face.

"He is a newcomer. He is trying to obtain the information Tianyong City has collected over the years in Tianyong City to find a way out."

"There is no way to avoid a head-on conflict with Tianyong City, so I called you here. Instead of dying in such an embarrassment, it is better to give it a good fight."

After Niu Hanshan finished speaking, the young man and everyone behind him looked at Ye Lin.

"Newcomer? I can sense the strong Immortal Realm cultivation in you. We have already wanted to overthrow the so-called Tianyong City, but there is no one to lead it."

"If you really have an idea, we can help you. If you find a way out, take us out with you."

"Add me, I can give you a shake, I know a lot of people."

"Add me too. I've had enough of staying in this hellish place. I won't regret it even if I die."

Listening to the voices one after another, Ye Lin felt a little emotional for a moment. These people were actually dead in their hearts. Now, they just want to radiate the last trace of residual heat before they die.

"Boy, people like you are already in the third batch. Although the chance of success is very small, I am still willing to follow you."

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