You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2394: Lin Yunlu in disarray

If it weren't for the order, they wouldn't want to deal with the fairyland monks. They had all been fairyland monks before, so they naturally knew how terrifying the fairyland monks were.

Although I have the soul-suppressing lock in my hand, I still feel uneasy.

But after seeing Lin Yunlu approaching, they knew they couldn't paddle.


Chains were intertwined on Lin Yun's head, forming a huge iron net.

"You alone can't trap me."

Lin Yunlu's small face was full of disdain, and her whole body turned into a wisp of smoke and fled into the distance.

"Five elements of heaven and earth, sleepy."

A crisp sound sounded, and in an instant, bright lights began to flash on the ground. These bright lights intertwined with the iron mesh in the sky, and eventually turned into a black cover.

Lin Yunlu's body hit the cover and was knocked out, hitting the ground heavily.

"What the hell is this?"

Lin Yunlu covered her head with a look of astonishment on her face. She was a weapon spirit. She was in a spirit state. How could she be trapped in this way?

However, there was still no fear on her face. She stretched out her hand and made a slight move. The Xuanhuang Universal Clock in Ye Lin's hand immediately left Ye Lin's palm and flew towards Lin Yunlu.

I saw green light shining on the Xuanhuang All Things Clock, which directly knocked open a big hole in the black cover and reached Lin Yunlu's hand.

"Hmph, look at my black and yellow anger."

Lin Yunlu snorted coldly, and the next moment, two auras, one black and one white, emanated from the Xuanhuang All Things Clock and settled on the soles of Lin Yunlu's feet.

The next moment, a huge Tai Chi pattern formed on the soles of Lin Yunlu's feet.

One is black and the other is white, and there are two fish swimming away among them.

"In my name, call me by my name, the Great Heavenly Lord, save me."

Lin Yunlu muttered something, and the next moment, bursts of dazzling white light suddenly lit up above the Tai Chi diagram under her feet. In the white light, a figure was gradually appearing.

When the white light dissipated, an old man wearing a Taoist robe was seen standing on top of the Tai Chi diagram.

The old man looked up at the iron net above his head with a kind face, then took out his hand and swept it, and a white light flashed past.

The white light turned into a crescent shape and hit the iron net above the head. There was a sparse sound from the iron net, and then it broke and disappeared in the sky.

The old man's face was full of surprise when he saw his blow shattering. He then closed his eyes and thought. After a few breaths, the old man shook his head and his whole body turned into nothingness.

The Tai Chi diagram under Lin Yunlu's feet also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yunlu was completely confused. Her biggest trump card was useless?


Another extremely serious voice sounded, and the iron net on Lin Yunlu's head fell instantly. Lin Yunlu only felt a suffocating force of suppression wrapping around her body.

Before she could take a breath, the iron net above her head fell down, and she was so frightened that she suddenly hid in the Xuanhuang Universal Clock.


The iron net fell down, covering all things black and yellow.

At the same time, Ye Lin in the distance suddenly felt that the connection between himself and the Xuanhuang Universal Clock was cut off.

"How can it be?"

At this moment, Ye Lin's expression completely changed, and he could no longer feel the existence of the Xuanhuang Universal Clock.

What the hell is this?

"Oh? A supreme weapon? Is this kid so rich?"

At this time, one of the soldiers in golden armor walked to the center of the iron net and squatted down to look at the Xuanhuang Universal Clock. Then he took out a black glove and put it on his hand, then reached out and took the Xuanhuang Universal Clock in his hand.

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