You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2397 The mysterious disappearance of Wang Feng

"What's going on?"

Wang Feng, who was suppressing the three people, suddenly realized that his body was out of control and he was slowly flying towards the sky.

"It's you? How is it possible?"

He rushed toward Ye Lin uncontrollably, and then stopped steadily in front of Ye Lin. Only then did he realize that all the soldiers he had brought with him had disappeared.

Not even a bit of residue was left behind.

Thinking about his situation, he looked at Ye Lin with horror in his eyes.

Ye Lin did all this?

The soul-suppressing lock is something Tianyong City has studied for tens of millions of years. Anyway, there has never been any problem since it was used until now. Even Taiyi Xuanxian had to kneel down when he encountered it.

But now, the person in front of me is not affected at all, and he has killed all his people?

"Tell me, what is the origin of that chain?"

Ye Lin said coldly. With a thought in his mind, Wang Feng's two arms in front of him instantly turned into blood mist.

"No... don't kill me."

Wang Feng said with fear on his face. Obviously, he was very afraid of death.

"This soul-suppressing lock is..."

Before he could say a few words, his entire body gradually turned into nothingness, and finally disappeared without leaving even a trace.

"How is this going?"

Ye Lin said with a solemn expression. At this moment, all his cognition was shattered. First, it was the mysterious chain that restrained the strong man in the fairyland, and then Wang Feng disappeared quietly under his hand.

He didn't catch any trace of Wang Feng's disappearance. The only one who could do this was Taiyi Xuanxian.

Now there is still Taiyi Xuanxian in this place? Ye Lin is full of doubts about this.

After tens of millions of years of suppression, Taiyi Xuanxian would never be able to last for so long, even with the Stone of Effort. Either his realm would fall or he would die.

But now, it is suspected that Taiyi Xuanxian still exists, which makes him feel a little embarrassed.

Is this considered to be indirectly being targeted by the existence of Taiyi Xuanxian realm? That is not a good sign.

"How did you do it? Are you able to be immune to the soul-suppressing lock?"

At this time, Jade Rose in the distance came to Ye Lin holding her injured arm and said with surprise on her face.

She has seen how powerful the soul-suppressing lock is. No matter how evil the genius is, they are extremely vulnerable to the soul-suppressing lock.

Tianyong City also relied on this soul-suppressing lock to secure its position as the overlord of the Mirror Moon Land.

But now, all this has been broken by the person in front of him.


In response to Jade Rose's question, Ye Lin could only say two words mysteriously.

Since he didn't ask anything, he believed that the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar must know.

"All right."

There was no trace of disappointment on Jade Rose's face. Everyone has secrets, and a taboo in the world of immortality is not to get to know people you just met, even if they are acquaintances.

"Is there Taiyi Xuanxian in Tianyong City?"

After a moment of silence and looking at Shen Yunxue who was recovering from absorbing the fairy stone in the distance, Ye Lin asked.

"No, there can't be Taiyi Xuanxian in Tianyong City. Maybe there was before, but there is definitely not now. What's wrong? Have you noticed traces of Taiyi Xuanxian?"

Jade Rose affirmed after hearing this.

But looking at Ye Lin's suspicious look, Jade Rose asked again in a flash.

"That guy ran away just now. He ran away under my hands. I don't even know how he disappeared. I think Taiyi Xuanxian must be behind this."

Ye Lin shook his head and replied.

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